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Upper Primary Club Season I, 2022-2023 Registration starts from Sep. 23rd 20:00

2022/10/10 - 2022/12/19

Main Campus

  • STEAM Engineering 创客工程

    每周三 15:45-16:45

    Main Campus A306


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    老师:Club Leader: Ms. Sui Conghui (Guest teacher)

    STEAM is a popular word that is often mentioned, but some parents and children may not fully understand what it means. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. When we talk about STEM skills, we're talking about the personal skills needed for science, math and engineering, and the skills needed to use technology effectively. This course allows children to think outside the box, find solutions to problems through experiment, trial and error, and put into practice many of the skills they gain as they grow up .Here, you can use your imagination and creativity, work together, and complete your work in multiple trials. The key to your activities and experiences is the ability to think, discover, implement, think again, discover again, and solve again. STEAM 是一个经常被提及的流行词汇,但是一些父母和孩子可能并不完全理解它的意思。 STEAM 是科学、技术、工程、艺术和数学的缩写。创客工程课让孩子们有机会追随自己的激 情,持续追问“为什么?”“寻找答案,亲自设计、绘制、建造创造、解决问题、最重要的是:孩 子们会玩得开心。 本课程鼓励创新、解决问题和合作。它让孩子们跳出思维定形的框框,通 过实验、尝试和错误找到问题的解决方案,同时把他们在成长过程中获得的许多技能付诸实 践。最重要的是,孩子们能确保专注于“做”。选择一个可以让孩子们自己参与活动的班级。经 常会有团队合作,孩子们成对或小组合作。这允许孩子们发展交流技巧,轮流,结交新朋友, 学会妥协和分享想法。确保活动的设计是有趣和吸引人的。无论你的孩子参加什么类型的课外 活动,他们都应该对他们所学到的充满热情地离开课堂! 孩子需要探索和发现。这是创新的过 程;在失败中寻找答案。“科学家总是失败;我们只是用不同的方式进行记录。我们称之为‘数 据’。(艾妮萨•拉米雷斯美国材料科学家和科学传播者) Eligible Students: G3-G5 Maximum Number: 20 Time: Wednesday 15:45-16:45 Club Location: A306 Club Leader: Ms. Sui Conghui (Guest teacher) Club Fee: 2200RMB/season Teaching Language: Chinese
共选 1 门课 课程总价:
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