Jab 刺拳
5 美元
- +

Straight Punch 直拳
10 美元
- +

Hook 勾拳
15 美元
- +

Uppercut 勾拳
20 美元
- +

Knockout 击倒
25 美元
- +

Kitchen Sink 组合拳
30 美元
- +


Hélène Franchineau started boxing to get stronger physically and mentally... and pretend I can sort of be Ronda Rousey for a minute!  Some words that inspire her are, "Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together. - Liz Taylor"

'Come September 5th, Hélène Franchineau will be jumping in the ring to put up her dukes and show what she really made of in front of 500+ anxious spectators all in the name of charity. The "Brawl on the Wall" white collar boxing event has been raising funds for Leo's Foundation since 2010. The foundation raises money for newborns with respiratory failure and gives the families who otherwise could not afford the cost of the healthcare, a chance to do so. 
Please help Hélène Franchineau to raise money for the Leo’s Foundation by making a donation today!
On average it takes 15,000RMB ( 2,400 USD ) to save a child's life! 
To date the foundation has saved 81 babies!
For more information on Leo’s Foundation, please see below. 
The Foundation for Newborns with Respiratory Failure was established in 2008 in memory of Leo Spirit. Leo and his twin brother Tomas were born 3 months prematurely and were cared for by the staff at Fudan Children’s Hospital. Despite the best care and attention of the doctors and nurses, Leo passed away in November 2007 due to respiratory failure. Impressed by the dedication and efforts of the hospital staff, Leo’s parents, Scott and Cecile Spirit, decided to launch the foundation in his memory with the aim of providing access to the facilities of Fudan Children’s Hospital for Families who could not afford to pay for the treatment.

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is dedicated to helping care for sick newborn babies. Given the complications of treating tiny, often premature babies and the state of the art facilities and training required, it is fast becoming one of the most expensive units of the hospital. Unfortunately the high cost of treatment means that is is often beyond the means of ordinary and low-income families. The Foundation helps pay for healthcare of premature babies from families that cannot afford to pay for the healthcare themselves. The Foundation has been actively running in Shanghai since 2007, and is now starting a Beijing branch to support the NICU at Beijing Children’s Hospital and provide families with access financial support as in Shanghai.

Hélène Franchineau想要通过拳击得到身心的强大并能像她的偶像Roda Rousey那样出色。今年9月5日,她将为了慈善,带上拳套,踏上拳台,在500名激动的观众面前展示她如今的成就。“外滩争锋”白领拳击赛从2008年就开始为新生儿呼吸衰竭帮困基金募集善款。基金会为那些患有呼吸衰竭的新生儿募集善款,给那些不能负担医疗费用的家庭一个机会。
请在今天通过捐出您的善款来帮助 Hélène Franchineau为新生儿呼吸衰竭帮困基金募集资金!
新生儿呼吸衰竭帮困基金成立于20008年为了纪念死去的Leo Spirit. Leo 和他的孪生兄弟Tomas提前三个月早产后,被送往上海复旦大学附属儿科医院接受全面的治疗。尽管在那里他们得到了医生和护士无微不至的照顾及重视,但Leo最终还是于2007年11月死于呼吸衰竭。 医院工作人员为此辛劳的付出和贡献启发了Leo的父母, Scott和Cecile夫妇,他们决定成立”Leo 基金” 纪念他们的儿子Leo并帮助更多的家庭负担在复旦大学儿科医院治疗的费用。 
新生儿重症监护病房是专门用于照看那些病重的新生儿。给体积小,往往过早出生的婴儿享用国家最先进的医疗设施和必要的培训, 目前已成为医院最昂贵的病房。不幸的是,昂贵的治疗费用就意味着低收入家庭很难负担。基金会为那些不能承担医疗费用的早产儿家庭支付医疗费。自从2007年以来,基金会一直活跃于上海,如今已扩展到北京来帮助北京儿童医院儿童重症监护室的婴儿,和上海一样为他们提供经济援助。
2015 Brawl On The Wall Fight Card 

