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SIAMESE CATS x The 尺口MP联合巡演北京站
2017年11月9日 星期四 21:00 至 23:30
主办方: 愚公移山 更多活动

(16) 人已报名

  • 刘祥琪

  • 吉明波

  • 江涛

  • 吴伦

  • 李欣然

  • 吴嗣譞

  • 李凡

  • 山琦

  • 刘璐

  • 褚建鑫

  • 王长鹏

  • mq

价格: ¥140

SIAMESE CATS x The 尺口MP联合巡演北京站

价格: ¥140

SIAMESE CATS x The 尺口MP联合巡演北京站
2017年11月9日 星期四 21:00 至 23:30
主办方: 愚公移山 更多活动

(16) 人已报名

  • 刘祥琪

  • 吉明波

  • 江涛

  • 吴伦

  • 李欣然

  • 吴嗣譞

  • 李凡

  • 山琦

  • 刘璐

  • 褚建鑫

  • 王长鹏

  • mq

价格: ¥140

SIAMESE CATS x The 尺口MP联合巡演北京站

2017年11月9日 星期四 21:00 至 23:30 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

价格: ¥140

时间 地点

2017年11月9日 星期四 21:00 至 23:30



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浏览: 2,565

11月9日 Thursday 星期四

SIAMESE CATS x The 尺口MP联合巡演北京站



Pappy Fat Records presents- the Romantic East Coast Tour - Beijing


近三年来,The fin.、Cero、Mitsume、Adevantage Lucy等乐队陆续来华,为中国乐迷带来City Pop、J-Pop、涩谷系等多元梦幻的日音体验。今年底不少日本乐队纷至沓来,肥脸君带领的东京独立大牌Siamese Cats( シャムキャッツ )也在其列。不同往常的是,国内独立新秀The 尺口 MP,将与Siamese Cats一同踏上旅途,实现内地首次中日乐队联合巡演。


Siamese Cats( シャムキャッツ )



by Siamese Cats《Travel Agency》

唱着唱不完的青春歌的Siamese Cats其实也成军14年了。这支甜美的东京Indie Pop乐队由主唱夏目知幸,夏目幼儿园玩伴吉他手菅原慎一,英语急训班同学结识的鼓手藤村頼正,及其会弹贝斯的伙伴大塚智之组成。乐队四子自高中时代便组团写歌,默契十足。2009年,他们发行了处子作《Hashike》,无国界态度和自由派现场风格,让他们逐渐地变得为人所知。在此之后,他们十分热爱并疯狂发表Demo作品,而且张张可以迅速售罄,很快在日本独立音乐圈打出名堂,有着不输Yogee New Wave、Mitsume、Never Young Beach的高人气。他们的才华也深受圈内晚辈D.A.N等年轻乐团仰慕,主流知名歌手木村Kaela、ASINAN KUNG-FU GENERATION也向Siamese Cats伸出了橄榄枝。主唱夏目知幸更是日本独立乐界人人喜爱的明星乐手,个人活动亦十分活跃。

2014年Siamese Cats发行的第三张迷你专辑《Take Care》在业界引起话题,专辑里的人气曲《Girl At Bus Stop》同Mitsume的《烟突》并称新一代独立流行金曲。而在今年6月,Siamese Cats发行了其第四张专辑《Friends Again》,标志着他们离开大唱片公司,回归独立初心自立门户后的蜕变。没了以往少年心气的暹罗猫,将旋律谱写成风景,一花一草都细腻动人,颇有Sarah Records田园遗风。新专辑一经发行,深受业界好评。九月开启的新专日本巡演门票目前已全部售罄。

The 尺口MP(ROMP)




