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Secondary School Club Season I, 2022-2023

2022/10/10 - 2022/12/19

Main Campus

  • BrainBee Charity Club (Student-led Club) 脑科学慈善俱乐部 (学生开设的俱乐部)

    每周三 15:50-17:00

    Main Campus



    老师:Club Supervisor: Ms. Shan Xiaomeng

    老师:Club Leader: Ella Yu

    Millions of people are bothered by neurological diseases, but brain health has never been paid attention to by the outside world. Our club will focus on promoting this public welfare activity in which brain science knowledge will be spread. We aim to help specific groups and make positive impact on spreading the idea. Here you will learn about the pathology of epilepsy, publicize it through video, poster and websites. The organizer will select several teams to reward 5000 RMB. Would you like to join the team and work with us? 攻克脑疾病,促进脑健康,任重而道远!推动青少年持续关注大脑和精神健康,是BrainBee科学活动诞生之日起的目标。我们的俱乐部将以这次的公益活动为主,能够实实在在地促进某一方面,脑科学知识的推广和普及,或者能够帮助到特定的人群,便是完成了我们的目标。在这里你会学到有关癫痫的病理知识,并通过视频、海报,网站的方式进行宣传,合理分工,携手推广脑疾病,官方会挑选若干名团队并给予5000元的奖励。愿意和我们成为一个团队吗? Eligible Students: G7-G8 Maximum Number: 15 Time: Wednesday 15:50-17:00 Club Location: E201 Club Leader: Ella Yu Club Supervisor: Ms.Zheng Yuwei Club Fee: 260 RMB/season Teaching Language: English/Chinese



共选 1 门课 课程总价:
¥ 0

¥ 0
