Ms Hiroko Ishinabe created the One Piece Club (OPC) in Japan in 2007 as a non-profit organization with a focus on being a unique members' organization for enthusiasts and collectors of contemporary art. The OPC also serves as an exchange platform for meeting likeminded people and sharing each other's interests. Today, independent OPC chapters have been established and are active in major Asian cities, including Jakarta, Singapore, and Taipei.
Founded by Ms Cathy Hau in Shanghai and with the assistance of fellow Executive Committee members Mr Yu Yu and Mr Paul Tchen, One Piece Club China's (OPCC) vision is to foster the development of the contemporary art in China, nurture its appreciation by future generations and support living art practitioners by promoting acquisitions for private collections.
One Piece Club 起源于日本,由石锅博子女士于2007年成立,是致力于推动当代艺术品收藏、扶植当代艺术实践者的非营利性组织。 One Piece Club 现已在雅加达、新加坡、台北等亚洲主要艺术城市开枝散叶,上海是其版图上的新足印。
One Piece Club 中国(以下简称 OPC 中国)由侯蔚女士创办,余宇先生和陈宝山先生担任执行委员会核心委员。 加入 OPC 中国,您将结识一群热爱艺术的同好,共同分享对中国当代艺术的热爱,了解掌握更多的知识,并助力艺术创作。
One Piece Club China
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