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FC Club (Shanghai) Career Development & Recruitment Forum with Panel Discussion & Social​. FC Club(上海)职业发展-招聘论坛及派对

价格: ¥140

2017年3月9日 星期四 19:00 至 23:00
Espace@THE PLACE, 457 Jumen Road, R Floor, Bridge 8 Phase IV, Huangpu District, near Runan Street 局门路457号R楼,8号桥4期“汇上星会舘”靠近汝南街
主办方: Linda Xu 更多活动

价格: ¥140

FC Club (Shanghai) Career Development & Recruitment Forum with Panel Discussion & Social​. FC Club(上海)职业发展-招聘论坛及派对

2017年3月9日 星期四 19:00 至 23:00 Espace@THE PLACE, 457 Jumen Road, R Floor, Bridge 8 Phase IV, Huangpu District, near Runan Street 局门路457号R楼,8号桥4期“汇上星会舘”靠近汝南街

价格: ¥140

时间 地点

2017年3月9日 星期四 19:00 至 23:00

Espace@THE PLACE, 457 Jumen Road, R Floor, Bridge 8 Phase IV, Huangpu District, near Runan Street 局门路457号R楼,8号桥4期“汇上星会舘”靠近汝南街 Espace@THE PLACE, 457 Jumen Road, R Floor, Bridge 8 Phase IV, Huangpu District, near Runan Street 局门路457号R楼,8号桥4期“汇上星会舘”靠近汝南街


主办方 联系主办方

Linda Xu

Linda Xu

Welcome to FC Club (Fortune Connection Club) - a network for business professionals and connect the international community and people from a broad range of cultural backgrounds and experiences.


The world's professionals amongst globally minded people include expatriates and people that have had experience abroad or that want to increase their connections with professionals from all over the world.


The FC Club is one of the biggest English speaking networking organizations in Asia. It is a very powerful and leading business networking organization and after 16 years now it has been developed to an international networking organization. It serves a rapidly growing community of over 200,000 active members.


The FC Club is dedicated to bringing together business professionals, business managers, expatriates, human resource managers, and headhunters for its monthly events. Various social networking events and activities including Investors & Entrepreneurs Mixer, Art, Fashion & Luxury Networking Evenings, Business & Financial Evenings, Media Evenings and Career Development Evenings etc. are held every month in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong.

FC Club members are typically in their late 20's to late 40's senior management and more than 80 percent are country heads, general managers and heads of department. They are highly educated and motivated. Many of them are the most active mid-career business professionals in their respective communities all over the world. People often attend the events for purely social reasons - to meet old friends and to make new friends. They also know that often it is not what you know about whom you know that helps in life. They have found that The FC Club (Fortune Connection Club) www.fcclub.com is the place to meet the right people.

Since 2002 FC Club has organized more than 2,000 events in 10 locations. FC Club Networking Events is a weekly and monthly gathering of people who are interested in business networking and meeting socially. Various social networking events and activities including Business & Financial Evenings, Media, Sales & Marketing Evenings and Career Development Evenings, Fashion & Luxury Networking Soirée, Leaders Networking Evening, Hospitality Networking Evening and Supply Chain & Logistics Networking Evenings and other events through the calendar.

More than 200 events per year, over 25,000 guests welcomed at FC Club Events annually.

With FC Club You can

- Meet world's professionals to expand your network in your local community

- Offline networking events and activities

- Create your personalized professional identity

- Connect and expand your professional circle

- Connect business and find new business or career opportunities and make international friends

- Build and share experience and receive advise from experts and members who have experience


FC Club财富关系俱乐部  -成功从这里开始 – 生活 . 职业 . 商务


FC Club 是一家致力于举办活动的商务社交平台。每月的职业发展活动聚集各行各业的商界精英,人力资源和猎头公司的专业人士及外籍人士。




FC Club财富关系俱乐部是中国最大和最早的英语商务社交平台。 经过十五年的成长, 现已发展成一个全球网络平台。她迅速增长,在上海、北京、香港有超过20万的活跃会员, 几千场活动。

