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10月11日 Wednesday 星期三
“东方 Oriente”
Antonio Lizana在十岁时便进入位于西班牙卡迪兹的的San Fernando音乐学院学习萨克斯风演奏,曾受Jerry Bergonzi、Dick Oatts、Jim Snidero及Perico Sambeat等人教导学习爵士乐。他另曾师从Mikel Andueza、Guillermo Klein、Jordi Rossi、Bob Sands、Miguel Blanco等名家。他在巴斯克自治区驻留期间,建立了自己的音乐项目Antonio Lizana Group。
Antonio Lizana是由Miguel Blanco担任指挥的Afrodisian乐团成员,也曾与Blanco合作创作后者在2011年的专辑《Satierismos》。
Antonio Lizana也曾与纽约音乐人Arturo O’farril建立的Afro - latin - jazz风格乐团合作,曾与Andy & Jerry Gonzalez、Dave Valentin、Papo Vazquez、Pablo Mayor、Cristina Pato、Ximo Teva、Gregg Agust等著名音乐人同台演出。
Antonio Lizana将首次在中国呈现其全新专辑《东方》(“Orient”),其中有融合了传统爵士旋律及佛兰明戈的激情与力量的曲目。钢琴、贝斯、萨克斯、鼓以及Antonio Lizana独特的声线为他的音乐带来一种独特的西班牙风情。Antonio Lizana此次特意与北京Portacones舞蹈学院合作,为观众带来一场独特的爵士-弗拉明戈演出。此次活动由塞万提斯主办,为北京观众带来西班牙最出色的爵士音乐及最美妙的弗拉明戈舞蹈。
Antonio Lizana,sax, singer and composer
He began to study saxophone at age 10 in the Conservatory of Music in San Fernando, Cadiz, and has his first contact with jazz when he attended various jazz seminars given by Jerry Bergonzi, Dick Oatts, Jim Snidero and Perico Sambeat. In 2011 he finished his higher education jazz studies at Musikene, the Advanced Music School in the Basque Country. He had teachers such as Mikel Andueza, Guillermo Klein, Jordi Rossi, Bob Sands, Miguel Blanco, Perico Sambeat, Andrej Olejnizak and Guillermo McGuill amongst others. It is during his stay in the Basque Country where his own Project, Antonio Lizana Group was born.
He was part of the Afrodisian orchestra, conducted by Miguel Blanco. Antonio collaborated as a saxophonist, arranger and singer on Miguel Blanco’s latest album (Satierismos 2011).
Antonio also collaborates with the afro-latin-jazz orchestra of Arturo O’farril, based in New York, as a singer and saxophonist. He collaborated on his latest album, participating in various concerts with this big band, where he shared the stage with brothers Andy and Jerry Gonzalez, Dave Valentin, Papo Vazquez, Pablo Mayor, Cristina Pato, Ximo Tevar, Gregg Agust, amongst others...
Antonio Lizana comes to Beijing presenting for the first time in China his new record “Orient”, which combines traditional jazz melodies with the passion and strength of flamenco sounds. Piano, bass, sax and drums are mixed with Antonio´s characteristic voice, providing his music with a unique Spanish touch. Aiming at offering a traditional but fresh experience of Spanish culture through the most exquisite jazz, Antonio Lizana collaborates in this occasion with Portacones dance academy in Beijing, offering an exceptional concert in which jazz mingles with genuine flamenco moves. This initiative, organized by Instituto Cervantes in Beijing, offers the public a valuable opportunity to experience the most outstanding jazz directly from Spain embedded in the remarkable sounds of Spanish flamenco.
晚9 // 100元(现场)/ 70元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 100 (door) / 70 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)
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