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Secondary School Club Season I, 2022-2023

2022/10/10 - 2022/12/19

Main Campus

  • National Economics Challenge 2023 2023 全美经济学挑战赛

    每周一 15:50-17:00

    Main Campus


    - 1 +

    老师:Club Leader: Ms. Li Jiayu

    Attention HS students! Please note that a brand-new club Economics 101 has been newly introduced to the market this semester! You have demands; we meet them! For current DP student: It is a great opportunity for you to review class materials, ask questions, as well as learn more new and fun stuff about economics. For Grade 9 and 10: This club works for you too! You can get a sense about what economics is and how economics is involved in your daily life. This club can also prepare you with some fundamental knowledge if you want to choose Economics for your DP courses. This club will also benefit students who are interested in taking an economics-related competition – the National Economics Challenge (NEC)! The top 20 teams winning the Chinese National competition will compete with teams around the world! We will give you a brief introduction to the competition and guide you through it step by step. You will also have an opportunity to prepare for the test together with others! Hurry up and we can reach an equilibrium together! 高中生请注意!本学期经济学俱乐部正在招募!你的需求我们来满足!对于当前的 DP 学生,这是一个很好的机会,在俱乐部你可以复习课堂材料,提出问题,以及了解更多关于经济学的新奇有趣的东西。 9 年级和 10 年级:这个俱乐部也适合你!您可以了解经济学是什么以及经济学如何融入日常生活。如果想在未来 DP 课程选择经济学,该俱乐部还可以打些基础知识。该俱乐部或将参加与经济学相关的竞赛——全美经济学挑战赛 (NEC)!国内赛前20名队伍将与世界各地的队伍同台竞技!我们将简要介绍比赛,并逐步指导学生完成比赛。学生还将有机会与其他人一起准备考试!快点,我们一起创造平衡曲线! Eligible Students: G9-DP1 Maximum Number: 20 Time: Monday 15:50-17:00 Club Location: A412 Club Leader: Ms. Li Jiayu Club Fee: 1300 RMB/season Teaching Language: English



共选 1 门课 课程总价:
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