乐队名字已彰显其定位,Romp,既是“不费力地完成”与“嬉笑玩闹”的意思;擅长绘画制图的阿星,发现“RO”与中文“尺口”字体形似,便命名乐队为“尺口MP”,又如“尺口”在文言文里“婴儿”的含义所示。三位成员就像大男孩,在节奏闲适的福州,歌唱着自己喜欢的事物。尺口MP又甜又丧的旋律,和欢脱的riff,带着日本City Pop的影响痕迹。然而,乐队并不刻意讲究技术性,吉他一浪一浪的刷声,硬朗的鼓点,能听出海浪冲击礁石一般的Lo-Fi质感,歌声就像海岸线上迎风奔跑时的快意宣泄,确实没费力气精雕细琢,有及时行乐的率性,它们传达的信息是,再怎么努力也没用,不如在乎眼前的生活,享受爱与美景。在福州这样沿海二线城市的享乐气派,与City Pop甜美逃逸、沙滩休闲精神的相呼应下,尺口MP被打上“福州Lo-Fi City Pop”的标签,也称为“懒鬼风”。



说到中日联谊,不得不提Siamese Cats与落日飞车。两队因台湾共演结缘,互相打 call已成习惯。在落日飞车乐队巡演东京站上,两队虽未共演,但在飞车翻唱 Siamese Cats的《Travel Agency》时,主唱夏目知幸从天而降,又实现一次同台联谊。作为Siamese Cats新专辑《Friends Again》亚巡的中国站,同巡乐队选择了最近独立圈引起话题的福州乐队尺口。3月参加过日本乐队Tempalay巡演的尺口本身酷爱日本音乐,两队走在一起也并不意外。

Siamese Cats将清新花草和活泼乐风融合进City Pop里,尺口MP以lofi和福州民风的方式,将City Pop本土化为闽南海岸特色。创作上,Siamese Cats的精心雕琢和尺口 MP的不刻意作为是两队最大的差异。而两队的歌里都勾勒着城市风景,歌唱爱、自由与美景。Siamese Cats常将都市中微妙的一面,奔波的工薪族、紫色花朵、流浪猫等等,谱写进音乐,成为爱情故事里的风景,尺口MP则书写出市井生活里的奔波无奈,表达出及时行乐的率性。热爱喝酒,热爱音乐,似乎是两队最大的共性。


肥脸唱片的插画师爽爽将以此次浪漫"东海岸巡演"为主题,绘制一本可爱的插画集。讲述一辆旅行车(象征尺口)与一只暹罗猫(代言Siamese Cats)在巡演城市遇到的温暖故事。其中的插画也会在每个巡演城市展出,同时,肥脸也会征集有车或者猫元素的画作投稿,制作成zine,同巡演插画一齐展出。

Over the past three years, The fin., Cero, Mitsume, Adevantage Lucy and other bands have successively come to China to bring City Pop, J-Pop, Shibuya-kei of diversified and fantastic Japanese music experience for the Chinese fans. At the end of this year, a lot of Japanese bands come in flocks, and the Tokyo independence brand of Siamese Cats( シャムキャッツ ), led by Pappy Fat, also in its column. The difference is that, domestic independent rookie The Romp, will be with Siamese Cats embark on a journey to achieve the first Sino-Japanese band joint tour in mainland China.

The two bands will be along the east coastline and pass through six cities to send the warmth of "The Scarf in October" and the sunny beaches for people in the early winter.

Siamese Cats( シャムキャッツ )

“If tomorrow windy, whether you are the West or the East,

follow your feelings to go where you want to go, the place where is warm"

by Siamese Cats《Travel Agency》

The Siamese Cats, which singing the endless youth song, was set up for 14 years. This sweet Tokyo Indie Pop band was composed by lead singer --Xiamu Zhixing, Guitarist-- Shinichi Sugawara, who is Xiamu’s playmate in the kindergarten, Drummer – Tengcun Laizheng, who is knowed in the English critical training class, and Tomoyuki Otsuka, who can play bass. Four people of the band have write songs since the high school era, and they tacit cooperation. The band has a high popularity that not loses Yogee New Wave, Mitsume, Never Young Beach. Their talent is also deeply admired by younger counterparts such as D.A.N and other young orchestra. Mainstream singer Kimura Kaela, ASINAN KUNG-FU GENERATION also stretched out the olive branch to Siamese Cats.

