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2017年芬兰重金属新星BATTLE BEAST中国巡演北京站

价格: ¥100

2017年9月21日 星期四 20:00 至 23:30
主办方: 愚公移山 更多活动

(29) 人已报名

  • 孙念

  • 六七龙

  • Matthias Bach

  • 王权

  • 曾亿彪

  • 鲁朋

  • 段懿晋

  • 周海威

  • 罗东

  • 董俊杰

  • 崔煜彤

  • 吴浩恒

  • 李东骏

  • 白一男

  • 宇宙无敌最美彤

  • 夏库拉

  • 卢兴华

  • 王轶

价格: ¥100

2017年芬兰重金属新星BATTLE BEAST中国巡演北京站

2017年9月21日 星期四 20:00 至 23:30 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

价格: ¥100

时间 地点

2017年9月21日 星期四 20:00 至 23:30



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浏览: 4,392

9月21日 Thursday 星期四


——2017年芬兰重金属新星BATTLE BEAST中国巡演北京站

Metal Beast unleashed in the East



带有极其强烈传统特征的芬兰金属乐队BATTLE BEAST成立于2008年,曾夺下2010年Wacken 音乐节Metal Battle全球乐队大赛总冠军,被著名金属厂牌Nuclear Blast招入麾下,签下唱片约,于2012年发行了首张正式专辑《Steel》。除专辑大受好评之外,BATTLE BEAST更启程与同门师兄NIGHTWISH共同巡演。那也是乐队首任主唱Nitte Valo的唯一专辑,随后在更换了新人后,彪悍的Noora Louhimo相比前任的爆发力和锐度甚至更甚一筹。2013年乐队发行了同名专辑《BATTLE BEAST》。这张专辑在芬兰排行榜中名列第五,并进入德国排行榜前100名,并在2014年1月获得芬兰音乐工业EMMA AWARD最佳年度金属专辑的提名。乐队随后凭借迅猛的势头加入到金属大团POWERWOLF和传奇乐队U.D.O.的巡演当中。

2015年《Unholy Savior》作为第三张专辑横空出世,BATTLE BEAST凭借这张专辑,终于拿下芬兰唱片榜榜首的位置,一路冲到了金属王国之巅。虽然此前她们也曾与众多知名金属乐队(SABATON, DELAIN, SONATA ARCTICA, POWERWOLF)一同巡演,但直到第三张专辑,乐队才终于真正意义上开始了属于自己的欧洲巡演。

2017年,BATTLE BEAST最新专辑《Bringer Of Pain》面世,这张专辑蝉联了芬兰唱片榜冠军,Noora Louhimo无与伦比的强大唱功,迷人的键盘演奏,十足入侵到每个人的耳朵里。从经典快节奏的开场曲“Straight To The Heart”,一路畅快淋漓到结束曲“Far From Heaven”,十首新作(日版加4首Bonus)充满了无限激扬的情绪,令你回归八九十年代重金属的黄金时期。高歌猛进!永不停歇!BATTLE BEAST已经成为核爆炸公司旗下最炙手可热的重金属乐队之一!她们确实做到了,BATTLE BEAST的准则无比简单——重金属,零废话!

Silence was reigning in the camp of Finnish heavy metallers BATTLE BEAST during the last few months… The group had retired to forge their brand-new, fourth studio album. But now the young beast-tamers with powerwoman Noora Louhimo are back with a loud roar entitled »Bringer Of Pain«!

Formed in 2008, BATTLE BEAST won the Wacken Metal Battle back in 2010. Followed by signing a record deal with German metal powerhouse Nuclear Blast and releasing their highly-acclaimed debut album »Steel« (2012), the band were seen touring successfully with their labelmates, symphonic metal masters NIGHTWISH. After the arrival of new frontwoman Noora Louhimo in 2012, the release of their self-titled sophomore record (2013) delivered them support slots for well-known bands such as SONATA ARCTICA and POWERWOLF among others. BATTLE BEAST’s unstoppable way to the top of the metal world went on: With their third studio album entitled »Unholy Savior«, the band hit the charts in several European countries (#1 Finland, #23 UK Rock, #39 Germany,…). On the release day, the group embarked on a big European tour with Swedish heavy metal heroes SABATON and DELAIN. In support of this record, BATTLE BEAST also toured European soil as a headlining band for the very first time.

But now the time of the »Bringer Of Pain« is here: Once more, the Finns have crafted a top-notch piece of powerful heavy metal with the incomparably strong roars of frontbeast Noora Louhimo, catchy keyboards and earworm invasions. From the opening classical up-tempo opening track, 'Straight To The Heart,' to the last note of the closing ballad 'Far From Heaven,' BATTLE BEAST’s new opus is full of heaviness and emotions.

“The title is more than just a catchy punchline,” bassist Eero Sipilä explains. “'Bring the pain' as a phrase means 'giving your best,' stepping up against the odds - something that really sums up the spirit of this band and this album. The fact that the name also brought to mind a certain JUDAS PRIEST album definitely didn’t hurt either...”

Recorded and produced at JKB Studios by keyboardist Janne Björkroth, the 10-track album was also mixed by him alongside Viktor Gullichsen and Mikko Karmila, while mastering was done by Mika Jussila at the world famous Finnvox Studios. The colourful cover artwork was crafted by the specialist of realistic fantasy art, Jan Yrlund, who already worked with KORPIKLAANI and TYR among others and delivered a true piece of crazy metal art:

“The cover art is mainly involved with the title track of the album, »Bringer Of Pain« which - obviously - is about this super evil female character destroying stuff. We brainstormed a little around this topic and then sent some sketches to Jan [Yrlund], who returned with the picture: Some mean-looking woman who appears like she's coming through the box art to kick your ass. And since 'kicking ass' is pretty much exactly what this band is about, we considered it a very fitting cover.”

And 'no pain, no gain' has definitely been an issue during the last two years of the Finnish highflyers - in the middle of their touring cycle for the critically acclaimed »Unholy Savior«, they split with guitarist and main songwriter Anton Kabanen, but soon revealed Joona Björkroth as a new fulltime member. Although fans might have feared a major style change, the Finns managed to keep their true signature sound alive:

“Most elements of our signature sound are still very much intact. Joona [Björkroth; guitars] has been a friend of the band for a long time, and he always understood what BATTLE BEAST is about, both musically and ideologically. You could say the spirit of BATTLE BEAST was in him before he even joined, and that shows in his songwriting. Of course, when you have six people, each with their own ideas, influences and wishes, some clashes can’t be avoided when conveying the creative energies. But in the end, I think that all works for the benefit of the band. With »Bringer Of Pain« we managed to strike a good balance between sticking to our signature sound and covering some new ground. Keeping things fun and interesting while still sounding like ourselves.”

And they do indeed. In the end, BATTLE BEAST’s formula is as simple as can be - so prepare for “100% Heavy Metal - 0% Bullshit!”

晚8点 // 150元(现场)/ 100元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)

Pm 8 // Rmb 150 (door) / 100 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)

* 不支持退换票




  • 孙念
  • 六七龙
  • Anastasiya Poshinova
  • Matthias Bach
  • 王权
  • 曾亿彪
  • 鲁朋
  • 段懿晋
  • 周海威
  • 周海威
  • 周海威
  • 周海威
  • 周海威
  • 罗东
  • 罗东
  • 董俊杰
  • 崔煜彤
  • 吴浩恒
  • 李东骏
  • 李东骏



