480 元人民币
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400 元人民币
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随着经济全球化和知识经济的发展,全球人才培养与人才流动正在发生着深刻的变化。中国和美国,一个是正在日益崛起的新兴大国, 拥有广阔的市场和无可限量的发展潜力; 另一个是长期稳居世界前位的传统超级大国,拥有世界上最强大的经济和科技实力。两国的人才流动与移民政策将会对中美和世界产生何种影响?国际人才流动将呈现怎样的发展趋势?


201381日上午9点至下午13点半, 中国国际人才专业委员会将在北京国际饭店举办中美国际人才流动研讨会,邀请美国移民政策研究所(MPI)所长Papademetriou先生参加。 MPI是全美最领先的移民和人才研究智库,Papademetriou先生将对国际人才流动与移民的广泛议题进行阐述,特别是最近美国国会参议院通过的新的移民法案,包括美国更加重视人才引进,准备将每年的人才工作签证H1B签证从每年发放65000个大幅提升到110000个,免除人才移民的国别配额,出台创业签证等最新政策等。中国国际人才专委会会长,欧美同学会副会长,中国与全球化研究中心主任王辉耀博士将介绍中国目前最新的国际人才流动研究与政策,包括中央的“千人计划”,中国25部门最新通过的中国绿卡待遇完善政策以及人大和国务院法制办新通过的人才签证等。


参与圆桌讨论的嘉宾还将包括政府有关部门领导、国内科研院所著名人才研究专家、国内外知名企业代表,优秀国际人才以及国内外相关媒体等。拟邀请参会嘉宾还包括中国人事科学研究院院长吴江,国家外专局政策法规司副司长高翔,国家开发银行首席国际业务顾问李山,北京留学服务行业协会会长桑澎,北京因私出入境中介机构协会会长齐立新,美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学副校长李百炼,人民大学公共管理学院副院长蓝志勇,教育部原国际交流与合作司司长何晋秋,中央电视台国际频道对话主持人杨锐,美国德杰律师事务所执行合伙人陶景洲,中银国际控股(亚洲)有限公司董事总经理程雁,安永华明会计师事务所董事长葛明,智联招聘首席执行官郭盛,上海CDP集团首席执行官王炜,合益集团(Hay Group)东北亚区总裁陈玮,罗盛咨询公司大中华区董事总经理程原,麦可思研究院院长王伯庆,北京理工大学法学院教授刘国福,北京大学人口学研究所副教授庞丽华等。




时间:2013819:00 –13:30









一、德米特里 帕帕德美特里欧博士简介












An Invitation to

Roundtable on Global Talent Movement and Its Impact on the World


Dear Sir/Madam,

Along with economic globalization, global talents cultivation and talents flow are undergoing profound changes. According to the United Nations, there are over 200 million people working outside the countries where they were born, many of whom are skilled immigrants. China and the United States, both among the largest talent moving countries in the world, one is the rising power with an increasing need for global talents with unlimited development potential, the other is traditionally the largest talent attracting country in the world with new immigration reform forthcoming. How will  the mobility and migration of talents of the two countries affect China, the US, and the world in general?

From 09:00am to13:30pm, August 1stThursday, 2013, China Global Talents SocietyCGTSwill hold ‘Roundtable on Global Talent Movement and Its Impact on the World’ seminar at Beijing International Hotel. Dr. Demetrios Papademetriou, President of a well-known Washington-based think tank on migration and talent--Migration Policy Institute (MPI) will be featured as a keynote speaker at the roundtable. Dr. Papademetriou will make a speech on International talents flow and migration against a background of the recently passed new immigration bill by the US Senate. The new immigration bill proposed that, among other important new measures, quota for H-1B working visas for highly skilled workers should be raised from 65,000 to 110,000 per year.

Dr. Wang Huiyao, President of China Global Talents Society and Director General of Center for China and Globalization, Vice Chairman of China Western Returned Scholars Association (WRSA), will also give a talk to introduce the new trend of China’s global talent movement, new policies adopted by China’s ‘Thousand Talents Plan’, China's green card policy, China’s “talent visa” and other forefront studies on talents.

Attendees of the roundtable discussion will consist of guests from China’s government and research institutes, including experts on talents research and representatives of famous enterprises, media at home and abroad. Along with other dignitaries, WU Jiang, President of Chinese Academy of Personnel Science and Gao Xiang, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Policy and Legislation, China State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs will participate in the roundtable discussion. The roundtable will provide an opportunity for in-depth communication among international talent experts, government officials, corporate executives and media representatives.

CGTS cordially invites you to attend the conference. Please confirm your registration so that we could arrange seats for you. Networking lunch will be served after the conference.

We look forward to meeting you at the roundtable.


Time09:00am-13:30pm, August 1st, 2013

VenuesConference Center, Beijing International Hotel


Attendance Confirmation Form









480RMB per person / 400RMB per person for member of CGTS


 On Line Payment



Go to you office(cash or check, only in Urban)

Contact PersonDONG HuiGAO He

Tel010-65611039 Fax010-65611040

Mobile15001326698 15110018766

E-maildonghui@ccg.org.cn  gaohe@ccg.org.cn

Websitewww.cgts.org.cnwww.ccg.org.cn, www.migrationpolicy.org


Speakers Introduction:

Dr. Demetri Papademetriou

Dr. Demetri Papademetriou is President and Co-Founder of the Migration Policy Institute (MPI). He is also President of Migration Policy Institute Europe, a nonprofit, independent research institute He is also the convener of the Transatlantic Council on Migration, which is composed of senior public figures, business leaders, and public intellectuals from Europe, the United States, and Canada. He also convenes and co-directs the Regional Migration Study Group. Dr. Papademetriou has published more than 250 books, articles, monographs, and research reports on migration topics and advises senior government and political party officials in more than 20 countries.

The Migration Policy Institute is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank in Washington, DC dedicated to analysis of the movement of people worldwide. MPI provides analysis, development, and evaluation of migration and refugee policies at the local, national, and international levels. It aims to meet the rising demand for pragmatic and thoughtful responses to the challenges and opportunities that large-scale migration, whether voluntary or forced, presents to communities and institutions in an increasingly integrated world.

MPI is guided by the philosophy that international migration needs active and intelligent management. When such policies are in place and are responsibly administered, they bring benefits to immigrants and their families, communities of origin and destination, and sending and receiving countries

Dr. WANG Huiyao

Dr. WANG Huiyao is the President of China Global Talents Society (CGTS) and Director General of Center for China and Globalization (CCG), as well as Vice Chairman of China Western Returned Scholars Association (WRSA), Vice Chairman of China Association for International Economic Cooperation of Ministry of Commerce and Vice Chairman of China Talent Research Society of Ministry of Human Resources &Social Security in China. He has served as a Task Force Leader for Global Talents Strategy Study Group for Central Government of China and is one of the experts for the drafting of China Mid-Long Term National Talent Development Plan 2010-2020. Dr. Wang is also a Senior Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, a Senior Fellow at Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada and was an adjunct Professor at Guanghua Management School of Peking University and a Visiting Fellow at Brookings Institution.

China Global Talents SocietyCGTSis a national global talent research organization approved by Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China and guided by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China and China Talent Research Society. CGTS is aimed at promoting development of international talent, giving advice on China’s international talent development, recommending high-level global talents to governments, institutions and enterprises, reinforcing domestic and foreign international talent communication and exchanges. Furthermore, CGTS organizes experts to research on relevant issues including global talent cultivation, talent development, talent utilization, talent circulation and competition as well as to enhance communication, contact and exchange of global talents at home and abroad.



