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Private Family Consultations 私人家庭咨询

2018/12/07 - 2018/12/07

Yew Wah International Education School 耀华国际教育学校

  • 12/7 14:45 – 15:15


    to be announced in A508 地点将在当场宣布


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    老师:郭峰 Davy Guo

    郭峰自2015年起在学建担任咨询心理学家,负责向上海和杭州的国际社区群体提供个人及团体咨询服务,以及嵌入式学校咨询服务。此外他还积极为公众做讲座和培训,提升人们对心理健康的认识。郭峰的童年是在中国度过的,之后他前往加拿大,在那里度过了他的青少年时期。身为“第三文化孩子”,他特别能理解国际环境中国际学生和本地孩子面临的困难。此外郭峰还是一位知名的健身专家。他是一家CrossFit健身房的共同经营者之一、多项正念课程的主办人,并以志愿者的身份经营着一家针对特殊儿童的健身俱乐部。他还接受过认知行为干预(CBT)、主动性社区治疗(ACT)和图式聚焦干预(SFT)的培训,此外他还是英国心理学会的毕业生会员。 Davy has been practicing as a counseling psychologist at ELG since 2015, providing individual, group and embedded school counseling services to the international communities of Shanghai and Hangzhou. Additionally, he spreads awareness of mental health through seminars and trainings. As a “Third Culture Kid” himself, spending teen years in Canada after a childhood in China, he is specially poised to understand the struggles that international students and local children in international environments are facing. As an individual he is known as a health and wellness guru; he co-owns a CrossFit gym, leads mindfulness classes, and runs a fitness club for children with special needs on a voluntary basis. He also trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) and Schema Focused Therapy (SFT) and is a graduate member of the British Psychological Society.



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