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价格: ¥220

2017年9月17日 星期日 20:00 至 23:00
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价格: ¥220


2017年9月17日 星期日 20:00 至 23:00 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

价格: ¥220

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2017年9月17日 星期日 20:00 至 23:00



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浏览: 1,849

917 Sunday 星期日


德国超级敲击金属缔造者欧陆THRASH王者 - KREATOR 

European Thrash Titan from Germania - KREATOR

Gonna Raise Up The Flag 

for Painkiller Magazine's 17th Anniversary Celebration In Beijing

嘉宾 Guests: 裂缝 CRACK / INDenial [香港 HK]



诞生于1985年的首张专辑《Endless Pain》(无尽痛苦)不仅与同时代的DESTRUCTION和SODOM一起率先在欧洲大陆扬起了敲击金属的猎猎大旗,而且其中夹带的暴虐气息更直接成为欧洲大陆其它极端金属风格的绝好启蒙。乐队随后发行的三张重磅作品更是奠定了其欧陆敲击之神的坚实地位,其中《Pleasure to Kill》(杀戮快感)更获封Thrash Metal历史上最经典唱片之一,密不透风的吉他音墙,流畅多变的旋律演唱,高水平的词作主题,这一切都将敲击金属这一音乐风格提升至全新高度。疯狂暴躁的现场,宏大的气势,挥舞着激动人心的敲击之锤,奏响了黄金时代金属乐的嘹亮号角,更为其在全球范围内赢得了广泛注目。中国敲击金属奠基人,超载乐队灵魂高旗也坦承早期曾经深受KREATOR影响。在90年代初获得了巨大成功之后,受大环境影响,与同时代的许多同类乐队一样,他们开始在作品中尝试诸多新元素,包括死亡金属以及工业音乐。

新千年后,乐队以一张全新专辑《Violent Revolution》重回敲击根源,散发着进化气息且有着更激进音色的作品为他们赢得了更多的新一代金属乐迷。随后乐队发行了专辑《Enemy of God》,保有坚实的敲击特色并出人意料的加入了哥德堡之声元素,再次展现了乐队非凡的创作才华和超前理念。之后乐队在全球与NAPALM DEATH、EXODUS、WARBRINGER、DEATH ANGEL、OVERKILL等新老乐队合作进行了声势浩大的巡演。几乎在同时,当时的【重型音乐】杂志也给予KREATOR以大量的报道。2009年秋天,乐队更首度访华,在北京成功举办了专场演出。

2012年乐队在Nuclear Blast旗下发行了其职业生涯中第13张全长专辑《Phantom Antichrist》,一经推出便获得众多业内媒体褒扬,依旧激动人心的敲击之声,更具深度的音乐结构,老而弥坚的KREATOR依然在铸就属于他们的金属传奇。2013年10月,KREATOR与另外三支嘉宾乐队参加了同为《重型音乐》杂志创刊13周年的庆典演出,为激流金属乐迷留下了不可磨灭的印象。2014年8月,KREATOR以雷霆万钧之势在德国WACKEN 金属音乐节主场压轴,十万名观众为之呐喊。

就在KREATOR乐队即将走进建队35周年的重要时刻,2017年推出的最新专辑《Gods of Violence》创造了迄今为止乐队最为辉煌的战绩,这张集攻击性,旋律性,恢弘气势于一身的优秀作品不但登上了德国本土音乐专辑发行排行榜冠军,同时也刷新了近十个国家发行专辑的排行成绩,甚至在东南亚也成为了最畅销的金属专辑。专辑中的单曲"Satan Is Real","Gods of Violence","Fallen Brother"被拍成MV被广为流传,尤其是向众多逝去的摇滚/金属界战友致敬的"Fallen Brother"催人泪下,感人至深,堪称近年来最为成功的中慢板传统金属作品之一。

