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Secondary School Club Season I, 2022-2023

2022/10/10 - 2022/12/19

Main Campus

  • Fun with Chinese 好玩的中文

    每周五 15:50-17:00

    Main Campus


    - 1 +

    老师:Club Leader: Ms. Luo Fei

    Chinese is difficult and boring? That's because you're opening it in the wrong way. Come here and experience the beauty of Chinese -learning from various activities. We can have Hanfu experience and making tea as the Song Dynasty. We can also have retro games such as hoop rolling and hopscotch. It will definitely surprise you. At the same time, this is a club with both foreign and Chinese students, so don't worry about finding a language partner. 中文很难很无聊?那是因为你的打开方式不对。来这里,从五彩缤纷的活动中感受中文的美好。我们可以有汉服体验,点茶体验等文化项目;也可以有滚铁环,跳房子等复古游戏。绝对会给你惊喜。同时,这是一个既有外国同学也有中国同学的俱乐部,所以不要发愁找不到语伴哦。 Eligible Students: G6-DP1 Maximum Number: 20 Time: Friday 15:50-17:00 Club Location: C311 Club Leader: Ms. Luo Fei Club Fee: 1500 RMB/season Teaching Language: English/Chinese



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