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Melinda Liu: Doolittle Raiders - A China Story
2019年3月21日 星期四 18:00 至 19:00
广东路20号外滩五号7楼 魅蓝GLAM | Guangdong Rd. 20 (Bund 5) 7th Floor, GLAM
主办方: 上海米氏西餐厅有限公司 更多活动

价格: ¥50 - 100

Melinda Liu: Doolittle Raiders - A China Story

价格: ¥50 - 100

Melinda Liu: Doolittle Raiders - A China Story
2019年3月21日 星期四 18:00 至 19:00
广东路20号外滩五号7楼 魅蓝GLAM | Guangdong Rd. 20 (Bund 5) 7th Floor, GLAM
主办方: 上海米氏西餐厅有限公司 更多活动

价格: ¥50 - 100



Melinda Liu: Doolittle Raiders - A China Story

2019年3月21日 星期四 18:00 至 19:00 广东路20号外滩五号7楼 魅蓝GLAM | Guangdong Rd. 20 (Bund 5) 7th Floor, GLAM

价格: ¥50 - 100

时间 地点

2019年3月21日 星期四 18:00 至 19:00

广东路20号外滩五号7楼 魅蓝GLAM | Guangdong Rd. 20 (Bund 5) 7th Floor, GLAM 广东路20号外滩五号7楼 魅蓝GLAM | Guangdong Rd. 20 (Bund 5) 7th Floor, GLAM


主办方 联系主办方



身为西餐厅行业先锋的米氏餐饮集团旗下拥有多家屡获殊荣的餐厅与酒廊。1989年,米氏西餐厅标志性首字母 M 的来源 -- 澳大利亚大厨米歇尔·嘉娜特 Michelle Garnaut 在香港开创了位于艺穗会的 M at the Fringe 餐厅,成为香港最初一批呈现当代高端餐饮新视角的餐厅,这标志着她成功餐饮事业的开端。

"每一家 M 餐厅都坐落于城市的中心位置,成为城市中心的特殊地标。"

目前,米氏餐饮集团旗下拥有上海位于外滩的米氏西餐厅 M on the bund 与魅蓝 Glam 酒廊两间餐厅,是美食与精致舒适用餐环境相结合的完美化身。1999年,M on the bund 开幕,这是上海外滩的首家独立餐厅,很快成为了当地人、游客以及食客们心中的美食绿洲。魅蓝 Glam 与米氏西餐厅比邻而坐,主推崇尚融合与创新的美食、继承了米氏西餐厅精致经典但不失温馨的氛围,同时又注入了创意十足的活力。

多年以来,随着餐厅的蓬勃发展,这个集美食、文化与艺术于一体的餐饮帝国不断扩大着她的影响。创始人前后发起了包括上海国际文学节、首都国际文学节、上海水晶室内音乐会、上海室内音乐节以及米氏文学驻习奖项。她同时也是 Village People Project 的联合创始人,该项目旨在改善中国农村妇女及儿童的生活和健康条件,并致力于促进农村女孩的教育工作。

她还在北京与上海创办了导师之行 Mentor Walks 项目。每月一次的清晨散步中,事业刚刚崭露头角的职业女性可以从资深导师处寻求建议。此项目已经在香港、悉尼、墨尔本以及布里斯班成功运作,并且在亚洲各地继续传播之中。

M Restaurant Group is a pioneering collection of award-winning restaurants and lounges in China. In 1989, Australian cook Michelle Garnaut - the signature ‘M’ - opened M at the Fringe in Hong Kong, one of the first restaurants with a new take on modern/contemporary fine-dining in the city. It was a runaway hit, and ten years later she took a daring step and opened M on the Bund in Shanghai, at a time when the historic waterfront was known mainly for dilapidated offices rather than the lively nightlife scene it has since developed. She tested the waters first with a stint cooking at the landmark Peace Hotel, and in the end the gamble paid off. Now restaurants and bars of all kinds have sprouted up in the shadow of the Art Deco Nissin Shipping Building where M on the Bund presides, still going strong after nearly 20 years.

Today, the M Restaurant Group includes two venues: M on the Bund and Glam dining lounge and bar in Shanghai.

Delicious food in a chic, comfortable environment are ideals embodied by both restaurants, with classics like M’s Crispy Suckling Pig and M’s Very Famous Pavlova always greeting diners, along with seasonal specialities, fresh, homemade bread and signature cocktails, all made from scratch. And perhaps most meaningfully, the restaurants are a part of the communities they serve. M has spearheaded the sourcing of sustainable and organic foods in China, working with local producers to set standards. A focus on the arts has yielded the Shanghai and Capital Literary Festivals, the M Literary Residency and a vibrant series of talks and salons, all of them in the comfortable confines of M venues.







浏览: 1,511

Veteran foreign correspondent Melinda Liu will screen her short documentary about American aviators in WWII China and discuss her research on the topic. The film focuses on the legacy of the U.S. Doolittle Raiders, who launched a daring air raid on Japan in April 1942 and afterwards bailed out over China's eastern coast, relying on the kindness of Chinese strangers to help them evade capture and journey, despite great personal risk, to Chongqing.

