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6月23日 Friday 星期五
那么好吧,继5月27日端午夜之后,兵马司十周年系列演出活动的第二辑,将于夏至日后的第二天(6月23日),在愚公移山为大家带来旗下 Carsick Cars、Chui Wan 两支乐队的精彩表演。
他们之中,一支被誉为是“中国最好的噪音摇滚乐队”,和 Sonic Youth、Lydia Lunch 一起进行欧洲巡演,登上国际顶尖音乐节如 All Tomorrow’s Party和Primavera Sound的舞台;另一支则是“代表了国内地下音乐场景中怪异新奇的一面”,在新迷幻摇滚之中糅合诸多音乐元素,得到 Village Voice、NME 等诸多国外媒体佳评,并在 Austin Psych Fest 惊艳亮相。值得一提的是,去年十月,两支乐队还曾共同完成了一次简洁明快的美国巡演(与 Alpine Decline)。但近两年来,他们在北京的演出绝不算多,同台的次数更少、甚至可以忽略不计。从这个角度而言,这场演出也算是有一点特别呈现的意思吧?
Carsick Cars乐队成立于2005年的3月,并于同年年底在北京开始活跃。
他们的音乐受到了 the Velvet Underground、Suicide 和 Sonic Youth 的影响,同时也拥有 Steve Reich 和 Glenn Branca 的质地和结构,混合着粗糙的咆哮和强硬的开放和弦,这使得他们优美的歌曲呈现出一种探索性以及破碎感。在爆炸性的噪音和回授中,这些歌曲在某些瞬间就能透露出它们的优美。
Chui Wan是一支来自中国北京的四人实验迷幻摇滚乐队,成立于2010年。乐队名字出自《齐物论》——道家代表人物庄子的一篇讲述自然万物与人的关系的著作。“吹万”一词在其中被解释为“谓风吹万窍,发出各种音响,后用来比喻恩泽广被天下。”在锋芒世俗中放眼精神内力的无限,是 Chui Wan 音乐的灵感所在。四名成员音乐趣味各不相同,迷幻为其交集。即兴中碰撞并采编成曲,在新迷幻摇滚中加入了其他元素。而Aquarius Records也曾称,Chui Wan可能是代表了中国地下新音乐场景中“怪异”的那一面。
Formed in 2005, almost from the very beginning Carsick Cars has been at the center of the musical explosion in Beijing and has received a mixture of snarling opprobrium, especially from some of their elders, and near-fanatic enthusiasm from their rapidly growing fan base among culturally sophisticated but alienated young Chinese around the country.
Being one of the most admired and written-about bands in China, they have also received a huge amount of attention from musicians and critics in Europe, North America and Australia, having played in numerous festivals, most notably All Tomorrow’s Parties in the UK and the Primavera Sound in Barcelona, and toured with Sonic Youth in Europe.
Chui Wan (吹万) is a four-piece experimental psychedelic rock band from Beijing, China. They get their name from Daoist philosopher Zhuangzi's Qi Wu Lun (齐物论), a mystical work on inner sageliness and outer kingliness. Zhuangzi writes: "谓风吹万窍,发出各种音响" - "When the wind blows, every sound may be heard therein."
Inspired by this concept of seeking the infinite from the mundane, the core of Chui Wan's sound is formed by the improvisational compositions of multi-instrumentalist Yan Yulong and guitarist Liu Xinyu. Their lush arrangements for guitar, keyboard, viola, other assorted instruments, and random sound samples often eschew reliable melodies and vocal harmonies in favor of occasional passages of minimal drone or maximal sonic layerings. Bassist Wu Qiong and drummer Li Zichao provide a stable ground floor from which the band can continually float away, like a sound half-heard and soon gone on a gust of wind.
晚9:30 // 150元(现场)/ 100元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9:30 // Rmb 150 (door) / 100 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)