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Blockchain for Non-Techies – A Chain Breakfast Event 区块链早餐社交聚会- 专为想要更了解区块链的你

价格: ¥100

2017年5月12日 星期五 09:00 至 12:00
9th Floor, 18 Dongyuan Road Pudong Lujiazui (CFIC Building) 浦东新区东园路18号中国金融信息中心9层JadeValue
主办方: Linda Xu 更多活动

价格: ¥100

Blockchain for Non-Techies – A Chain Breakfast Event 区块链早餐社交聚会- 专为想要更了解区块链的你

2017年5月12日 星期五 09:00 至 12:00 9th Floor, 18 Dongyuan Road Pudong Lujiazui (CFIC Building) 浦东新区东园路18号中国金融信息中心9层JadeValue

价格: ¥100

时间 地点

2017年5月12日 星期五 09:00 至 12:00

9th Floor, 18 Dongyuan Road Pudong Lujiazui (CFIC Building) 浦东新区东园路18号中国金融信息中心9层JadeValue 9th Floor, 18 Dongyuan Road Pudong Lujiazui (CFIC Building) 浦东新区东园路18号中国金融信息中心9层JadeValue


主办方 联系主办方

Linda Xu

Linda Xu

Welcome to FC Club (Fortune Connection Club) - a network for business professionals and connect the international community and people from a broad range of cultural backgrounds and experiences.


The world's professionals amongst globally minded people include expatriates and people that have had experience abroad or that want to increase their connections with professionals from all over the world.


The FC Club is one of the biggest English speaking networking organizations in Asia. It is a very powerful and leading business networking organization and after 16 years now it has been developed to an international networking organization. It serves a rapidly growing community of over 200,000 active members.


The FC Club is dedicated to bringing together business professionals, business managers, expatriates, human resource managers, and headhunters for its monthly events. Various social networking events and activities including Investors & Entrepreneurs Mixer, Art, Fashion & Luxury Networking Evenings, Business & Financial Evenings, Media Evenings and Career Development Evenings etc. are held every month in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong.

FC Club members are typically in their late 20's to late 40's senior management and more than 80 percent are country heads, general managers and heads of department. They are highly educated and motivated. Many of them are the most active mid-career business professionals in their respective communities all over the world. People often attend the events for purely social reasons - to meet old friends and to make new friends. They also know that often it is not what you know about whom you know that helps in life. They have found that The FC Club (Fortune Connection Club) www.fcclub.com is the place to meet the right people.

Since 2002 FC Club has organized more than 2,000 events in 10 locations. FC Club Networking Events is a weekly and monthly gathering of people who are interested in business networking and meeting socially. Various social networking events and activities including Business & Financial Evenings, Media, Sales & Marketing Evenings and Career Development Evenings, Fashion & Luxury Networking Soirée, Leaders Networking Evening, Hospitality Networking Evening and Supply Chain & Logistics Networking Evenings and other events through the calendar.

More than 200 events per year, over 25,000 guests welcomed at FC Club Events annually.

With FC Club You can

- Meet world's professionals to expand your network in your local community

- Offline networking events and activities

- Create your personalized professional identity

- Connect and expand your professional circle

- Connect business and find new business or career opportunities and make international friends

- Build and share experience and receive advise from experts and members who have experience


FC Club财富关系俱乐部  -成功从这里开始 – 生活 . 职业 . 商务


FC Club 是一家致力于举办活动的商务社交平台。每月的职业发展活动聚集各行各业的商界精英,人力资源和猎头公司的专业人士及外籍人士。




FC Club财富关系俱乐部是中国最大和最早的英语商务社交平台。 经过十五年的成长, 现已发展成一个全球网络平台。她迅速增长,在上海、北京、香港有超过20万的活跃会员, 几千场活动。

FC Club FC Club财富关系俱乐部的会员通常是30岁不到及40多岁之间的高级管理层。超过80%的人为地区及部门主管、总经理。




在FC Club你可以

- 扩大社交圈、结识来自世界各地的商务精英

- 线下商务社交主题聚会

- 创建个性化的职业身份

- 连接和扩展自己的专业圈子

- 拓展业务及寻找新的业务或事业机会

- 创建自己圈子并分享经验, 有机会得到有经验的专家会员的建议及交流







浏览: 5,750

Blockchain for Non-Techies – A Chain Breakfast Event! 

区块链早餐社交聚会- 专为想要更了解区块链的你

Blockchain is a very hot topic now; governments are researching it, CEO’s of large institution are pondering over it and there are Blockchain events week in week out throughout the world. This seminar will be different. It will solely focus on bringing the Blockchain back to basics to understand what it truly is without going into the technical details. It is designed to give an introduction, explore applications and facilitate discussion among participants. Thus this seminar will be of use to the business minded, particularly those within finance. 


Overall Topics: 
• What is Blockchain?
• Application
• Bitcoin and why it matters?
• Public vs Private chain

• Advantages and Disadvantages of Blockchain

比特币 & 为什么比特币很重要?
公有链 vs. 私有链

Time: Friday, May 12th, 2017 from 9am to 12noon

Address: 9th Floor, 18 Dongyuan Road Pudong Lujiazui (CFIC Building) 


Seminar Agenda: 

09.00 – 09.45 Arrival, breakfast and networking
09.45 – 11.00 Presentation from Key Note 
11.00 – 11.30 Q&A

11.30 – 12.00 Networking  

09.00 – 09.45 签到,用早餐,社交
09.45 – 11.00 区块链原理演讲
11.00 – 11.30 Q&A
11.30 – 12.00 社交

Seminar leader: 分享嘉宾

Eric is the founder of Viewfin, a leading blockchain startup in China, and a key opinion leader in the Chinese blockchain community. Given the fast growing market needs for blockchain in China and in consideration of technical trends, Eric successfully launched the first public blockchain – Metaverse – in China. Metaverse, although still in its infancy, is seen as a Chinese version of Ethereum, which has created great awareness among Chinese public media and financial institutions.

