| EN

Secondary School Club Season I, 2022-2023

2022/10/10 - 2022/12/19

Main Campus

  • Music Band Club (Student-led Club) 乐团俱乐部 (学生开设的俱乐部)

    每周四 15:50-17:00

    Main Campus



    老师:Club Leader: Angel Tao

    老师:Club Leader: Jack Zhou

    老师:Club Supervisor: Mr. CJ

    All students WHO IS CAPABLE OF PLAYING INSTRUMENTS are welcome to our club. In the club, registered students will rehearse all kinds of songs with us, they will also learn some performance skills, and apply them to the actual performance. Our goal is to participate in school activities such as Evening of Art and others, or even take part in some off-campus musical performances. All rehearsals and performances count as SA/CAS hours. 我们的俱乐部欢迎所有会乐器的学生加入。在俱乐部中,学生们将与我们一起排练各种歌曲,他们还将学习一些表演技巧,并将其应用到实际表演中。我们的目标是参加学校活动,如Evening of Arts等等,甚至一些校外的音乐表演。同时,所有排练和表演均计入SA/CAS时数。 Eligible Students: G8-DP1 Maximum Number: 10 Time: Thursday 15:50-17:00 Club Location: AM01 Club Leader: Angel Tao & Jack Zhou Club Supervisor: Mr. CJ Club Fee: 260 RMB/season Teaching Language: English/Chinese



共选 1 门课 课程总价:
¥ 0

¥ 0