FC Club FC Club财富关系俱乐部的会员通常是30岁不到及40多岁之间的高级管理层。超过80%的人为地区及部门主管、总经理。




在FC Club你可以

- 扩大社交圈、结识来自世界各地的商务精英

- 线下商务社交主题聚会

- 创建个性化的职业身份

- 连接和扩展自己的专业圈子

- 拓展业务及寻找新的业务或事业机会

- 创建自己圈子并分享经验, 有机会得到有经验的专家会员的建议及交流







浏览: 10,306

FC Club (Shanghai) Career Development & Recruitment Forum with Panel Discussion & Social

FC Club(上海)职业发展-招聘论坛及社交派对


We cordially invite you to attend the CAREER DEVELOPMENT & RECRUITMENT FORUM AND NETWORKING PARTY in Shanghai. In the spirit of our vision of "We are the brightest and the best!", the forum will address your present needs to prepare you for the realities of the future. You will also have an opportunity to listen to inspiration speakers, and network with a diverse group of accomplished professionals.

We have invited 6 guest speakers for a panel discussion about Exploring Careers in China.


When:Thursday, March 9th, 2017 from 19:00 p.m. to 23 p.m.

时间:201739日周四,晚上19:00 p.m. to 23 p.m.


Location: Espace@THE PLACE, 457 Jumen Road, R Floor, Bridge 8 Phase IV, Huangpu District,

near Runan Street

Subway:  Line 4, 8, 13 (Line 4 Luban Road, Line 8 Xizhang Nan Road, Line 13 World Expo Museum) 


地铁: 4813号线(4号鲁班路站、8号西藏南路站、13号世博会博物馆站)


Engage with industry experts, recruiters and thought leaders


Join us on March 9th for our annual Career Development Forum. An event composed of Shanghai’s notable career advisors, recruiters and employers. Get career advice and gain insights on how to market yourself in a competitive job market.


There will be a networking reception prior to the panel.



Get direct access to employers, executive search companies, educational and training facilities, career services and entrepreneurship services. Attend and meet face to face with recruiters, career specialists, HR professionals and admission officers to access career opportunities in a dynamic, prospective and unique environment.

RSVP Options (It includes one complimentary drink and participation in a lucky draw):

提前预订优惠 (费用包括一杯免费的酒或饮料及参加抽奖)

1. Special discount for prepaid ticket only RMB140/person 

      Buy the ticket online click the link below or scan the QR code 

      预售票特别优惠:提前支付优惠折扣: 140元/位





2. Or early bird discount by email

Early bird discount please email your full name and contact info to event@fcclub.com

Option 1: RMB140/person RSVP on-line or email

Option 2: RMB130/person Bring Friends! RSVP two by email

Option 3: Walk-ins RMB180/person


报名请将全名,公司,职位, 手机号及邮箱发送至 event@fcclub.com
1人优惠票: 140元/位 
2人同行: 130元/位

Agenda: 活动议程:

19:00 PM – 20:30 PM Registration & Networking 签到 & 社交酒会

20:30 PM – 20:35 PM Greetings & Introductions 活动介绍

20:35 PM – 21:10 PM Panel Guest Speakers Introductions & Discussion 嘉宾介绍及互动研讨

21:10 PM – 21:20 PM Q&A 问与答

21:20 PM – 21:25 PM Lucy Draw 幸运抽奖

21:25 PM – 23:00PM Networking 社交酒会

Featured Speakers & Influencers: 特邀嘉宾: 

Mr. Keith Wootan, VP of Human Capital Group

Keith's speech is Optimizing LinkedIn to Improve Career opportunities

Keith has the ability to identify management/leadership talent and place those people or develop them into correct roles. He excels at being able to look beyond the need for managers to acquire skills, which is a basic need, and helps them apply the skills they gain to the work at hand. His approach to developing people is extremely practical – get results. He is able to help leaders identify t he results they are out to attain and then help them devise strategies to achieve them. In addition to the traditional view of business strategy these plans include the people development aspect of running a business. Keith is a seasoned businessman with over 20 years of experience serving a variety of positions from entry level manager to vice president. In his years on the front lines, so to speak, he has managed global organizations. He knows the importance of and the practical means of setting direction and communicating that direction throughout the organization. He shines in his ability to take the said direction and operationalize it – get things done and reach the targets. Most importantly he knows how to mobilize people to reach their goals and the goals of the organization.

