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10月5日 Thursday 星期四
瑞士摩登金属乐队DREAMSHADE 2017年中国巡演北京站
来自风景如画的瑞士Lugano湖畔,DREAMSHADE成军十年,深受欧陆旋律死亡金属风潮的影响。首张EP《To The Edge of Reality》出人意料的得到了众多好评。于是他们有机会登上了欧洲的两大著名金属音乐节 METAL CAMP和SUMMER BREEZE 2009,精湛的技艺与新颖的编曲赢得了圈内的广泛注意。2010年,NIGHTWISH与CHILDREN OF BODOM的老东家,Spinefarm Records / Universal Music 向他们伸出了橄榄枝,首张全长专辑《What Silence Hides》随后问世,动人的旋律线使得他们并不像一般的旋律死亡金属那般沉重,轻快的节奏与忧郁的氛围相得益彰。在大量现场演出的历练后,2012年夏天,第二张专辑《The Gift of Life》经过精心打造后得以发行,更具特色的大量清喉段落演唱与旋律嘶吼让DREAMSHADE的“摩登旋律死亡金属特色”更加不同于传统的业界同行。乐队一口气发布了三支高水平的MV,"Photographs"、"Consumed Future" 与 "Your Voice",通过社交网络的大规模传播,令无数乐迷耳目一新,乐队的巡演也随即踏遍欧洲北美甚至是非洲。2015年春天乐队展开了10天的亚洲巡演,并踏上太湖迷笛音乐节舞台,为等待多时的中国乐迷带来了他们的中国首秀。
DREAMSHADE [Switzerland]
Hometown: Lugano, Switzerland
Genre: Active Rock
European juggernauts Dreamshade have returned with a polished sound and the drive to make a name for themselves in the active rock scene. Since their inception in 2006, the quintet have steadily released new music that has allowed them to tour the world. The band released their first EP, To the Edge of Reality, in 2008. The EP quickly gained much well-deserved attention, and landed the band on the roster of some of the most popular European music festivals, such as Metal Camp Open Air, Summer Breeze Open Air, and Metalfest.
Dreamshade’s constant touring soon captured the attention of Spinefarm Records/Universal Music, who signed them in 2010. In 2011, the band went on to release their debut full-length, What Silence Hides. As they toured heavily on the new record, they also released music videos for “Wide Awake,” “Eternal,” and “Miles Away”. The new record fueled their ever-hectic touring schedule, which went on to include the Finnish Metal Expo, Germany’s Rock Hard Festival, the Czech Republic’s Basinfirefest, and Bulgaria’s Kavarna Rock Fest.
In Fall of 2012, Dreamshade was finishing up their second album and touring Switzerland on their new singles. Their second full-length, The Gift of Life, produced by the band along with Jacob Hansen, was released in January 2013. After this release, the band went on to tour the US, Europe, and Asia, all the while maintaining their European fanbase that brought them to the forefront of the genre.
Dreamshade has returned with a brand new record, Vibrant. In what is proposed to be their seminal work, the band reflects upon relationships of all kinds. The band recognizes the effects that familial relationships, romantic relationships, and long-lasting friendships have upon one’s life. Recognizing that shifts in those relationships can either strengthen or weaken a person, the new record is a call to learn and grow from inevitable change.
Vibrant will be released via Artery Recordings on December 9th of this year.
晚8点 // 160元(现场)/ 120元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 8 // Rmb 160 (door) / 120 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)
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