sHero 50+ Club | sHero

sHero 50+ Club


sHero 50+ Club

¥880/ 1 年
sHero sHero 50+ Club
¥880/ 1 年
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sHero 50+ Club

sHero 50+ Club

¥880/ 1 年



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#sHero50above50 Women Leaders 


Doing Good & Doing Well  不仅做的好,还要过得好!


It is a movement on women over 50 and time being ripe to talk about what women above 50 can do - sharing experience, finding new source of energy, ideas, explore new career paths, saying stop to talks about ageism, eternal youth and getting ready for retirement. 这是一次关于50和50岁以上的女性的运动,到时候谈谈她们可以做些什么 - 分享经验、找到新的能量,想法和探索新的职业路径,大声说出停止谈论年龄歧视,停止谈论不老的神话,做好准备退休。 


It is a D&I initiative or Gendered Ageism addressing the INTER-SECTIONALITY of ageism and sexism, and there is not a lot of focus in gendered agesim for women. It is a focus on cross-generational issues calling for companies considering age when they design diversity and inclusion initiatives without ignoring older female workers, or hurting their bottom line.这也是一个关于多元化与包容性或者关于提倡尊重性别年龄的行动,解决性别与年龄交叉中存在的偏见问题,因为很少有特别关注女性所经历的性别年龄的不被重视,呼吁公司设计多元化与包容性行动中考虑到年龄,尤其是不容忽视年长女性员工或领导者,以避免影响到公司的业绩。


Background 背景

As women show visible signs of aging in a society that emphasizes the importance of beauty and youth, they’re perceived as less competent and less valuable in the workplace. These assumptions—often unchallenged—form the basis of decision-making about hiring, firing, and promoting. As a result, older women are diminished, marginalized, and pushed out. It happens every single day, but it’s not on most people’s radar. That’s because companies often disguise these terminations as downsizing, consolidation, and other reasons to mask the unfairness and potential legal liability. 如今的社会都是强调美丽与年轻化,老龄化的问题在女性身上更加明显,职场上她们容易被看做能力不够和少有价值。这些假设不常被挑战也就成为偏见,影响招募、离职和晋升的决定。结果呢,年长一点的女性会被边缘化和不再主流等。 


Companies need acknowledge the biased assumptions they make about older women and assess how their culture supports these assumptions. When companies push older women out the door, all that wisdom and experience exists with them - and those are the wisdoms and experiences that can help organizations be successful. 公司需要认识到这些偏见和假设,清楚自己的文化如何支持女性。当公司重视起来这些女性,她们的经验和智慧将会帮到公司成功。 


Women over 50 are a powerful force in purchasing power. The aging population is a fast-growing consumer market, and women in this demographic hold the purse strings. It doesn't make sense only to have millennials designing your products and services for this customer base. All voices and opinions at the table in a collaborative environment are essential to meet the needs of todays consumer. 50岁以上的女性是不容忽视的消费力,老龄化的人群也是迅速增长的消费市场。只有千禧一代参与设计产品和服务是不明智的,聆听大家的声音是必须的。 


The Purpose目标

It is time to slow down society’s constant struggle with achieving eternal youth and this rush to need to succeed early in life.  Here’s to longevity, constant growth and learning.  It's time celebrate experience, expertise and energy of the 50s and above with a focus on health and life beyond paid-work.放慢速度不再无止境的角逐不老青春的神话,而过早的追赶成功。庆祝经验、专业和精力50岁和50岁以上的女性领导者,关注健康和生活质量,不停止成长和学习。 



The Launch发布

On June 28 at its inaugural meeting in Shanghai with women leaders who are in their 50s & above we dialogued on the current issues including health and retirement. The message is clear: DO it NOW! 2019年6月28日我们与女性领导者代表共同对话当下老龄化的挑战和寓意,大家一致的意见和建议就是:说做就做!一起努力,关心这个人生职业阶段的多元选择。 

Calling for ACTIONs呼吁行动


Nominations 提名

sHero 50above50 Awards 50位50岁和以上女性领导者

Recognize them by their personal determination, commercial value and philanthropy pursuits, hobbies that balance their professional achievements.认可她们的个人决心、商业上价值和贡献,公益事业的追求,发现自己的兴趣和爱好平衡着在职场上的卓越成就。



We will announce the sHero 50above50 Women Leaders at the upcoming sHero Women & Consumers Asia Summit 2020 on March 5-6 in Shanghai 榜单将于我们明年3月5-6日 sHero女性与消费2020年亚洲峰会的颁奖典礼上宣布,银色经济中不容忽视的力量和潜质。 


Expressions 表达

That’s Me! Campaign - Good life starts at 50 那就是我!50岁是美好生活的开始!Photo and Wisdom of turning to 50 & above 分享那就是我!照片,50岁和50岁以上睿语!


That’s Me! is designed to promote a new value of beauty toward more freedom. This is also impactful and meaningful to the younger generation of women who don't have to limit themselves and become somebody else to meet others expectations while learn to love who they are since they are little girls from how they look and feel 那就是我!应运而生呼唤我们从年轻化的审美观念走出来,拥抱更多的自由!这对于一个女孩来说更是寓意深远!因此也鼓励她们不用那么小的时候就禁锢自己在别人的期待中长成别人的样子,而是懂得爱自己本来的样子。 


Great Things About Women Over 50 : 那些非常棒的事情,当你50岁和50岁以上的时候 Are Just Getting Started; Are Wise; Know What They Like; Have More Fun; Are Self-Assured; Are Powerful; Are Freer ... age gracefully and positively




Participation 参与 

sHero 50+ Club 

A Bold New Path of Living Your Best Lives  

sHero 50+ 俱乐部聚集50岁和50以上女性,大胆尝试新路,追求过上你最好的生活


Understand each other, appreciate each other and 50+ is prime time for WOMEN. Embrace and Disrupt aging and 50 is just the beginning of life. 年进与年过半百该怎么办?拥抱变老、颠覆变老!加入我们的50+之旅,彼此理解、彼此欣赏!50岁意味着,一切才刚刚开始,50岁和50岁以上是女性的黄金时代,做出回应和行动对企业和市场与社会都将意味着一次创举。  