KREATOR用35年的征程再一次证明他们那面老而弥坚,著名的"Flag of hate "是乐迷心中永远屹立的一面大旗。我们非常荣幸的可以在2017年9月17日,《重型音乐》创刊17周年的庆典上,三个17重叠之日,再一次邀请到KREATOR领衔出演!而为他们担任开场嘉宾的也是第二次与他们同台的北京新一代金属乐队佼佼者-裂缝CRACK,以及来自香港成军于2012年,由包括 EVOCATION 招魂在内的数支香港金属乐队成员组建的Thrash Metal 劲旅 INDenial 乐队。2017年9月17日,17周年!!这注定将是一个被铭记,被汗水浸透的不眠之夜。

One thing‘s for sure: There aren‘t many bands with a history as long and eventful as 

KREATOR‘s, who fascinatingly succeed in exploring new horizons while challenging and reinventing themselves time and again, resulting in high impact results - as is perfectly illustrated by their new record »Gods Of Violence« (out on January 27, 2017). With this 14th studio album of their impressive career, the thrashers from Essen, Germany have crafted a work of art of utmost vigor, drawing its unfailing power from the pounding heart of one of the greatest, most versatile metal bands of all time. »Gods Of Violence« lives and breathes!

As is often the case, it all started with a good idea. KREATOR mastermind Mille Petrozza had followed the latest news with growing concern. Especially the November 2015 Paris attacks made him realize that there had to be a continuum of human malevolence, running like a thread through the ages, from ancient times up to the present day. These thoughts led Petrozza to interlocking current events with tales from Greek mythology, eventuating in the song »Gods Of Violence« that was consequently chosen as the album‘s name giver. “Currently, religion has regained a level of importance that I would have never considered possible 20 years ago,” Mille states. “An extremely dangerous polarization is taking place, giving rise to growing hate among us all. That‘s what I wanted to write about.”

Like this, a key note of the album was found that is also reflected in the sheer brutality of 'World War Now', among others. The song‘s deriving from the observation that we‘re in the middle of a World War III of sorts, but not in the way we‘ve always feared: A-bomb dropped, humanity wiped out. “These days, our weapons of mass destruction are called hatred and religious delusion,” says Petrozza. It‘s a vertical war, being fought by the media as well as by fanatics of all shades.

The intro leading to the opening track 'Apocalypticon' is already setting the proper bombastic pace for the album‘s basic idea: Marching drums and a Wagnerian choir are opening an extraordinary metal masterpiece that‘s contrasting brutality with fragility, excelling in an exemplary handling of momentum and dynamics. Even 'Death Becomes My Light', the final eight-minute-epic dealing with a near death experience, is not a single second too long: »Gods Of Violence« flashes by like greased lightning.

The ability to form universally comprehensible messages out of such sophisticated trains of thought as found on »Gods Of Violence« has always been one of the traits of a man whose pop-cultural universe ranges from Hannah Arendt, PINK FLOYD and TOCOTRONIC to SLAYER. Mille Petrozza was born and bred in the metal scene. Nevertheless, he is and always has been open to inspiration from various sources, which is why his lyrics on this album are by no means merely based on corny genre templates but offer trenchant observations of our time combined with a witty advance towards inflated cliches: One of the best songs on »Gods Of Violence« is really called 'Satan Is Real'.

Finishing »Gods Of Violence« took the band - featuring Petrozza, Sami Yli-Sirniö (guitars), Christian “Speesy” Giesler (bass) and Jürgen “Ventor” Reil (drums) - about three years. After Petrozza had pre-produced all of the eleven tracks in winter of 2015, KREATOR went to Sweden in order to team up with legendary metal producer Jens Bogren in his Fascination Street Studios once again. What emerged from the recording sessions was bound to fundamentally redefine what KREATOR is all about. An opus that surprises with some lines in German and an unexpected guest in the form of indie pop artist DAGOBERT. Moreover, Italian death metallers FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE lent a hand with the orchestral parts of four songs and 12-year-old Tekla-Li Wadensten played the harp for »Gods Of Violence«.

Although it‘s breaking new ground in many respects, »Gods Of Violence« can still be considered characteristic for a career shaped by ambitious ventures and artistic risk: discontinuity is KREATOR‘s one true continuum. Gotten together in 1982, Petrozza and Jürgen “Ventor” Reil - the only two remaining founding members - have come a long way from playing in a small-scale student band. “In my history book, KREATOR didn‘t really exist until 1985,” says Petrozza, laughing. “Although we had already started jamming together in ‘82, we only entered the stage two or three times up until ‘85. Back then, our set list consisted of five original tracks and five heavy metal cover songs, we went through several line-up changes and didn‘t really find ourselves until »Endless Pain«.”

