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HELA Publishing University, Spring 2019

2019/03/06 - 2019/06/27


  • Writing Articles on LinkedIn



    Bring a computer, notebook, and pen.


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    Instructor:Tamar Hela

    With over 7 years of experience in DIY and traditional publishing, Tamar is eager to share her knowledge with others who want to take control of their writing dreams and see success—whether writing fiction or nonfiction. As a published author (3 books/numerous articles), editor (45+ books), and educator (16 years), she offers a holistic approach to writing, from start to finish. As the previous Publishing Director and Chief Editor for the Publishing Division at Cosby Media Productions, she's worked with Amazon best-selling authors like Grammy Award recipient Mike Clemons and Olympic Gold medalist Gail Devers. Her previous clients and students have all agreed that they feel more confident and capable after working with her on a project or taking one or more of her courses. Tamar has been in Shanghai nearly 3 years and led various workshops on writing, editing, and holistic health. Find out more at:

    LinkedIn is a powerful tool that many professionals still aren’t taking advantage of. Don’t get left behind too! Set yourself apart as a thought leader using LinkedIn and curate great content you can use over and over again.

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