活动 | 耶鲁公共卫生学院院长访华主讲“中美医疗体系异同”
2019年11月25日 星期一 19:00 至 20:30 Yale Center Beijing 耶鲁北京中心 36th Floor Tower B of IFC Building 8 Jianguomenwai Avenue Chaoyang District, Beijing (Yong'anli Subway Station, Exit C) 北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街8号 国际财源中心B座36层 (永安里地铁站C出口)
价格: 免费 - ¥80
2019年11月25日 星期一 19:00 至 20:30
耶鲁大学中国医疗健康会(Yale Healthcare Club of China, YHCC)是由耶鲁大学医疗健康领域的中国校友发起,旨在为会员打造在医疗健康行业的生态圈,促进实业与投资界的沟通与交流,创造更多投资机会。YHCC将定期举办丰富的线上线下活动,涵盖医疗健康领域重要议题,分享领域前沿真知灼见。
浏览: 2,039
What Lessons can China Draw from the US Health System?
The event is co-hosted by the Yale Healthcare Club of China and Yale Center Beijing.
Yale Starlight Science Series
Bringing discovery from Yale to China, hosted by Yale Center Beijing.
The Yale Starlight Science Series will bring outstanding science faculty from Yale University to China to present their latest research, and engage with audiences on related topics of interest. Please join us to explore the latest breakthroughs in scientific frontiers, and what relevance they hold for the future!
The Event/活动简介
Sten H. Vermund, the Dean of the Yale School of Public Health, will attend the event of "What lessons can China draw from the U.S. health system?" at Yale Center Beijing, and highlight the different components of U.S. healthcare, including the four models that co-exist in U.S.. He will close with some cautionary notes about U.S. healthcare regulation that relevant to modern China.
11月25日,耶鲁大学公共卫生学院院长Sten H. Vermund将出席在耶鲁北京中心举办的“中国能从美国的医疗体系中吸取什么教训?”分享会,重点介绍美国医疗健康的不同组成部分,其中包括英国、欧洲/拉丁美洲、加拿大、自费等在美国共存的4种模式;他还将对中美医疗健康体系的异同对提出建设性建议。
The Speaker/对话嘉宾
Sten H. Vermund
Dean, Yale School of Public Health
Sten H. Vermund, MD, PhD, is Dean of the Yale School of Public Health, the Anna M.R. Lauder Professor of Public Health, and Professor of Pediatrics at the Yale School of Medicine. He is a pediatrician and infectious disease epidemiologist focused on diseases of low and middle income countries, and on health disparities in the U.S. His work on HIV-HPV interactions among women in a Bronx methadone program motivated a change in the 1993 CDC AIDS case surveillance definition and inspired cervical cancer screening programs launched within global HIV/AIDS programs.
Dr. Vermund's research has focused on health care access, adolescent medicine, prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission, and reproductive health. He has founded two non-governmental organizations: Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) and Friends in Global Health in Mozambique and Nigeria.
Dr. Vermund is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and a Fellow of the AAAS. Prior to joining Yale in 2017, Dr. Vermund was the Amos Christie Chair in Global Health and Professor of Pediatrics at Vanderbilt University. He founded and directed the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health and served as Vanderbilt's Assistant Vice Chancellor for Global Health and Vice President for Global Health for the Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Sten H. Vermund
Sten H. Vermund现任耶鲁大学公共卫生学院院长,Anna M.R. Lauder公共卫生学教授,耶鲁大学医学院儿科教授。他是医学博士,儿童和流行病学家,主要研究中低收入国家的疾病和美国不同人群的健康差异。他在布朗克斯郡美沙酮项目女性交叉感染HIV- HPV的研究中,推动了1993年疾病预防控制中心对艾滋病病例监测界定的改变,并激发了在全球艾滋病项目中设立宫颈癌筛查项目。
Vermund教授是美国国家医学院和美国科学促进会的成员。在2017年加入耶鲁大学之前,Vermund教授是Amos Christie全球卫生协会主席以及范德比尔特大学的儿科教授。他创立和领导了范德比尔特全球健康研究所,曾担任范德比尔特大学全球健康的副校长助理和范比尔特大学医学中心全球健康副校长。
耶鲁大学中国医疗健康会(Yale Healthcare Club of China, YHCC)是由耶鲁大学医疗健康领域的中国校友发起,旨在为会员打造在医疗健康行业的生态圈,促进实业与投资界的沟通与交流,创造更多投资机会。YHCC将定期举办丰富的线上线下活动,涵盖医疗健康领域重要议题,分享领域前沿真知灼见。