浏览: 3,783
10月7日 Saturday 星期六
兵马司十周年系列 - 为了所有明天的聚会 Ⅳ
MAYBE MARS 10th Anniversary Series - For All Tomorrow's Parties Ⅳ
P.K.14 / CHUI WAN / WHITE+ / 法兹 FAZI
Chui Wan的四名成员音乐趣味各不相同,迷幻为其交集。即兴中碰撞并采编成曲,在新迷幻摇滚中加入了其他元素。
乐队名字“Chui Wan”由“吹万”二字而来,取于庄子的《齐物论》。他们的首张专辑《白夜》不仅位列于国内各大音乐媒体的年度十大,其中《Q》杂志中文版和《通俗歌曲》杂志更将其置于榜首。旧金山的 Aquarius Records 认为,这张唱片“代表了中国地下新音乐场景中怪异新奇的一面”。第二张专辑《吹万》主打单曲《旷野之声》MV由美国NPR网站推荐并发布,纽约最重要的艺评报纸《Village Voice》对他们进行了大篇幅专访,Noisey.com 认为他们是德国前卫摇滚精神的新时代传承者。2017年,乐队发行了第三张唱片《热带从未有过的风景》。
No Beijing 风潮席卷中国新音乐场景之时,更多年轻的音乐人开始大胆的尝试更新鲜的音乐形式。White+ 称自己是“硬件电子乐队”:张守望负责效果器、人声、改装电子琴以及使用一些稀奇古怪的电子设备发出各种声音;而王旭则全盘操控打击乐以及鼓机采样,他不仅鼓技惊人,而且制造出的声场更是充满了无限的想象力。他们的音乐绚丽却又不失极简的线条感,巨大的声场中包容着缜密的构造。借用一位乐迷的话说:“看 White+ 的现场,就像是在欣赏一场密室里的细胞分裂”。
Occupying a space in Chinese music that might be analogous to that of Talking Heads or Television in the New York of the 1970's, P.K.14 are among the most thoughtful and self-referential of bands, with an enormous curiosity about music coupled with a complete inability to care about musical fashion.
Among the astonishing group of young musicians that has emerged in Beijing, P.K.14 is almost unanimously cited as the band that has most influenced the young Beijing music scene. But although they are at the heart of the Beijing scene, they are also wholly unique and seem to be traveling in their own space.
Chui Wan is a four-piece experimental psychedelic rock band from Beijing, China. They get their name from Daoist philosopher Zhuangzi’s “Qi Wu Lun” (齐物论), a mystical work on the relationship between nature and human life. The spirit of Zhuangzi’s thought is reflected in the modern Chinese idiom: “谓风吹万窍,发出各种音响。” – “When the wind blows, every sound may be heard therein.” Inspired by this concept of seeking the infinite from the mundane, the core of Chui Wan’s sound is formed by the improvisational compositions of multi-instrumentalist Yan Yulong and guitarist Liu Xinyu. Their lush arrangements of guitar, keyboard, viola, other assorted instruments and random sound samples often eschew reliable melodies and vocal harmonies in favor of occasional passages of minimal drone or maximal sonic layerings. Bassist Wu Qiong and drummer Li Zichao provide a stable ground floor from which the band can continually float away, like a sound half-heard and soon gone on a gust of wind.
White+ describe themselves as a “hardware electronic band” with Shouwang in charge of vocals and customized keyboards, pedals and loops, while Wang Xu plays drums and a sampler that generates the pulsing and rolling background beats. Their music flaunts some brilliant sparks as it reflects the duo’s minimalist taste, creating delicate structures surrounded by a field of noise. One of their fans described their live shows as “a detailed and accurate cell division”.
FAZI formed in February 2010 in the ancient capital, Xi’an. Their music brims with abundant vitality, moves its audience from the inside, stirring anger in their calm. On stage they’re like a perpetual motion machine, relentlessly generating captivating noise. Their lyrics are layered like a palimpsest over a guitar sound like a smoldering explosion and a powerful rhythm section. Their music points directly to your heart, simply but forcefully.
晚9点 // 150元(现场)/ 120元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 150 (door) / 120 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)
* 不支持退换票