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Secondary School Club Season I, 2022-2023

2022/10/10 - 2022/12/19

Main Campus

  • GUNDAM Modeling Club (Student-led Club) 高达模型俱乐部 (学生开设的俱乐部)

    每周一 15:50-17:00

    Main Campus


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    老师:Club Leader: Tony Ding

    老师:Club Supervisor: Mr. Cui Zhijie

    Mechs, Mobile Armories, Mobile suits… If these are the things you like, then this club is made just for you. In this club, we are going to learn step by step, how to create a Master-level Gundam model. Unlike other modelling clubs, this club requires students to have Hand-On abilities to a further extent. Instead of just assembling pieces together, we will get our pieces on plastic plates to be cut off. Then we are going to learn to use polishing plates to polish the piece. Next, we are going to learn how to deal with the blemish on the surface of the piece. At last, we will be touching the field of Paint application for you models to further more increase the reality of your models. Startled by the hardness of these steps? DON’T WORRY! We will teach you step by step how to make models of your own desires. Sign up NOW to learn even more interesting skills! 机甲,机动战士…… 如果这些属于您感兴趣的一类,那这个俱乐部就是为您量身打造的。在这个俱乐部里,我们会一步步学习如何做出一个大师级的高达模型。 不像其他的模型俱乐部,这个俱乐部需要学生们有更好的动手能力。我们不仅仅是将零件组装在一起,而是将板件上的零件剪掉,接着再用打磨板打磨,然后我们还会学习如何处理零件上的瑕疵。最终,我们将会把步伐迈入涂装的领域,为您的模型增加真实感。被这几步吓到了?别担心!我们会一步一步的教您如何做出您自己随心所欲的模型。想学更多有趣技术就赶快报名吧! Eligible Students: G6-G9 Maximum Number: 20 Time: Monday 15:50-17:00 Club Location: C303 Club Leader: Tony Ding Club Supervisor: Mr. Cui Zhijie Club Fee: 520 RMB/season Teaching Language: Chinese



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