'Longevity' Cushion
价格 : ¥ 180
邮费 : ¥8.00
Type : Cushion Cover Only Cushion with Cover
数量 : -1+ 库存 : 不限量
'Longevity' Cushion
¥ 180.00
邮费: ¥8.00
浏览 : 2123
The two big characters “Chang Shou” (長夀) on this original matchbox design (probably from the 1890s) means longevity. These characters seem appropriate when you take the smaller characters at the bottom “怡和洋行”into consideration. The Chinese expression “hang” (行) refers to Hong merchants who had a state guaranteed monopoly when it came to the lucrative trade with the western powers out of China. This monopoly was broken in 1843 after the First Opium War and the largest foreign trade house in China Jardine Matheson would adopt the use of one of the original Hong traders :怡和洋行. Jardine Matheson still exists today and is the second largest employer in Hong Kong (after the Hong Kong government itself).
这个火柴盒图案可能是1890年代的。 “行”代表清政府特许的可以和外国人做生意的垄断商号。1843年第一次鸦片战争后,这一垄断被打破了,同时广州十三行其中一家“怡和”的名字也被在中国最大的外国贸易商Jardine Matheson使用。一百七十多年后的今天,Jardine Matheson公司依然存在,而且在香港还是仅次于香港特区政府的第二大雇主。由此看来,两边的小字“怡和洋行”使得上面的两个大字“長夀”显得格外合适。