冰箱贴——【職貢圖】 萬國來朝__匈牙利
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冰箱贴——【職貢圖】 萬國來朝__匈牙利
¥ 30.00
邮费: ¥13.00 满 ¥300 包邮
浏览 : 213
「職貢」是王朝時代的中國對外交往的體制·意指朝貢國向宗主國修職納貢'並接受朝覲、冊封與賞賜,以示臣服。東亞職貢體系的建立,起源於先秦時期。西周訂立甸服、侯服、賓服、要服及荒服等朝貢服制,規範周天子跟諸侯、邊疆民族的關係。深植於西周朝貢體系的「非平等關係」與「華夏中心思想」,持續影響歷代涉外事務的運作,並且反映到圖像中。 「職貢圖」是描繪邦交國、藩屬國與邊地部族的圖像,不論是刻畫遠來朝覲的使節,或者以各地貢物象徵四方來朝,皆可視為廣義的「職貢圖」。職貢圖具有展示國力、象徵民族融合、展現大一統氣象的意義,因此備受統治者重視,經常由朝廷敕命繪製萬國來朝的盛況。 Introduction The tribute system, or "periodic offerings" in Chinese, was historically a unique way in which the dynastic court in China engaged in diplomacy with external polities and other peoples. This system involved tributary states or groups of people sending envoys to the suzerain host court in China with offerings on a periodic basis.Envoys, as representatives of their people or state, would have an audience with the emperor, receive investiture, and then be rewarded with gifts to indicate submission. The origins of the East Asian official tribute system trace back to ancient times in the pre-Qin period of China.The Western Zhou dynasty established a tributary system with the royal domain as a center of power surrounded by the "nobility" and then in decreasing importance the "dignitaries,""non-Zhou," and finally "wastelands." In such a way, the Western Zhou king created a hierarchical relationship with and between the nobility and border peoples.The inherent"unequal relations" and deep-rooted "Sinocentric notions" of this Western Zhou tributary system continued to influence and shape diplomatic affairs in later periods, as seen in the records and illustrations that have been left behind. Paintings of tribute-bearing envoys and official missions to China depict the peoples and tribes of various nations with diplomatic relations, of vassal states, and from border regions. Whether representing envoys coming from afar to receive investiture or tribute from different places to symbolize the four corners of the world paying homage to the court in China, all such images can be broadly viewed as "tribute paintings." As a whole, the works express a sense of great national power and symbolize ethnic fusion within the idea of a grand unity. Rulers in China during the past thus placed great emphasis on these tribute missions, frequently ordering court artists to illustrate the pomp and circumstance of such occasions. Painted by Xie Sui(fl.18th c.)Qing dynasty Handscroll,ink and colors on paper Starting in 1751, during the early reign of f the Qianlong emperor in the Qing dynasty, the Grand Council at court was ordered by the emperor to coordir nate matters relating to the production of four large-scale handscroll paintings by members of the central and loc al governments. This major project of the court was completed ten years later in 1761 and subsequently expanded d to include ethnic peoples as well, the additions gradually made over time. Each illustration includes inscriptions i in Manchu and Chinese, the contents dealing with issues related to external relations and border rule in the Qir ng dynasty. The project thus reflects the Qianlong emperor's policies regarding diplomacy, trade, and ethnic peoples S. Xie Sui's birth and death dates are unknow wn, but he served as a court painter during the Qianlong reign(1735-1796).The first handscroll in this series featu ures seventy illustrations of figures and items from Western and non- sinicized regions as well as vassal peoples. |
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