| EN
Crazy Lotus Experience 互动展览 & SMART Lotus Conference 峰会

价格: ¥240 - 380

2017年4月29日 星期六 13:00 至 4月30日 星期日 23:30
Location @ The Cool Docks 上海市黄埔区中山南路505弄老码头内13号 No. 505 Zhongshan South Road, Building 13
主办方: Crazy Lotus Cultural Development Company Shanghai 更多活动

价格: ¥240 - 380

Crazy Lotus Experience 互动展览 & SMART Lotus Conference 峰会

2017年4月29日 星期六 13:00 至 4月30日 星期日 23:30 Location @ The Cool Docks 上海市黄埔区中山南路505弄老码头内13号 No. 505 Zhongshan South Road, Building 13

价格: ¥240 - 380

时间 地点

2017年4月29日 星期六 13:00 至 4月30日 星期日 23:30

... Location @ The Cool Docks 上海市黄埔区中山南路505弄老码头内13号 No. 505 Zhongshan South Road, Building 13


主办方 联系主办方


Crazy Lotus Cultural Development Company Shanghai





浏览: 14,880

Crazy Lotus Experience & SMART Lotus Conference

Contact English: Tommy Hendriks

0086 18616340337


Crazy Lotus Experience & SMART Lotus Conference

接触中文: Rainbow Gao

0086 18601773399


Location @ The Cool Docks with rooftop & Huangpu River view!
No. 505 Zhongshan South Road, Building 13

 Metro Line 9 - StopXiaoNanMen

Confirmed headliners: (see below pictures)

Jacques Live (FR) – April 29th

Reeps One (UK) – April 30th

Zhang Ze (CN) – April 29th

Chiu Pi (TW) – April 29th

Peer Kusiv (GER) – April 30th

Kamara (NL) – April 29th

Steo Le Panda (FR) – April 30th



official pressrelease (2017.04.11)

Crazy Lotus Experience & SMART Lotus Conference

Shanghai 2017.04.29/30


April 29th 2017: 13:00 – 24:00

April 30th 2017: 13:00 – 24:00


@ The Cool Docks


No. 505 Zhongshan South Road, Building 13

Our goal is to create the CRAZIEST festival concept, outstandingly diverse, interesting, funny and educative compared to other events in China. Crazy Lotus Experience & SMART Lotus Conference is about the ultimate visitors experience.

Main features (in progress)

3 music stages (1 mainstage, 1 lounge stage, 1 local heroes stage) + SMART Lotus Conference + Exhibition

Diverse music styles

Covering all genres of electronic music, urban music, hip-hop & reggae. We exclude commercial and mainstream EDM.

Crazy Headliners

Headliner acts are mainly selected on CRAZY OUTSTANDING performance and creativity.

Confirmed headliners: (see added map for detailed info and pics)

Jacques Live (FR) – April 29th

Reeps One (UK) – April 30th

Zhang Ze (CN) – April 29th

Chiu Pi (TW) – April 29th

Peer Kusiv (GER) – April 30th

Kamara (NL) – April 29th

Steo Le Panda (FR) – April 30th

Local heroes stage (tbc)

All day and night the best China based crews and artists

SMART Lotus Conference

SMART Classroom, SMART Lotus awards, SMART Conference room, networking event.


Shanghai Nightlife Pass

Visitors buying the Crazy Lotus Full Package get free entry to 10+ parties on April 29/30 to nightlife venues: Celia, The Mansion, New Amber, URVC Vinyl Club, Reel 2 Reel & SMASH.

Pillow Fight @ Main Stage

Crazy Lotus All Access Package

With this ticket you can participate in all above events + receive 3 free drink tickets at location.

Main features ‘SMART Lotus conference’ (under process)

International Music, Art and Technology conference

S = Sport

M = Music

A = Art

R = Recognition

T = Technology

1. Sport

Topic of the sports conference is how to develop extreme sports culture and will be lead by FISE director from France.

1. Music / 音乐

The music conference will focus on electronic music development, Beatbox culture, music education, festival culture, clubbing and dancing. Several lectures are interactive.                                                                                                                                                                                   . 

2. Art & Design  / 艺术

How to make your creations, company or products outstanding.

3. Technology / 科技

VR experience rooms where you can try our various visual reality experiences.

4. Lotus Awards

Highlighting people and projects that bring outstanding contribution for society development.

5. Interactive Classroom

In the Interactive Classroom experts will teach you DJs lesson, Scratch Lesson, Music Production, Ableton Masterclass, Visual Mapping and much more.

6. Networking Rooftop Lounge

Rooftop lounge area where creative people from all disciplines and all parts of the world can exchange contacts and ideas.


Saturday April 29th

1. Mainstage Conference              14:00 – 18:30  Lectures/discussion

2. Mainstage music                        18:30 – 24:00  Headliner performances

3. Local heroes stage                     13:00 – 24:00  Various music styles, China     based acts and crews. 

4. SMART Classroom                      14:00 – 19:00  Interactive classes

5. VR experience room                  13:00 – 24:00  Visual Reality

6. Rooftop Networking event        13:00 – 24:00  Exchange new ideas

7. Lounge bar                                   13:00 – 24:00  Games and lounge


22:00 – all night long: with ‘Shanghai Nightlife pass’ you can enter for free the nightclubs: New Amber, The Mansion, URVC, Reel 2 Reel


Sunday April 30th

1. Mainstage Conference              14:00 – 18:30  Lectures/discussion

2. Mainstage music                        18:30 – 24:00  Headliner performances

3. Local heroes stage                     13:00 – 24:00  Various music styles, China     based acts and crews. 

4. SMART Classroom                      14:00 – 19:00  Interactive classes

5. VR experience room                  13:00 – 24:00  Visual Reality

6. Rooftop Networking event        13:00 – 24:00  Exchange new ideas

7. Lounge bar                                   13:00 – 24:00  Games and lounge


22:00 – all night long: with ‘Shanghai Nightlife pass’ you can enter for free the nightclubs: Celia, The Mansion, New Amber, URVC, Reel 2 Reel



Online tickets link: https://yoopay.cn/event/2017crazylotus

Print tickets at Smartshanghai Office and 2Nite office

A. Crazy Lotus All Access Package

1. Two days Crazy Lotus Experience 13:00 – 24:00

2 .Two days SMART Lotus Conference & Classroom 13:00 – 24:00

3. Three free drinks/food @ location

4. Shanghai Nightlife Pass.

Pre Sale: 380RMB

Door: 450RMB

B. Lotus 29th Festival & Conference Pass Time: 13:00 – 24:00

- Can participate with all onsite activities

- NO 3 free drinks or food, NO Shanghai Nightlife Pass

Pre Sale: 240RMB

Door: 280RMB

3. Lotus 30th Festival & Conference Pass Time: 13:00 – 24:00

- Can participate with all daytime & nighttime onsite activities at festival location

- NO 3 free drinks or food, NO Shanghai Nightlife Pass

Pre Sale: 240RMB

Door: 280RMB


Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/crazylotuschina

Wechat Official: crazy-lotus



Rainbow Gao (Director)


+86 18601773399



Tommy Hendriks (CEO)


+86 18616340337


Anqi Jiang (COO)


+ 88 18906396888