As the Chairman of Metaverse Foundation, Eric is committed to expand the industry area of the Metaverse eco-system to explore more blockchain application in range of areas. 


Special early bird discount  ( It includes breakfast): 提前预付优惠:100元/人(包括早餐)

Only RMB100/person

Please click the following link directly or scan QR code to buy the ticket 请直接点击链接/扫码买票


2. Or early bird discount by email 或者邮件报名

Early bird discount please email your full name and contact info to event@fcclub.com

RMB150/person RSVP on-line or email

邮件报名优惠位每位150元(包括早餐), 请将全名及联系方式发送至event@fcclub.com

Walk-ins RMB180/person(包括早餐)


JadeValue (Powered by CashBUS) is a leading Fintech Incubator & Investor in China located in the heart of the financial center in Shanghai, Lujiazui. We provide promising Fintech startups with the capital, talent and network they need to reach their next level. With a stunning view over the Huangpu River, our large incubator space is an innovation, learning and idea exchange platform, where startups, investors, and the global FinTech network can interact. Our main focus areas include Blockchain, InsurTech, Robo Advising, Real Estate Big Data, AI and Credit Diagnostics. 

JadeValue 由现金巴士创立,是一家坐落于上海金融中心——陆家嘴核心区域的金融科技孵化器。我们为金融科技初创企业提供增长所需要的资金、人才和人脉,帮助所投资/孵化的企业实现他们的创业梦想。坐拥外滩黄浦江迷人江景,我们为初创企业、投资人和全球金融科技组织建立了一个思想交流的平台。目前JadeValue重点关注的投资/孵化领域有区块链、保险科技、智能投顾、房地产大数据、人工智能和信用诊断。

FC Club (Fortune Connection Club) 

FC Club - a network for business professionals and connect the international community and people from a broad range of cultural backgrounds and experiences.

The FC Club is one of the biggest English speaking networking organizations in China. It is a very powerful and leading business networking organization and after 15 years now it has been developed to an international networking organization. It serves a rapidly growing community of over 200,000 active members.

A Partnership between: 

场地照片 Venue pictures





Welcome to FC Club (Fortune Connection Club) - a network for business professionals and connect the international community and people from a broad range of cultural backgrounds and experiences.


The world's professionals amongst globally minded people include expatriates and people that have had experience abroad or that want to increase their connections with professionals from all over the world.


The FC Club is one of the biggest English speaking networking organizations in Asia. It is a very powerful and leading business networking organization and after 16 years now it has been developed to an international networking organization. It serves a rapidly growing community of over 200,000 active members.


The FC Club is dedicated to bringing together business professionals, business managers, expatriates, human resource managers, and headhunters for its monthly events. Various social networking events and activities including Investors & Entrepreneurs Mixer, Art, Fashion & Luxury Networking Evenings, Business & Financial Evenings, Media Evenings and Career Development Evenings etc. are held every month in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong.

FC Club members are typically in their late 20's to late 40's senior management and more than 80 percent are country heads, general managers and heads of department. They are highly educated and motivated. Many of them are the most active mid-career business professionals in their respective communities all over the world. People often attend the events for purely social reasons - to meet old friends and to make new friends. They also know that often it is not what you know about whom you know that helps in life. They have found that The FC Club (Fortune Connection Club) www.fcclub.com is the place to meet the right people.

Since 2002 FC Club has organized more than 2,000 events in 10 locations. FC Club Networking Events is a weekly and monthly gathering of people who are interested in business networking and meeting socially. Various social networking events and activities including Business & Financial Evenings, Media, Sales & Marketing Evenings and Career Development Evenings, Fashion & Luxury Networking Soirée, Leaders Networking Evening, Hospitality Networking Evening and Supply Chain & Logistics Networking Evenings and other events through the calendar.

More than 200 events per year, over 25,000 guests welcomed at FC Club Events annually.

With FC Club You can

- Meet world's professionals to expand your network in your local community

- Offline networking events and activities

- Create your personalized professional identity

- Connect and expand your professional circle

- Connect business and find new business or career opportunities and make international friends

- Build and share experience and receive advise from experts and members who have experience


FC Club财富关系俱乐部  -成功从这里开始 – 生活 . 职业 . 商务


FC Club 是一家致力于举办活动的商务社交平台。每月的职业发展活动聚集各行各业的商界精英,人力资源和猎头公司的专业人士及外籍人士。




FC Club财富关系俱乐部是中国最大和最早的英语商务社交平台。 经过十五年的成长, 现已发展成一个全球网络平台。她迅速增长,在上海、北京、香港有超过20万的活跃会员, 几千场活动。

FC Club FC Club财富关系俱乐部的会员通常是30岁不到及40多岁之间的高级管理层。超过80%的人为地区及部门主管、总经理。




在FC Club你可以

- 扩大社交圈、结识来自世界各地的商务精英

- 线下商务社交主题聚会

- 创建个性化的职业身份

- 连接和扩展自己的专业圈子

- 拓展业务及寻找新的业务或事业机会

- 创建自己圈子并分享经验, 有机会得到有经验的专家会员的建议及交流



