The Swiss Education Fair China is organized by Switzerland Global Enterprise and the Swiss Business Hub and greatly supported by Consulate General of Switzerland in Shanghai and Consulate General of Switzerland in Chengdu.
瑞士教育展SWISS EDUCATION FAIR CHINA由瑞士贸易与投资署主办,瑞士贸易与投资处承办, 此次展会得到了瑞士驻上海总领事馆及瑞士驻成都总领事馆的大力支持。
This education fair aims to build a platform for Swiss educational institutions and provide channels for Chinese students and parents to meet and speak directly with representatives, alumni and delegates from Swiss organizations and universities to learn about the educational system and latest teaching programs in Switzerland. A total of 12 Swiss educational organizations and schools will participate in the fair, including swissnex that represents Swiss higher education, major hotel management schools and renowned private schools.
Swiss Education Fair
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