Split Works presents: The Jesus and Mary Chain
2019年5月22日 星期三 至 27日 星期一 上海 SHANGHAI深圳 SHENZHEN#2上海站 SHANGHAI
价格: ¥338 - 480
浏览: 79,097
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Split Works 呈现: The Jesus and Mary Chain
"JAMC是最酷的,从前如此,现在更是。看他们的现场这事可以聊一辈子。" —— 李青(Carsick Cars / Snapline)
音乐史上最为波诡云谲、影响深远的乐队之一即将重返中国!后朋克传奇 The Jesus and Mary Chain,将在今年 5 月来到你的城市进行巡回演出。
自 1983 年出道后,The Jesus and Mary Chain 就是英国媒体的宠儿,进而成为 80 年代中期后朋克首屈一指的人物,风头一时无两。深受 the Velvet Underground 影响,配上阴沉又不失旋律性的噪音墙,他们启发了一众以 90 年代初期 My Bloody Valentine 为代表的广受赞赏的乐队。
乐队组建于苏格兰格拉斯哥郊区的荒地东基尔布里德。以 Jim Reid 和 William Reid 两兄弟为主心骨。他们很快就搬到了伦敦,而他们“要么成功,要么拼命”的精神和暴躁的吉他音效吸引了一大波死忠粉。他们表演有时不会超过15分钟,却总让人血脉喷张,最后引发暴乱、骚动。与这份狂躁形成鲜明对比的是,《Psychocandy》这张暗潮涌动的噪音流行专辑孕育了像《Just Like Honey》和 《Some Candy Talking》这样的经典甜美曲目。
乐队在1994年发行了专辑《Stoned & Dethroned》。而其中,Mazzy Star的歌手Hope Sandoval客串的《Sometimes Always》成为了JAMC在商业上的高光时刻。紧接着,手足纠葛、乐队矛盾导致乐队陷入解散危机—— William 定居洛杉矶,而 Jim 返乡英国。直到2007 年,兄弟俩才再度联手参演了 Coachella音乐节,并与作为嘉宾的 Scarlett Johansson 一起又一次次唱响了名曲《 Just Like Honey 》。
2017 年见证了他们重组之后的首张专辑《 Damage & Joy 》,这是唱片史上的小奇迹。这是整装待发的 JAMC,30 年传奇故事冶炼而来的,朦胧魔幻的现场演出正要将似曾相识的黑色幽默和盘托出。
Split Works 开功 呈现: The Jesus and Mary Chain 中国巡演
上海 【已售罄】
地点:VAS LIVE 瓦肆现场
地址:普陀区万航渡后路19号3楼, 近长宁路
门票:¥398 (预售) / ¥480 (现场)
上海 【已售罄】
地点:VAS LIVE 瓦肆现场
地址:普陀区万航渡后路19号3楼, 近长宁路
门票:¥398 (预售) / ¥480 (现场)
深圳 【已售罄】
地点:HOU LIVE后现场
地址:福田区滨河大道9289号KK ONE购物中心负一层B112a
门票:¥338 (预售) / ¥430 (现场)
- 如果预售票提前售罄,将不再出售现场票,请提早购票。
- 本演出所有订单支付成功后,不做任何更改退换处理。(因不可抗力因素导致演出取消或延期情况除外)
Split Works官方网站:www.spli-t.com
关于Split Works:
Split Works开功 是一家基于上海和北京的外资音乐演出公司,一直与诸多国际品牌进行合作,始终围绕音乐、品牌、创意和青年文化组织和推广各类活动。2006年成立至今,Split Works共推出了5个音乐节品牌、覆盖30座城市的400多场巡演,并一直坚信并实践着:每一次音乐都必须是独特的。从Godspeed You! Black Emperor 到Sonic Youth,从Thee Oh Sees到Mac Demarco和Shabazz Palaces,从“黑兔”到《觉》音乐+艺术节和“无解周末“。我们热爱音乐,我们热爱中国,我们爱你。
Split Works presents: The Jesus and Mary Chain
At long last.
