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Secondary School Club Season I, 2022-2023

2022/10/10 - 2022/12/19

Main Campus

  • Decorative Art Club (Student-led Club) 装饰画俱乐部 (学生开设的俱乐部)

    每周三 15:50-17:00

    Main Campus


    - 1 +

    老师:Club Leader: Kylie Ding

    老师:Club Supervisor: Mr. George Schiefer

    The decorative art club will facilitate the participants the history of decorative art, basic artistic knowledge, and aesthetic element. At the same time, we will bring the participants on a journey of creative thinking and brainstorming to create decorative arts. And we will use those artworks to decorate the campus. Participating in the decorative art club allows participants to experience the fun of creating and serving the community and earn CAS/SA hours. 装饰画俱乐部将会教授参与者关于装饰画历史,基本美术知识以及审美要素。同时带领参与者进行发散性思维,创意思考来创作装饰画,并最终把装饰画用于装饰学校。通过参与装饰画俱乐部,参与者能够体验创作和服务社区的乐趣,并且获得CAS/SA时长。 Eligible Students: G7-DP1 Maximum Number: 15 Time: Wednesday 15:50-17:00 Club Location: B203 Club Leader: Kylie Ding Club Supervisor: Mr. George Schiefer Club Fee: 275 RMB/season Teaching Language: English/Chinese



共选 1 门课 课程总价:
¥ 0

¥ 0