In 2014, Siamese Cats released the third mini album "Take Care" caused the topic in the industry, and the popular song in the album "Girl At Bus Stop" with Mitsume's "Smoke" together known as the independent pop songs of the new generation. In this June, Siamese Cats released his fourth album "Friends Again", marking their Metamorphosis after leaving the big record company and returning to independence. Siamese cat, which not the past juvenile atmosphere, will melody spectrum written in the landscape, where flowers and grass are delicate and moving, quite like Sarah Records pastoral style. Their new album once released, Praised by the industry. Now, the Japanese tour tickets of new album opened in September are all sold out.


"Just want to waste time to leisure"


The ROMP is a Fuzhou band, which composed by Guitarist and lead singer—Axing, Drummer KK and Bassist-- Buckle Meat. Under the opportunity of PK14 tour in 2013, the band formed the entity, prepared for the Fuzhou field. Experienced several setbacks, and finally in 2016 they formed today's stable lineup of three people, after Axing return to his home of Fuzhou from his working place of Xiamen. The band name has been highlighted its position. Romp, both "completed without difficulty" and "laughing"; Axing, who is good at painting and drawing, found "RO" and the Chinese "尺口" are similar, then named the band as "尺口MP". And also like "尺口" in classical Chinese "baby" meaning. In the summer of 2016 members of the stability, the band successfully made the five new singles, since this year it cooperated with Guangzhou Qiqi audio and video, Included and issued an EP called "love". Inspired by the Axing’s nanny acupuncture words of "love" tattoo, the "love" on the Album cover is crooked. 5 songs are revealing negative energy of no love, for example, young people is lazy and runaway in "Milajiang", "Carbonated Girl" rush and helpless in the red light district of Fuzhou, the busy city atmosphere of "Jia Lian" building, after "graduation reception", everyone went their separate ways, and in the "Lights" do not think about yesterday's solitude

The first Sino-Japanese friendship tour in mainland China

Speaking of Sino-Japanese friendship had to mention Siamese Cats and Sunset Rollercoaster. The two bands were acquainted each other because of joint tour in Taiwan, and they were used to supporting each other. When Sunset Rollercoaster toured in Tokyo, the two bands did not joint show. But when Sunset Rollercoaster was singing Siamese Cats "Travel Agency", Lead singer Xiamu Zhixing fell from the sky, to achieve a friendship on the same stage. As Siamese Cats's new album "Friends Again" Asian tour of the Chinese station, the tour band chose the Fuzhou band, which caused the topic in the recent. The ROMP, participated in the Japanese band Tempalay tour in March, own love Japanese music, so it is not surprising that the two bands are together.

Siamese Cats will be fresh flowers and lively music into the City Pop, and the Romp, to lofi and Fuzhou folk way, will City Pop localized to the southern coast of Fujian characteristics. In the creation, Siamese Cats's elaborate carvings and the Romp’s non-deliberately as the biggest difference between the two bands. The two bands are sketched out the city landscape, singing love, freedom and beauty. Siamese Cats often write the subtle side of the city into the music, which become the landscape in a love story, Such as the rush of wage earners, purple flowers, stray cats, etc. The Romp is writing the rush and helpless in the city life, to express the frankness of enjoy. Love to drink, love music, seems to be the biggest commonality of the two bands.

Illustration set of East Coast tour

Illustrator Shuang Shuang of Pappy Fat Records will be the romantic "East Coast tour" as the theme to draw a lovely illustrator set, which tells a warm story of a wagon (symbol Romp) and a Siamese cat (symbol Siamese Cats) encountered in the tour city. The illustrations will also be on display in each tour city. At the same time, Pappy Fat will be collected the painting submission with car or cat elements, and made into zine to on display with the tour illustrations.

晚9点 // 160元(现场)/ 140元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)

Pm 9 // Rmb 160 (door) / 140 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)

* 不支持退换票




  • 刘祥琪
  • 刘祥琪
  • 吉明波
  • 江涛
  • 江涛
  • 江涛
  • 吴伦
  • 李欣然
  • 吴嗣譞
  • 李凡
  • 山琦
  • 刘璐
  • 褚建鑫
  • 王长鹏
  • 王长鹏
  • mq