An overdue return to China for one of music’s most enigmatic and influential groups. This May 2019, post-punk legends The Jesus and Mary Chain come to China.
Few bands have had such a huge effect on musical culture. Their attitude alone - dressed in black, angry with the world, playing short sets drenched in feedback - set the benchmark in the post-Sex-Pistols London music scene. Their seminal debut album Psychocandy would go on to change the course of popular music, channeling the sneering angst and noise distortion of the live shows into hypnotic sweet melodies layered with dark lyrics that would beguile and bewilder.
Released into the world in 1983, The Jesus and Mary Chain became the darlings of British press, and they proceeded to seize the post-punk crown in the mid-80’s. With strong Velvet Underground influences, and a despondent but melodic wall of noise, they went on to become the inspiration for many critically acclaimed bands, such as My Bloody Valentine in the early 90’s.
The band formed in East Kilbride, a wasteland on the outskirts of Glasgow, Scotland, around the writing partnership of the Reid brothers, William and Jim. They soon moved to London and their “win or die trying” attitude and thrashing guitar sound built them a cult following. In stark contrast to their adrenaline- fueled 15 minute live shows, that often ended in violence and riot, the slow throbbing noise pop Psychocandy album spawned such classics as “Just Like Honey” and “Some Candy Talking.”
The 1994 album Stoned & Dethroned saw “Sometimes Always,” featuring Hope Sandoval from Mazzy Star, and gave the band a commercial hit. A succession of well documented break ups, fueled by brotherly love and internal tensions followed, as William took up residence in Los Angeles and Jim returned to the UK. The brothers came together in 2007 to perform at Coachella Music Festival, to be joined on stage by Scarlett Johansson, for the “Just Like Honey” hit.
2017 saw the release of their first post-reunion album, Damage & Joy, a minor miracle of a record. It’s a re-energized JAMC, sardonic dark humour intact, with a hazy, magical live experience built over 30 years of their remarkable story.
We can’t wait. May 2019. Details below.
Split Works Presents: The Jesus and Mary Chain 2019 China Tour
Date and Time: Wednesday, 22 May, 8pm (DOOR)
Venue: VAS LIVE 瓦肆现场
Address: 3/F, 19 Wanhangdu Hou Lu, near Changning Lu
万航渡后路19号3楼, 近长宁路
Tickets: ¥398 (Presale) / ¥480 RMB (Door)
Date and Time: Thursday, 23 May, 8pm (DOOR)
Venue: VAS LIVE 瓦肆现场
Address: 3/F, 19 Wanhangdu Hou Lu, near Changning Lu
万航渡后路19号3楼, 近长宁路
Tickets: ¥398 (Presale) / ¥480 RMB (Door)
Date and Time: Monday, 27 MaY, 8pm (DOOR)
Venue: HOU LIVE 后现场
Address: B112a, KK ONE Shopping Center, 9289 Binhe DaDao, Futian District, Shenzhen
深圳市福田区滨河大道9289号KK ONE购物中心负一层B112a(地铁9号线下沙站B出口)
Tickets: ¥338 (Presale) / ¥430 (Door)* Please note
- There will be no door tickets if all pre-sale tickets sell out. Please get your tickets in advance to avoid disappointment.
- Tickets once sold cannot be refunded!
Split Works official website:www.spli-t.com
JAMC Official Website: thejesusandmarychain.uk.com
About Split Works:
Split Works has been rocking in the free (ish) world since 2006. Working with inspirational artists from across the globe, the good people at Split Works HQ have been a key contributor to the continued rise of China’s music scene. Split Works has launched five music festivals and promoted over 400 tours to 30 Chinese cities, always striving to stay true to a familiar refrain: the music has to be special, every single time. From Godspeed You! Black Emperor to Sonic Youth, from Thee Oh Sees to Mac Demarco and Cloud Nothings, from Black Rabbit to JUE and Wooozy to Concrete & Grass. We love music, we love China and we love you.