Professional Networking Salon - ISM China Beijing
2012年9月14日 星期五 15:30 至 17:30 Cummins康明斯公司会议室, 北京东三环北路霞光里18号佳程广场A座27层
价格: 免费
2012年9月14日 星期五 15:30 至 17:30
ISM China
ISM China
浏览: 2,176
ISM China has been hosting regular activities which greatly enhances the value for professionals. In this premiere event in Beijing, you'll meet a lot of people in your profession, mostly from multinational companies, doing similar jobs, pursuing CPSM certifications, holding specialist, management or senior level positions that speaks the same job language and has a lot to share.
Event Chair: Isabelle Yu, Director, Cummins
Speaker: Lou Zhou, Director, IBM / ISM China board member and Beijing Committee chair
Thanks to the support and sponsorship from Cummins, this event is FREE to those who like to discover the value of ISM China and get to know more people.
ISM-China is a non-profit association affiliated with the Institute for Supply Management™ (ISM) , the largest professional association in the world for purchasing and supply management with more than 40,000 members in 70 countries. ISM-China member consist of middle and senior leaders from multinational companies operating in China, representing an elite group with strong international management know-how in combination with China/Asia business expertise. Our mission is to lead the profession and create value for corporate supply management functions through facilitation, benchmarking, practice sharing, competency development and networking. 供应管理学会中国区是拥有40000多会员的百年非营利组织ISM全球遍布70多个国家的170多个分支机构之一。中国区会员主要由跨国企业的中高级经理组成,代表了熟蕴国际管理和本土模式结合的精英群体。学会宗旨是通过组织协调、对标、实践分享、胜任能力开发和交流,引领专业发展、为企业的供应管理创造价值。
For more reference about ISM China and our membership, please visit www.ismchina.org