2014中美大数据研讨会 | Big Data Innovation Summit
2014年6月6日 星期五 08:30 至 18:00 北京市朝阳区北辰东路8号,北京国际会议中心
价格: ¥149 - 599
CHAIN (China America Innovation Network) aims to help entrepreneurs transform innovation into value through knowledge and resource exchange between U.S. and China. Our mission is to build a multinational ecosystem of mentors, experts, professionals, and peers based in U.S. and China that will enable entrepreneurs to realize their entrepreneurial ambitions by accessing resources from both U.S. and China.
As a non-profit organization, we are powered by a team of passionate volunteers, successful entrepreneurs, experienced executives, business operations professionals and engineering wizards. Founded in 2011, the CHAIN network now connects thousands of members in both Silicon Valley and China.
浏览: 16,458
2014中美大数据研讨会 | Big Data Innovation Summit
2014年6月6日 早8:30至晚6:00
Friday June 6, 2014 from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM
International Conference Center, 8 East Beichen Road, Beijing, China
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本届峰会由中美创新协会和北京市科协联合举办, 聚焦于当前信息产业发展最快、创新最集中的领域: 大数据。众所周知, 近年来云计算和移动互联网的高速发展催生了大批面向消费者的移动应用公司,它们利用庞大的数据量和先进的机器学习算法为用户提供精准周到的产品和服务;与此同时,越来越多的企业也开始运用互联网和移动平台进行市场营销,并通过内部的大数据平台进行业务优化和管理,这其中不乏传统的电信、金融、教育和医疗机构。企业如何驾驭爆发式增长的数据,从中提炼出有用信息用于提升产品和服务;政府和公共事业部门如何通过数据采集和分析制定更为切实高效的民生、城管、和环保政策;创业者如何能够把握机遇,成为大数据时代的弄潮儿 ---- 这些均是峰会所关注的话题。
Conference Theme and Context
The 2014 Big Data Innovation Summit is co-hosted by China America Innovation Network (CHAIN) and Beijing Association for Science & Technology (BAST), with a focus on the latest trends in Big Data -- the hottest topic in the information sector right now and where most innovations are taking place. Recent years have seen an explosive growth of mobile internet companies, which benefit from the now-prevalent cloud computing and mobile technologies and serve customers with personalized products and services based upon massive-scale data collection and machine learning techniques. In the meanwhile, more and more firms--- including traditional telecom, finance, education, and healthcare agencies---start to leverage internet platforms to improve their marketing and sales, and adopt big data solutions to optimize their internal processes. How can firms effectively manage the exploding amount of data, distilling useful information to improve their products and services? How can government and public sectors utilize data to make better political, social, medical, and environmental policies ? How can entrepreneurs ride the tide of big data to create the next-generation successful businesses? All of these topics will be heavily covered during the conference.
The speakers of this conference include senior managers of international high-tech companies, leaders of state-owned and privately-owned corporations in China, entrepreneurs, academic researchers, as well as venture capitalists and local government representatives. During the one-day conference they will have intense discussions about the application of big data in the following five areas: mobile internet, modern business, finance/payment, public services, and wearable technology. Please refer to the conference website for more detailed information.
时间 |
议题 |
嘉宾 |
8:30 - 9:00
9:00 – 9:20 |
主办方致开幕辞 |
彭晨, 中美创新协会会长,谷歌公司数据科学家 夏强,北京市科协党组书记,常务副主席 |
9:20 – 9:50 |
开幕主题演讲:大数据时代的王者之道 |
邬贺铨,中国工程院院士, 中国互联网协会理事长 |
9:50 – 11:05 |
大数据和移动互联网 |
陈伟星,泛城科技、快的打车创始人 李志飞, 出门问问创始人、首席执行官 张一鸣,今日头条创始人、首席执行官 江宏,AVOS Cloud首席执行官 李曦,乐视TV大数据副总裁 王琼,海纳亚洲创投基金合伙人 |
11:05 – 12:20 |
大数据和智能商务 |
苏萌, 百分点董事长 颜伟鹏,京东商城副总裁 宣晓华,华院数据首席执行官 沈学华,品友互动首席技术官
张首华,时趣首席技术官 汤维维,福布斯中文网副主编 |
12:20 – 13:20 |
嘉宾午餐 |
午餐 |
13:20 – 14:35 |
大数据和金融支付 |
颜嵘, 美国Square公司数据科学总监 孔令欣, 点融网首席技术官 李童,友付网创始人、首席执行官 余晨,易宝支付联合创始人、资深副总裁 施煜, 美国VISA信用卡首席架构师 |
14:35 – 15:50 |
大数据和公共事业 |
郭健, 美国哈佛大学生物统计系助理教授 吴建平,清华大学土木系教授、长江学者、智能交通专家 陈曙东, 国家物联网中心大数据平台农业大数据与食品安全主任 赵勇,聚云浩海信息科技公司技术总监 骆轶航,PingWest创始人、首席执行官 |
16:00 -- 17:15 |
大数据和可穿戴技术 |
汪伟, 土曼科技,首席执行官 覃政, 蚁视科技创始人、首席执行官 代万辉,37健康云首席执行官 李学健,加丁科技创始人、首席执行官 刘维,联想之星执行董事 |
17:15 – 17:45 |
闭幕主题演讲:大数据时代的挑战和机遇 |
张溪梦, 美国LinkedIn公司商务分析总监 |
CHAIN (China America Innovation Network) aims to help entrepreneurs transform innovation into value through knowledge and resource exchange between U.S. and China. Our mission is to build a multinational ecosystem of mentors, experts, professionals, and peers based in U.S. and China that will enable entrepreneurs to realize their entrepreneurial ambitions by accessing resources from both U.S. and China.
As a non-profit organization, we are powered by a team of passionate volunteers, successful entrepreneurs, experienced executives, business operations professionals and engineering wizards. Founded in 2011, the CHAIN network now connects thousands of members in both Silicon Valley and China.