医疗服务拥抱消费升级蓝海市场 Healthcare Service Embraces Consumption Upgrading
2018年6月6日 星期三 14:30 至 17:00 Yale Center Beijing, 36F, Tower B, IFC Building, 8 Jianguomenwai Avenue 耶鲁北京中心,建国门外大街8号,国际财源中心B座36层 (永安里地铁站C出口)
价格: ¥20 - 80
2018年6月6日 星期三 14:30 至 17:00
Yale Healthcare Club of China
Yale Healthcare Club of China
Yale Healthcare Club of China (YHCC) comprises of an enthusiastic group Yale alumni working in or interested in the healthcare industry. The YHCC’s mission is to develop networking and business opportunities by connecting Yale alumni to the healthcare business community, and to enhance the community’s knowledge and ideas. In the future, the YHCC will continue to host high-impact and diverse activities, such as panel discussions and speaker series.
耶鲁医疗健康中国校友俱乐部(YHCC, Yale Healthcare Club of China)是由耶鲁大学医疗健康领域的中国校友发起的组织,旨在为会员打造在医疗健康行业的生态圈,促进实业与投资界的沟通与交流,创造更多投资机会。YHCC将定期举办丰富的线上线下活动,涵盖医疗健康领域重要议题,分享领域前沿真知灼见。
For more information on upcoming events, please follow us on WeChat
at YaleChinaHealthcare.
号 YaleChinaHealthcare。
浏览: 8,454
Frontiers in Health & Medicine:
Healthcare Service Embraces Consumption Upgrading
What are the opportunities for the development of third-party medical institutions along with the enhancement of public awareness about health care and prevention? what kinds of new industries and new business models have been boosted by national policies for healthy lifestyle prevention and intervention? How the investments should be laid out strategically and proactively, capturing various opportunities alongside the wave of consumption upgrading? What are the impact on the regional development strategies of chain medical service institutions due to the structural differentiation of consumption upgrades rooted in the huge regional disparities unique to China? YHCC will invite a number of distinguished professionals to conduct an in-depth, cutting-edge industry dialogue.
Co-hosted by the Yale Healthcare Club of China & Yale Center Beijing
Michael Shao 邵宗宗
Chairman of Malo Clinic China
马泷齿科(中国)公司 董事长
Eric Wu 吴进
Partner of Highlight Capital
弘晖资本 合伙人
Sean Huang 黄升轩(耶鲁05届MBA校友)
Managing Director at Riverhead Capital
融汇资本 董事总经理
Guoping Sui 隋国平
President of Capital Healthcare Group, Ltd.
Peter Lu 鲁东成 (耶鲁06届MBA校友)
Founding Managing Partner of New Vision Ventur
Yale Healthcare Club of China,Director of External Relationships in Beijing
Event details:
Wednesday, June 6th
Registration & Reception/注册
2:30-3:00 pm
Panel Discussion and Q&A嘉宾讨论与问答
3:00-5:00 pm
Yale Center Beijing, 36F, Tower B, IFC Building, 8 Jianguomenwai Avenue
耶鲁北京中心,建国门外大街8号,国际财源中心B座36层 (永安里地铁站C出口)
Purchase in advance: RMB 20 for students; RMB 60 for Yale alumni; RMB 80 for others.
Purchase at the door: RMB 100.
The language of the event will be Chinese.
About Panelists
Michael Shao 邵宗宗
邵宗宗先生现任马泷齿科(中国)公司董事长,北京崔玉涛儿童健康管理中心有限公司董事CEO,上海泰福健康管理有限公司CEO,上海置略马泷投资有限公司董事长。2007年开始涉足医疗投资领域,2009年创立上海置略投资有限公司、北京安平投资有限公司,并和专科医院展开紧密的合作,对私立高端专科医院的市场化经营有着深入的研究与实践经验。2011年,投资加入上海泰福健康管理有限公司,致力于健康管理行业的发展。2013年,投资建立“Malo Clinic”马泷齿科诊所(中国)公司, 任董事长,发展中国区连锁齿科医疗机构。 2014年,投资建立北京崔玉涛儿童健康管理中心有限公司,任董事CEO,发展和深耕儿童健康垂直领域,利用移动互联网技术,结合线上APP(育学园)和线下实体儿科诊所,在国内儿童医疗健康服务领域探索践行。
Mr. Michael Shao is currently the Chairman of Malo Clinic China; Director, CEO of Ivybaby Co., Ltd; CEO of Shanghai Taives Health Co., Ltd; Chairman of Zhilue Investment Co., Ltd. He started to get involved inmedical investments in 2007. In 2009, he established Shanghai Zhilue Investment Co., Ltd and Beijing Anping Investment Co., Ltd and has made close ties and partnership with specialized hospitals since then. He dedicated years of research and practice in marketing business in top private hospitals. Since 2011, he has been invested in Shanghai Taives Health Co., Ltd and acted as CEO that engaged in the development of health management industry. Malo Clinic was established in 2013 and he has served as president, he dedicated to unraveling this complex environment to help develop dental clinic chain in China. With the establishment of Ivybaby Co., Ltd in 2014, he acted as the CEO. He aims at increasing the importance of children’s health by combining the online application(Yu Xue Yuan) with offline real pediatric clinics through the mobile internet technology.