Mr. Cliff Hegan, Managing Director of Fitco-Consulting

Cliff's speech is Leadership - The power of Erickson Coaching to develop our potential

Cliff has been in the retained search business for more than 9 years. He founded Fitco-Consulting with his partner Katherine Wang in Singapore in 2008 and has successfully run the company since that time, conducting retained search for more than 50 multinational companies primarily recruiting Regional & Country Managers, CFO’s, CIO’s, HR & R&D leaders, Sales and Marketing leaders and manufacturing engineers from offices located in Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Cambridge, UK and Silicon Valley USA.

Prior to this Cliff worked in management roles for major MNC corporations in both Europe and the USA in including Alcan, Novelis Corp. Rockwell Automation and earlier as an IT professional for South Wales Water & Electricity Utility, Royal Bank of Scotland, Trikon Technologies and Reuters. After leaving university he launched and ran a fast moving consumable and grocery retail business for 5 years in the UK.

Mr. Gary Gong, Co-founder of eHire Group

Gary has been in the search business for more than 11 years. He has successfully recruited talents in finance and accounting, financial services and human resources for both multinational companies and local players.

Before starting with eHire business, Gary had worked for eFinancialCareers as National Business Director, and Hays as Team Leader for Finance and Insurance. In his past experience, Gary can identify right candidates effectively by quickly grasping the essence of the business, its culture and team structure. As DiSC certified trainer, Gary is able to provide trainings regarding talent assessment and behavior test for different clients. Meanwhile, he also was awarded as 2013 Most Passionate People in Hays Asia – Leadership Award, Advanced Communicator Bronze and Leader Bronze in Toastmasters Club. In the end of 2015, Along with Copeople Group - a Leading service provider for finance professionals as one of co-founders, Gary has set up a brand new business called eHire Group which consists of recruitment services, online recruitment, finance consulting, contractor services and training/assessment. Until now, eHire business has expanded quickly into the nation, operating in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou with a solid 30+ staff team built. Soon, our most innovative digital recruitment project called PinPin Mofang will be launched soon.

Mr. Egbert Kampherbeek, General Manager of JW Grace Consulting

Egbert is General Manager of JW Grace Consulting. Egbert brings over 16 years of management experience in Technology companies across Europe and China. Through his experience of managing large teams in some of the world’s biggest technology companies, Egbert has developed a clear understanding of recruitment of top performing individuals that bring value to his clients. Focused across the Asia market, Egbert has conducted several global searches – identifying and qualifying candidates from Americas, Europe etc..

JW Grace is an executive search company. They focus on the recruitment of middle to senior management/ technology executives especially on the following industries: IT, especially SAP, ERP related Financial Services, Automobile.

More featured speakers information will be announced 5 days before the event.  更多特邀嘉宾信息将会在活动前5天公布。


Please forward this message to anyone who might be interested in it. 欢迎转发活动给您的朋友。

We are looking forward to seeing you. 期待您的出席。 


FC Club Shanghai Team



Tel: 5694 9093 or 1300 3211 151

Organizers 主办方:

Media Partners 媒体合作:

About The Place 

The Place is a multiple club platform offering event spaces and dining venues conveniently nestled in the 2,000m2 rooftop of Bridge 8 Phase IV, a leading creative park in Shanghai. The Place offers two dining venues, Terrace Lounge and Dining room.

The Place是一个多功能俱乐部平台,提供2000平方米的活动空间和餐饮场所,位于上海首屈一指的创意园区,八号桥创意园区四期的顶楼露台。The Place提供了两个特色餐饮场所,花园廊和私人厨房。

Venue pictures: 

Add FC Club wechat as your contact to get most updated information about events, event pictures, jobs, featured guests, promotions etc.

Our wechat Official Account ID is fcclub2002 and you also can scan our QR code to follow us.

我们的微信公帐号是fcclub2002, 你也可以扫描我们的二维码, 来关注我们。谢谢大家关注,欢迎转发。

About FC Club


FC Club (Fortune Connection Club) – Where Fortune Starts



Welcome to FC Club (Fortune Connection Club) - a network for business professionals and connect the international community and people from a broad range of cultural backgrounds and experiences.

The world's professionals amongst globally minded people include expatriates and people that have had experience abroad or that want to increase their connections with professionals from all over the world.