Understanding and commemorating WWII is enjoying a revival among many Chinese. For decades, the government in Beijing had portrayed the last world war as primarily a struggle between China and Japan, downplaying wartime achievements by Chinese Nationalist or Kuomintang (KMT) troops. But in 2015, Beijing invited an unprecedented number of Western VIPs to observe its massive military parade marking the end of the war. Beijing also recognized the battlefield service of ordinary KMT soldiers and distributed cash bonuses to many elderly survivors. 

Such developments have helped motivate Chinese to "rediscover" WWII history in a broader and more international context. Liu will mention her involvement with several museums in Zhejiang province, which are creating or expanding archives and exhibitions related to the Sino-US WWII alliance in general and the Doolittle Raiders in particular.

Award-winning foreign correspondent Melinda Liu is Beijing Bureau Chief for Newsweek Magazine and has reported on China for much of her career. She has lived and worked in Beijing since November 1998, where she had been based previously from 1980 to 1982 as Newsweek’s first Beijing Bureau Chief.  

Liu has covered many dramatic news events and trends during her career: China's post-Mao modernization, the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and the fall of the Taliban, the 1991 liberation of Kuwait, and U.S. military interventions in Somalia and Haiti. In 2003, she was one of few American journalists in Baghdad's Palestine Hotel as a firsthand witness to the U.S. “shock and awe” bombing of the Iraqi capital and the fall of Saddam Hussein. Liu won the 2006 Shorenstein Journalism Award in recognition of her reporting on Asia.





身为西餐厅行业先锋的米氏餐饮集团旗下拥有多家屡获殊荣的餐厅与酒廊。1989年,米氏西餐厅标志性首字母 M 的来源 -- 澳大利亚大厨米歇尔·嘉娜特 Michelle Garnaut 在香港开创了位于艺穗会的 M at the Fringe 餐厅,成为香港最初一批呈现当代高端餐饮新视角的餐厅,这标志着她成功餐饮事业的开端。

"每一家 M 餐厅都坐落于城市的中心位置,成为城市中心的特殊地标。"

目前,米氏餐饮集团旗下拥有上海位于外滩的米氏西餐厅 M on the bund 与魅蓝 Glam 酒廊两间餐厅,是美食与精致舒适用餐环境相结合的完美化身。1999年,M on the bund 开幕,这是上海外滩的首家独立餐厅,很快成为了当地人、游客以及食客们心中的美食绿洲。魅蓝 Glam 与米氏西餐厅比邻而坐,主推崇尚融合与创新的美食、继承了米氏西餐厅精致经典但不失温馨的氛围,同时又注入了创意十足的活力。

多年以来,随着餐厅的蓬勃发展,这个集美食、文化与艺术于一体的餐饮帝国不断扩大着她的影响。创始人前后发起了包括上海国际文学节、首都国际文学节、上海水晶室内音乐会、上海室内音乐节以及米氏文学驻习奖项。她同时也是 Village People Project 的联合创始人,该项目旨在改善中国农村妇女及儿童的生活和健康条件,并致力于促进农村女孩的教育工作。

她还在北京与上海创办了导师之行 Mentor Walks 项目。每月一次的清晨散步中,事业刚刚崭露头角的职业女性可以从资深导师处寻求建议。此项目已经在香港、悉尼、墨尔本以及布里斯班成功运作,并且在亚洲各地继续传播之中。

M Restaurant Group is a pioneering collection of award-winning restaurants and lounges in China. In 1989, Australian cook Michelle Garnaut - the signature ‘M’ - opened M at the Fringe in Hong Kong, one of the first restaurants with a new take on modern/contemporary fine-dining in the city. It was a runaway hit, and ten years later she took a daring step and opened M on the Bund in Shanghai, at a time when the historic waterfront was known mainly for dilapidated offices rather than the lively nightlife scene it has since developed. She tested the waters first with a stint cooking at the landmark Peace Hotel, and in the end the gamble paid off. Now restaurants and bars of all kinds have sprouted up in the shadow of the Art Deco Nissin Shipping Building where M on the Bund presides, still going strong after nearly 20 years.

Today, the M Restaurant Group includes two venues: M on the Bund and Glam dining lounge and bar in Shanghai.

Delicious food in a chic, comfortable environment are ideals embodied by both restaurants, with classics like M’s Crispy Suckling Pig and M’s Very Famous Pavlova always greeting diners, along with seasonal specialities, fresh, homemade bread and signature cocktails, all made from scratch. And perhaps most meaningfully, the restaurants are a part of the communities they serve. M has spearheaded the sourcing of sustainable and organic foods in China, working with local producers to set standards. A focus on the arts has yielded the Shanghai and Capital Literary Festivals, the M Literary Residency and a vibrant series of talks and salons, all of them in the comfortable confines of M venues.