Eric Wu 吴进
吴进先生现任弘晖资本合伙人,拥有超过15年的医疗投资及财务管理经验,在医疗服务及医药制造领域积累了丰富的行业经验。 曾任KKR投资集团高级副总裁和鼎晖创投副总裁,亦曾就职于美国艾威基金和毕马威会计师事务所,主要专注医疗健康和大众消费等领域,主导和参与过医疗和教育等领域的多项投资,包括:康弘药业(002773)、新眼光(430140)等。吴进先生拥有复旦大学理学学士学位以及伦敦商学院金融学硕士学位。
Mr. Eric Wu is now the partner of Highlight Capital. Mr. Wu has over 15 years' working experience in healthcare and financial management areas. Before joining Highlight Capital, he served as Principal in KKR and VP in CDH Investment. Mr. Wu also worked in Avenue Capital and KPMG, dedicated in healthcare and consumer industries, leading and participating in multiple deals across both sectors. Deals includes:Kanghong Pharma (002773), New Eye Medical (430140), etc. Mr. Wu obtained his B.S degree from Fudan University and Master degreee in Finance from London Business School.
Sean Huang 黄升轩(耶鲁MBA校友)
黄升轩先生担任融汇资本董事总经理,负责医疗产业基金和新兴产业基金的投资业务 和基金管理工作。加入融汇资本之前, 黄先生曾任职于中信证券、CVC资本、崇德投资、普华永道等机构。曾经主导和参与投资商汤科技、满帮集团、瑞鹏宠物医疗、迈瑞医疗、青云科技、青普旅游、EcoFarm、PRP 医疗影像、万全制药、金天医药、大金重工等多家企业。黄先生拥有耶鲁大学MBA学位和北京大学经济学学士学位。
Guoping Sui 隋国平
Mr. Sui joined CHG in July, 2016. He has served as the director and vice president of PKU pharmaceutical company, the director and general manager of PKU Cancer Hospital Management Company, the president and general manager of Canaan Clinic, the co-head of Investment banking committee in Healthcare at CITIC Securities, the senior consultant in medicine area of McKinsey. He also has rich working experience at Johnson Inc. and Bayer. Mr. Sui was a Postdoctor in Surgery and Pathology and holds an Master degree in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University and Doctor degree of Medicine from Peking University Health Science Center.
About Moderator
Peter Lu 鲁东成 (Yale SOM)
鲁东成博士拥有中美两国医疗健康领域20余年的丰富经验,是重山资本创始&执行合伙人。之前,鲁博士曾担任重山资本医疗消费基金创始&执行合伙人、以色列英飞尼迪投资集团合伙人、美国犀鸟资本中国区总经理、耶鲁大学医学院研究员, 一直从事生命科学领域的风险投资,主导了威高集团、NWBT、达康医疗、悠游堂、影联科技、林锋医生集团、蜜肤医疗、好孕帮、善康保险等项目。鲁博士是一位心脏专科医生,获得北京大学医学博士学位,并拥有耶鲁大学工商管理硕士学位。
Dr. Dongcheng (Peter) Lu has more than twenty years of experience in life science sector. He is the Founding Managing Partner of New Vision Ventures LLC. (NVV), partner of Infinity Group, China head of Toucan Capital(US A), and research scientist at Yale School of Medicine. Dr. Lu has led more than 30 investments in life science sector. Dr. Lu is a cardiologist with eight years of clinical experience. He obtained his MD in Peking University and MBA from Yale School of Management.
About Organizer
Yale Healthcare Club of China (YHCC) comprises of an enthusiastic group Yale alumni working in or interested in the healthcare industry. The YHCC’s mission is to develop networking and business opportunities by connecting Yale alumni to the healthcare business community, and to enhance the community’s knowledge and ideas. In the future, the YHCC will continue to host high-impact and diverse activities, such as panel discussions and speaker series.
耶鲁医疗健康中国校友俱乐部(YHCC, Yale Healthcare Club of China)是由耶鲁大学医疗健康领域的中国校友发起的组织,旨在为会员打造在医疗健康行业的生态圈,促进实业与投资界的沟通与交流,创造更多投资机会。YHCC将定期举办丰富的线上线下活动,涵盖医疗健康领域重要议题,分享领域前沿真知灼见。
Yale Healthcare Club of China (YHCC) comprises of an enthusiastic group Yale alumni working in or interested in the healthcare industry. The YHCC’s mission is to develop networking and business opportunities by connecting Yale alumni to the healthcare business community, and to enhance the community’s knowledge and ideas. In the future, the YHCC will continue to host high-impact and diverse activities, such as panel discussions and speaker series.
耶鲁医疗健康中国校友俱乐部(YHCC, Yale Healthcare Club of China)是由耶鲁大学医疗健康领域的中国校友发起的组织,旨在为会员打造在医疗健康行业的生态圈,促进实业与投资界的沟通与交流,创造更多投资机会。YHCC将定期举办丰富的线上线下活动,涵盖医疗健康领域重要议题,分享领域前沿真知灼见。
For more information on upcoming events, please follow us on WeChat
at YaleChinaHealthcare.
号 YaleChinaHealthcare。