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Secondary School Club Season I, 2022-2023

2022/10/10 - 2022/12/19

Main Campus

  • Creative life DIY Colorful Resin Art Club 创意⼈⽣ DIY 炫彩滴胶俱乐部

    每周一 15:50-17:00

    Main Campus


    - 1 +

    老师:Club Leader: Ms. Wang Li

    Creative Life DIY Colorful Resin Art Club: Do you want to have your own unique mobile phone case, keychain, earrings, pen holder, pendant? Resin art is an imaginative handcraft. You can use various molds and various dyeing tools to condense the color, shadow, brilliance, and shape, or use it as a smear material to increase the texture of the object. Do you also want to keep being creative this autumn and winter? If so, Creative Life DIY Colorful Resin Art Club is your best choice. 创意⼈⽣ DIY 炫彩滴胶俱乐部: 你想拥有⾃⼰创作的独⼀⽆⼆⼿机壳、钥匙扣、⽿钉、 笔筒、挂坠吗? 滴胶⼿⼯是⼀门充满想象⼒的⼿作,你可以利⽤各种模具和各种染⾊ ⼯具,将⾊影、光彩、造型都凝结起来,或者作为涂抹材料来增加物体的质感。今年 你是否也想留存住秋冬季的⼀份悸动呢?如果是的话,那么创意⼈⽣ DIY 炫彩滴胶俱 乐部就是你最好的选择。 Eligible Students: G6-DP1 Maximum Number: 16 Time: Monday 15:50-17:00 Club Location: C312 Club Leader: Ms. Wang Li Club Fee: 1550 RMB/season Teaching Language: English/Chinese



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