The FC Club is one of the biggest English speaking networking organizations in Asia. It is a very powerful and leading business networking organization and after 15 years now it has been developed to an international networking organization. It serves a rapidly growing community of over 200,000 active members.

The FC Club is dedicated to bringing together business professionals, business managers, expatriates, human resource managers, and headhunters for its monthly events. Various social networking events and activities including Investors & Entrepreneurs Mixer, Art, Fashion & Luxury Networking Evenings, Business & Financial Evenings, Media Evenings and Career Development Evenings etc. are held every month in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong.

关于 FC Club

FC Club 财富关系俱乐部是一家致力于举办活动的商务社交平台, 也是中国最大和最早的英语商务社交平台。 经过十五年的成长, 现已发展成一个全球网络组织。它迅速增长,在上海、北京、香港有超过20万的活跃会员,几千场活动,会员多为30岁不到及40多岁之间的高级管理层,外籍人士占35%。

每月的艺术时尚与奢侈品聚会,企业家、商务金融活动吸引了投融资界人士,金融行业人士及外资和民营企业家们,传媒业聚会聚集所有媒体相关人士。 财富关系俱乐部提供您一个独一无二的平台,将带给您和您的职业或事业迈上新的台阶。





Welcome to FC Club (Fortune Connection Club) - a network for business professionals and connect the international community and people from a broad range of cultural backgrounds and experiences.


The world's professionals amongst globally minded people include expatriates and people that have had experience abroad or that want to increase their connections with professionals from all over the world.


The FC Club is one of the biggest English speaking networking organizations in Asia. It is a very powerful and leading business networking organization and after 16 years now it has been developed to an international networking organization. It serves a rapidly growing community of over 200,000 active members.


The FC Club is dedicated to bringing together business professionals, business managers, expatriates, human resource managers, and headhunters for its monthly events. Various social networking events and activities including Investors & Entrepreneurs Mixer, Art, Fashion & Luxury Networking Evenings, Business & Financial Evenings, Media Evenings and Career Development Evenings etc. are held every month in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong.

FC Club members are typically in their late 20's to late 40's senior management and more than 80 percent are country heads, general managers and heads of department. They are highly educated and motivated. Many of them are the most active mid-career business professionals in their respective communities all over the world. People often attend the events for purely social reasons - to meet old friends and to make new friends. They also know that often it is not what you know about whom you know that helps in life. They have found that The FC Club (Fortune Connection Club) www.fcclub.com is the place to meet the right people.

Since 2002 FC Club has organized more than 2,000 events in 10 locations. FC Club Networking Events is a weekly and monthly gathering of people who are interested in business networking and meeting socially. Various social networking events and activities including Business & Financial Evenings, Media, Sales & Marketing Evenings and Career Development Evenings, Fashion & Luxury Networking Soirée, Leaders Networking Evening, Hospitality Networking Evening and Supply Chain & Logistics Networking Evenings and other events through the calendar.

More than 200 events per year, over 25,000 guests welcomed at FC Club Events annually.

With FC Club You can

- Meet world's professionals to expand your network in your local community

- Offline networking events and activities

- Create your personalized professional identity

- Connect and expand your professional circle

- Connect business and find new business or career opportunities and make international friends

- Build and share experience and receive advise from experts and members who have experience


FC Club财富关系俱乐部  -成功从这里开始 – 生活 . 职业 . 商务


FC Club 是一家致力于举办活动的商务社交平台。每月的职业发展活动聚集各行各业的商界精英,人力资源和猎头公司的专业人士及外籍人士。




FC Club财富关系俱乐部是中国最大和最早的英语商务社交平台。 经过十五年的成长, 现已发展成一个全球网络平台。她迅速增长,在上海、北京、香港有超过20万的活跃会员, 几千场活动。

FC Club FC Club财富关系俱乐部的会员通常是30岁不到及40多岁之间的高级管理层。超过80%的人为地区及部门主管、总经理。




在FC Club你可以

- 扩大社交圈、结识来自世界各地的商务精英

- 线下商务社交主题聚会

- 创建个性化的职业身份

- 连接和扩展自己的专业圈子

- 拓展业务及寻找新的业务或事业机会

- 创建自己圈子并分享经验, 有机会得到有经验的专家会员的建议及交流



