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Secondary School Club Season I, 2022-2023

2022/10/10 - 2022/12/19

Main Campus

  • Commercialized handicrafts (Student-led Club) 商业化手工艺品(学生开设的俱乐部)

    每周五 15:50-17:00

    Main Campus


    - 1 +

    老师:Club Leader: Tina Li

    老师:Club Leader: Zoey Zang

    老师:Club Supervisor: Ms. Guan Shujie

    The Commercialized handicrafts Club allows students to enhance their creativity and craft skills. Members will create and produce small pendants or other small decorative items based on their interests. The finished products will be marketed by members and sold on online shopping platforms. If the products are sold, the money earned will go to charity. 商业化手工艺品俱乐部让学生们提高他们的创造力和工艺技能。成员将会根据自己的喜好创作并制作出小挂坠或其他小型装饰品。这些成品将会由成员进行营销并放到网络购物平台进行售卖.。如果产品售卖出去,赚来的钱将会用于做慈善。 Eligible Students: G6-DP1 Maximum Number: 16 Time: Friday 15:50-17:00 Club Location: A408 Club Leader: Tina Li, Zoey Zang Club Supervisor: Ms. Guan Shujie Club Fee: 330 RMB/season Teaching Language: English/Chinese



共选 1 门课 课程总价:
¥ 0

¥ 0
