sHero Girls 女孩 | sHero

sHero Girls 女孩


sHero Girls 女孩

¥365/ 1 年
sHero sHero Girls 女孩
¥365/ 1 年
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sHero Girls 女孩

sHero Girls 女孩

¥365/ 1 年



主办方 联系主办方





2020 梦想女孩的采访集锦 (点击以下梦想女孩观看梦想女孩录像)


A Letter from the Ambassador of sHero Girls 


Dear Girls, 

Greetings from sHero Girls



The noble purpose of the program or sHero Girls is to call for actions : Let’s empower women at young age of Girls when they are still confident and believe in themselves.

sHero女孩儿为了呼吁实际行动:赋能女性始于女孩 - 她们还有信⼼并相信自⼰的年龄。 


You Are the Best!is our beautiful slogan 



While our vision & mission is to encourage, inspire and connect Girls to be the best versions of themselves by building their self confidence & self esteem. 



First of all, we invite you and welcome you join us for sHero Girls TALK - to hear you

我们欢迎你并在此发出诚挚邀请你志愿参加sHero女孩访谈- 聆听你的声音,也鼓励你勇敢的表达你自己的想法和观点,没有对错,重要的是敞开心扉。

It is a casual yet relaxing conversation over the phone. We will make an appointment at your convenience. You are highly recommended or encouraged to talk over the camera in a place you feel comfortable with your answers over the questions anytime and send to us (no longer than 2 minutes short video!) Is that is exciting! 



We are looking forward to dialoguing with you and for a chat, three questions are as follow. You can choose to prepare for the questions or you just share without any preparation. There are no right or wrong answers but most importantly we would love to listen to you to express your thoughts and points of views freely. 



We will not publish to anyone without your permission and thus we will sign a ConsentLetter with you and your parents to make sure it is properly shared.

访谈是轻松愉快的,结束后我们会整理出来你的回答与你分享。不经你允许不会对外宣传。我们会和你还有父母签一个Consent Letter,正式得到你的同意。


What is Your Dream? 你的梦想是什么?


What are Your Talents? 你喜欢做什么?


Who do you Want to Be? 你想成为什么样的人?


We know it’s not easy being a woman these days.


It seems that no matter where you turn there is some stunning actress or model advertising a cream or perfume and magazines are filled to the brim with conflicting health and beauty advice.



I bet you’ve tried every diet under the sun and are desperate to change how you look. 



I know that it doesn’t feel good to think this way, I know because I used to think

like that too. 


Are you sick of having no confidence in yourself or your abilities?Would you like to feel worthy and deserving of what you want in life? 



Did you know that there’s a difference between self-esteem and self-confidence? Self-esteem and self-confidence are often confused. They are not the same.


Self-Esteem has to do with your thoughts and beliefs about your worth as a human being. 



Ideally you should believe that you are worthy and valuable as a human being no matter what you do. 



But unfortunately I know that’s probably not always the case for you. 



It breaks my heart to see women struggling with their self-esteem because I know there is a way out of that crippling pain and self-doubt. 



Confidence comes when you are good at something. If you want more self-confidence then you want more confidence in yourself and more confidence in your ability to handle the world and your life. 



If you are struggling with Self-esteem or Self- Confidence there is a way to overcome the blocks and doubts that plague you.



I want to let you know that it will be ok, I know because I used to think like this too, I used to be stuck in the slippery dark walls of self-doubt and thought I was no good, not worthy and didn’t have anything to offer anyone.



I now know that this is simply not true.



You are special and unique and worthy of unconditional love. 



You deserve to live the life that you want. 



There is a way you can learn how to let go of the doubt and begin to feel good about yourself again.


When you ask a little girl what to change on herself they usually say something that they would like to add to themselves, like fairy wings. 


But there is a point in their life, like when turning to teens that they suddenly see themselves differently, and all they want to change on themselves is something negative. 



Actually, girls self-esteem drops twice as much than boys during puberty and women never regain the pre-puberty level of self- esteem back in their life unless they work on themselves. 



I truly believe supporting women empowerment and where else could we start to empower our female friends than at this young age when they still confident and believe in themselves. 

我非常相信支持赋能女性,更相信没有⽐在她们还有信⼼和相信自己的年龄段 - 还是小女孩儿时候就开始赋能更好了! 

It is hard to catch as this turning point is quite unique to everyone but definitely starts at an age around 10-11...



I work hard to keep my self confidence high every day and to ensure I love myself the most.



This is a letter to your mom or parents if they also want to preserve your confidence, message us for an empowering interview.

这封信也是可以公开给你的妈妈或者父母亲的,如果她也想帮助你或她的的女⼉,希望她自信和自尊即相信⾃己的能⼒和觉得自⼰有价值,并值得拥有想过的生活,那就联系我们参加sHero Girls女孩儿访谈吧!


People keep talking about Women Empowerment and how most girls have a low self-esteem and confidence level. 



They keep highlighting that most girls are afraid to speak up and take up opportunities due to fear and the tendency of failure.



One thing we could all start with is to reach out to these young girls in anyway possible. 



Start by mentoring a young girl in your neighborhood or volunteering at events and programs for young girls such as sHero Girls 

通过给你左邻右舍的女孩儿做导师或做志愿者参与像sHero组织为女孩⼉所设计的项目和活动 - sHero女孩儿


Be a mentor to someone out there, ask someone about their goals and aspirations and help them if you feel the need to direct them in the right path based on the goals they have. 



Build someone's confidence and teach them to be better. Gather a group of girls and speak to them about being confident. 



It’s time we encourage girls to pursue their dreams, uplift their self-esteem and celebrate all their talents. 



It is a perfect opportunity to think about the challenges girls face while growing up with sHero Girls. 



What do your mother tell you to do or expect you to do? 



What lessons are you teaching the girls around you? Tackling issues like education inequality, self esteem or gender-based violence is more important than ever as we are helping to shape the next generation of female leaders. 

培育女孩儿你的可以分享的经验教训是什么? 应对这些问题包括还有女孩儿没有平等教育的机会、保持自尊⼼即相信自己有价值也值得尊重或者性别暴⼒都比过往任何时候重要,因为我们也在助力塑造未来一代女性领导者。


So we wonder : How can it be that at this time and age we are still struggling with these fundamental wrongdoings? 



The problem is that when you are consistently told what your aspiration in life should be, this eventually becomes your reality. 



So in lieu of that, our hope is that we will learn to teach girls to aim higher, no matter what their goals may be. It always seems impossible until it’s done so here’s a big thank you to all my female role models who (un)knowingly inspire me daily to be the best version of myself! 



#YouAreTheBest,you are welcome to join the sHero Girls World, where you dare to express your true self, we hope it is also an exclusive community for you and girls, where we encourage you to be best version of yourself. In the same time we are tasked to engage your parents and your peers together to create an open and safe place where you have friends to share and support to deal with challenges. It is the very beginning of inspirations to the future which will be much brighter.  


访谈后如果你有兴趣也愿意的情况下,欢迎加入 sHero女孩儿世界,这是一个你可以大胆发声的地方,希望也是一个属于你的专属社区。在这里,我们鼓励你成为最好的自己。同时,我们也努力凝聚你们父母的力量,还有你的同伴,大家共同创造一个安全开放的环境,面对困难我们一起想办法,面对成长的烦恼, 我们一起找到信任的朋友分享。在这里:启迪伊始,走入你美好光明的未来。 


Yours Sincerely,

Ambassador, sHero Girls 