In fact, it wasn‘t until said debut album that the name KREATOR was established in the first place. Before, the combo had been known as TORMENTOR. The early years were defining ones all the same: “None of us knew how to play our instruments properly back then,” Petrozza remembers. “Though we were a pretty mediocre student band indeed, we taught each other how to play - it‘s stuff like that you bond over.” This early stage laid the foundation for an exceptional career that would see KREATOR rise to become part of what’s to be considered the German equivalent of the Californian Big Four (METALLICA, SLAYER, ANTHRAX, MEGADETH) of thrash metal - the Big Three of German thrash, alongside SODOM and DESTRUCTION.

It was on their third album »Terrible Certainty« that KREATOR would precisely define some of their most characteristic traits: Power riffing and aggressive shouting always meet a sure feeling for complex arrangements and highly memorable songwriting that is not to be taken for granted within this genre - KREATOR know their choruses better than most. An ability that makes them stand out in the international music scene as well: Over the years, KREATOR have sold more than two million albums worldwide and have played countless shows all around the globe.

Though rooted in thrash metal, they‘ve never been afraid to push the genre‘s boundaries both musically and lyrically. As mentioned earlier, Mille‘s stylistic and ideological open-mindedness evidently manifests itself in his lyrics: Common thrash topics such as Satanism or apocalyptic visions come naturally to KREATOR. Once more, the song titles on »Gods Of Violence« speak volumes.

However, lyricist Mille Petrozza‘s unique feature lies in his playful approach to these tried and trusted themes: “Understanding the lyrics as an additional dimension is very important to me,” he states. This includes tackling issues of both personal and universal importance. “My wildest years are behind me and there are a couple of things I would have sung about back in the days that just aren‘t in line with my present life anymore. You can grow older and still live a metal musician‘s life for sure. But you have to make sure to preserve your dignity and to not become a parody of yourself - that‘s walking a fine line.”

KREATOR are aware of the risk a long career like theirs involves. Challenging and improving themselves, not living in the past - that‘s the main source of their unabated impact. Ensuring all this also bears testimony to the strong team spirit connecting all band members. Although Mille may act as KREATOR‘s figurehead, he affirms: “We only work as a band!” In fact, one with clear-cut functional division: Bassist “Speesy” Giesler is of great assistance when it comes to organizational matters, “Ventor” Reil brings the beat and all kinds of other stuff - and guitarist Sami Yli-Sirniö is the “musical genius,” as Mille puts it. “While the rest of us are self-taught, Sami is a musician to the core, who has already played concerts in opera houses.”

It all comes down to this: Mille builds the base frame which his band mates fill with their ideas and visions. “A band works like a living organism,” he explains. “I‘m a big fan of consistent line-ups. You‘ve got to be honest with each other, should not avoid conflict and must be able to set your ego aside every now and then. We‘re a team.” This concept of friendship is reflected in 'Hail To The Hordes', featuring IN EXTREMO‘s bagpiper Boris Peifer - Mille‘s very own ode to amity, so to speak. “It‘s a song against superficiality and for sticking together in hard times.”

According to Petrozza - a cosmopolitan at heart - his sticking to the West German Ruhr area should not be interpreted as localistic commitment though. Still, the city of Essen remains the center of KREATOR‘s universe, where Mille is taking care of all band business to this day. “I‘m a bit of a control freak,” he admits with a wink. “But seriously, I don‘t mind doing it. Why would I want to lead a stupid rock star life anyway, snoozing until noon every day and not doing much else? I‘m an active person who enjoys working. In fact, I don‘t even consider it work. I keep the show rolling, simple as that.”

Keeping the show rolling: That‘s all it‘s been about since 1985. And in this respect, German thrash metal icons KREATOR have succeeded big-time with »Gods Of Violence«!

晚8点 // 280元(现场)/ 220元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)

Pm 8 // Rmb 280 (door) / 220 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)

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