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Secondary School Club Season I, 2022-2023

2022/10/10 - 2022/12/19

Main Campus

  • Senior Model United Nations Club (Student-led Club) 模拟联合国(高年级)(学生开设的俱乐部)

    每周四 15:50-17:00

    Main Campus



    老师:Club Leader: Belinda Wei

    老师:Club Leader: Elaine Xu

    老师:Club Supervisor: Ms. Sophie Lauratet

    老师:Club Supervisor: Mr. Ralf Mayenberger

    The Model United Nations is a concept activity during which students pretend to be delegates of specific countries in special forums of the United Nations. It is a role play, but they have to do the grunt work too. For example, they have to learn how to draft a real Resolution (which is a document which states actions that member countries wish to take about certain issues). They must also learn to be persuasive (through the lobbying process, which means that they must convince other delegates to support their resolution). Finally, they must learn to make persuasive formal speeches in front of an assembly of peers (to garner positive votes for their resolution). With experience some students become Student Officers and lead conferences. Our club members meet every week under the mentoring of two senior students to develop those skills in order to be the best delegate they can be. They gain confidence and global knowledge. In so doing, they become better learners in class. 模拟联合国是一项概念活动,学生在活动期间将“代表”特定国家参加“联合国”专门论坛。 这是一场角色扮演,但学生也必须完成繁重的工作。 例如,学习如何起草一份真正的决议(这是一份说明成员国希望就某些问题采取的行动的文件)。 学会有说服力的演讲(通过游说过程,这意味着他们必须说服其他代表支持他们的决议)。 最后,在其他代表面前发表有说服力的正式演讲(为他们的决议争取积极的投票)。 按照以往的经验,有一部分学生将成为学生干事并领导会议。 我们的俱乐部成员每周都会在两名高年级学生的指导下开会,培养以上技能,以便成为他们可以成为的最佳代表。 通过这个俱乐部,学生获得信心和各种类型的知识,并敦促他们在课堂上成为更好的学习者。 Eligible Students: G9-DP1 Maximum Number: 20 Time: Thursday 15:50-17:00 Club Location: A405 Club Leader: Belinda Wei and Elaine Xu Club Supervisor: Ms.Sophie Lauratet and Mr.Ralf Mayenberger Club Fee: 260 RMB/season Teaching Language: English



共选 1 门课 课程总价:
¥ 0

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