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Book Launch: Winning the B2B Sale in China
2021年11月10日 星期三 20:00 至 21:30
主办方: 上海方相企业管理咨询有限公司 更多活动

价格: 免费

Book Launch: Winning the B2B Sale in China

价格: 免费

Book Launch: Winning the B2B Sale in China
2021年11月10日 星期三 20:00 至 21:30
主办方: 上海方相企业管理咨询有限公司 更多活动

价格: 免费



Book Launch: Winning the B2B Sale in China

2021年11月10日 星期三 20:00 至 21:30 https://zoom.us/j/91829762828?pwd=a1lGenNTN3QwQ0ZMYlZ2MFNhSVpXZz09

价格: 免费

时间 地点

2021年11月10日 星期三 20:00 至 21:30

https://zoom.us/j/91829762828?pwd=a1lGenNTN3QwQ0ZMYlZ2MFNhSVpXZz09 https://zoom.us/j/91829762828?pwd=a1lGenNTN3QwQ0ZMYlZ2MFNhSVpXZz09


主办方 联系主办方



Directions Consulting is the Thought Leader in people development in China and the rest of Asia.

Having worked with companies of different sizes and industries, Directions Consulting shares with you the multitudes of case studies that had been accumulated over the years. We ensure that solutions are customized and bespoke to address your needs and expectations.

Key Focus Areas

1. Leadership Development                                   
2. Management Team Development 
3. Sales and Business Acumen Development            
4. Talent Assessment and Assessment Centres 
5. HR Consulting                                                  
6. Agile and Project Management     
7. Supply Chain Leadership                                    
8. Experiential Learning

You can can be supported in China, Singapore and other parts of Asia, online as well as face-to-face

Events 2021






浏览: 1,242

Book Launch: Winning the B2B Sale in China (English)

新书发布会:  《中国式B2B销售宝典》(英文)


Winning the B2B Sale in China


A new book chronicling the trials, tribulations, and success stories of numerous B2B sales adventures will be launched on 10 November 2021 at 20:00 hrs (Beijing time, GMT +8). During the session, viewers can ask any questions to the author, c.j. Ng, and get candid responses about what it is like selling in China.  c.j. will also be sharing his observations about the evolution of China’s sales landscape from the early 2000’s till today.  Readers can log on to https://yoopay.cn/event/04702722 to register for this online book launch


一本记录了众多B2B销售精粹、磨难与成功故事的新书将于2021年11月10日20:00时(北京时间,GMT+8)发布。 在发布会上,观众可以向作者黄常捷 (c.j. Ng) 提出任何提问。c.j.还将分享他对中国销售形势从2000年初至今的演变的观察与心得。 读者可以登录https://yoopay.cn/event/04702722,注册参加这次网上新书发布会。



The book has gathered positive reviews from experienced sales managers in China.  “Insightful and practical.  c.j. shares his expertise in the WHYs and HOWs when building trust with Chinese customers, formulating and executing China sales strategies, and coaching the sales team for success." says Ethan Wang, Vice President of Sales, Asia Pacific, Tenneco.


该书收集了来自中国经验丰富的销售经理的积极评价。 "具有洞察力和实用性。c.j. 分享了他在与中国客户建立信任、制定和执行中国销售战略以及指导销售团队取得成功方面的专业知识,"Tenneco亚太区销售副总裁Ethan Wang说,


Oscar Wu, CEO, Ondal Medical Systems China, says “All the tips in the book are so close to our real sales life.  The case studies shared were almost identical to the ones from our company. ”


欧达尔医疗系统中国区首席执行官Oscar Wu说:"书中的所有技巧都非常接近我们的真实销售实况。 分享的案例与我们公司的案例几乎完全相同。"


Another reader, Kelvin Tan, Managing Director, Klasmann-Deilmann China, says “The detailed accounts of how the business environment in China has evolved over the years and how to navigate the intricate landscapes are clearly spelled by c.j. 


另一位读者,Klasmann-Deilmann中国区董事总经理Kelvin Tan说:"关于中国的商业环境多年来如何演变以及如何驾驭错综复杂的景观的详细叙述,c.j.清楚地说明了。


As part of the book launch, Amazon Kindle will be giving free downloads for all Kindle orders from 9 November 2021 at 16:00 hrs (Beijing time) till 12 November 2021 at 15:59 hrs. Readers can log on to https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JPG9G3G to make free Kindle orders.


作为新书发布的一部分,亚马逊Kindle将在2021年11月9日16:00时(北京时间)至2021年11月12日15:59时为所有Kindle订单提供免费下载。 读者可以登录https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JPG9G3G,进行免费的Kindle订购。


Earlier this year, c.j. has co-authored Sales-Map™ , an online Situational Judgment Test, measuring sales proficiency in four stages of the B2B sales process. It is suitable for B2B salespeople from all industries and seniority levels. 




About the author 关于作者


c.j. is the sales, leadership, and business acumen facilitator and coach who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements.  Bilingual in English and Mandarin, he services audiences in China and the Asia Pacific region, especially in industrial solution selling. His diverse experience in different functional roles, ranging from sales & marketing to learning & development to senior management, enables him to provide otherwise hidden insights to his customers.


c.j.是销售、领导力和商务敏锐度的促进者和教练,曾帮助国际企业实现量子化提升。 他精通英语和普通话,为中国和亚太地区的听众提供服务,特别是在工业解决方案销售方面。 他在不同职能部门的经验,从销售与市场到学习与发展再到高级管理,使他能够为客户提供其他隐藏的见解。


To date, c.j. has served customers such as Saint Gobain, Honeywell, Evonik, HP, and many others. He can be reached at his LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cydj001/ 


迄今为止,c.j.服务过的客户包括 圣戈班、霍尼韦尔、赢创、惠普等。 您可以通过他的LinkedIn页面联系他:https://www.linkedin.com/in/cydj001/   






Directions Consulting is the Thought Leader in people development in China and the rest of Asia.

Having worked with companies of different sizes and industries, Directions Consulting shares with you the multitudes of case studies that had been accumulated over the years. We ensure that solutions are customized and bespoke to address your needs and expectations.

Key Focus Areas

1. Leadership Development                                   
2. Management Team Development 
3. Sales and Business Acumen Development            
4. Talent Assessment and Assessment Centres 
5. HR Consulting                                                  
6. Agile and Project Management     
7. Supply Chain Leadership                                    
8. Experiential Learning

You can can be supported in China, Singapore and other parts of Asia, online as well as face-to-face

Events 2021


