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10月27日 Friday 星期五
NEW NOISE 荣誉呈现 Proudly Presents
Behind the Shadow Drops × 谢玉岗 2017联合巡演北京站
Behind the Shadow Drops × Xie Yugang China Tour 2017 - Beijing
Behind the Shadow Drops (以下简称BtSD)是日本后摇大团MONO乐队主脑Taka 于2016年展开的全新个人项目。9月,BtSD即将推出首张个人专辑 《H a r m o n i c》,而谢玉岗作为国内后摇领域领军人物——惘闻乐队的核心,也将推出首张个人专辑《回声图书馆》。今年10月,Taka 的个人计划Behind the
Shadow Drops 将联合谢玉岗一同展开这次特别值得期待的巡演之旅。
早在2011年4月,惘闻乐队曾作为MONO巡演上海站的特别演出嘉宾与MONO同台演出,两支乐队还曾一同参演2014年的南方草莓音乐节。今年惘闻赴日本参加After Hours
Behind the Shadow Drops 与专辑《H a r m o n i c》
Behind the Shadow Drops 是MONO的核心人物Taka 于2016年展开的全新个人项目。在个人计划中,深受古典音乐影响的Taka首次尝试将氛围、电子、Trip Hop、Minimalism和新古典风格相融合,构建出如电影原声般深沉的音乐世界。Behind
the Shadow Drops音乐中的悲伤基调起初令人联想到Mono,但随着旋律的进行,在合成器、鼓机、噪音循环和弦乐的交织中,一种超越尘世的叙述缓缓展开,仿若退潮之后海浪冲刷出的涟漪,泛着白色月光。
BtSD首张专辑《H a r m o n i c》是一张充满诡谲美感的作品,一个看似星光闪烁的无限深渊。专辑中的作品录制于Taka的个人录音室,由传奇制作人及鼓手John
The Sea and Cake, Yo La Tengo)混音。在首张专辑《H ar m o n i c》中,Taka一贯富含情感流动的作曲风格与McEntire 细腻的打击乐融为一体。专辑将于9月22日正式发行。
University of Technology),回声图书馆就坐落在大工的北山。95年,谢玉岗初到大连念书的时候那边还是一片果园。2002--2003年,也就是惘闻乐队成立之初那几年,乐队还在果园下面租了一个小民房排练。现在回忆起来,那个民房离后来的回声图书馆也就只有几十米距离。虽然在大家听到《回声图书馆》中的第一首歌时,回声图书馆和回声书店因为某些原因而停止营业,却也让这张专辑变成了另一种特别的纪念。
New Noise is very proud to host a tour for Behind the Shadow Drops and Xie
Yugang, both presenting their new solo albums. Behind the Shadow Drops is the
new solo endeavour from Takaakira “Taka” Goto, founding guitarist and composer
of iconic Japanese band, MONO, presenting his new album “H a r m o n i c”.
Frontman of China’s biggest post rock band Wang Wen, Xie Yugang, will present
his new album “Echo Library”. Taka and Xie have been standing on the forefront
of Asian’s instrumental music scene for nearly two decades and will share the
stage for 3 special shows in Chengdu, Beijing and Shanghai.
Behind the Shadow Drops combines Taka’s disparate
but commensurate interests in may different forms of music, most notably
ambient, triphop, industrial minimalism and modern classical. The first album
of Behind the Shadow Drop “H a r m o n i c” is mixed by legendary producer John
McEntire (Tortoise, Yo La Tengo). What begins as a passing resemblance to the
more melancholy work of Goto’s ensemble, MONO, slowly mutates into something
otherworldly, submerging in a symphony of synths, drum machines, noise loops,
and mournful strings. Resembling something like waves rippling in the ocean under
a moonlight sky, “H a r m o n i c” is as eerie as it is beautiful, a vast abyss
punctuated by seemingly endless glimmers of light.
Xie Yugang’s first solo album “Echo Library”
contains a collection of 11 ambient songs written in the winter of 2016 at the
Echo Library in his hometown Dalian. Filled with melancholy and natural
harmonies, Xie creates musical landscapes that bring up deserted winter
landscapes to our minds. His ambient soundscapes are in the like of sound icons
like Brian Eno.
晚9点 // 150元(现场)/ 120元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 150 (door) / 120 (presale | on a
* 不支持退换票