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5月17日 Wednesday 星期三
斯拉夫民谣DAGADANA 2017北京专场
自2012年以来,乐队与中国进行了长期合作。 其中一项成果,便是由中国艺术家参与录制的专辑《子午线68》。乐队经常在波兰和中国进行演出,比如参加了上海世界音乐季、波兰艺术节、东方文化节、波兰第三电台音乐录制等。受邀参与专辑录制的内蒙古北方乐队的音乐家,在这部作品中,展现了中国和蒙古族的传统美。这些热衷于音乐实验的艺术家,2013年和妲尕妲娜乐队在北京相遇,音乐就成了他们彼此相知的语言。音乐家之间的惺惺相惜,再加上北京波兰协会、密茨凯维奇学院、波兹南市政厅文化中心的坚定支持,专辑《子午线68》和合作音乐会便诞生了。这群艺术家的灵感来自很多地方:他们的家人、图书和民族音乐工作室。
妲尕妲娜乐队 + 内蒙古北方乐队:
Daga Gregorowicz - 歌唱、电子乐
Dana Vynnytska - 歌唱、键盘
Mikołaj Pospieszalski - 歌唱、低音提琴、贝斯
Bartosz Mikołaj Nazaruk - 鼓
AIYS Song - 大提琴
Hassibagen - 歌唱、马头琴
“Koby ne moron”波兰电视台演出
“Jestem sobzie starozina”现场演出
上海世界音乐季“Kolir szczastia”现场演出
上海“U poli bereza”现场演出
爵士、流行、古典元素和民间素材的一次激烈碰撞。充满想象力的编排,为观众呈现具有强烈感染力的传统旋律。他们用音乐诠释东欧的冒险故事。——世界音乐杂志《Songlines》,Peter Culshaw (英国)
对我来说,很难用“这是一个好东西”来描述或总结。他们融合古典旋律、钢琴、小提琴、低声、高音、摇滚,这是第一层。然后他们又采用素有天籁之音之称的合唱、电子乐、颤音、大提琴、爵士摇滚、低音提琴、欢快的鸣笛声、轰隆隆的呼麦声、无人机的宁静声、节奏型强的街舞动作声,最后以花腔式的无伴奏合唱结尾,为我们呈现一首春意盎然的歌曲。从来没有一首类似的波兰传统音乐。——《fRoots》音乐杂志,Andrew Cronshaw(英国)
妲尕妲娜乐队成功的关键在于原创性、不断寻找和实验新音乐的意愿、欢快的音乐风格和对民族音乐的发扬光大。音乐没有晦涩难懂,民族元素随处可见。艺术家把古典乐器和玩具玩疯了。——Muzyka Onet.pl, Andrzej Sroka (波兰)
音乐融合了俱乐部音乐、民间诗歌和他们原创的东西——这是很有趣的一个东西。——《新闻周刊》, Filip Łobodziński (波兰)
妲尕妲娜乐队作为新一代的音乐人,他们的音乐很自然地融合了爵士、世界音乐和其他音乐风格。他们的音乐没有地域和门类的限制。——巴比伦广播电台,,Ahmet Ulug (土耳其)
这是一个自信的专辑,包括来自波兰人/乌克兰人令人窒息的、古怪的曲调,混合了不同种类和不同影响力的音乐做成了人人都可以听到的优美音乐。——世界音乐网站WorldMusic.co.uk, Glyn Phillips (英国)
DAGADANA, for eight years now, have triumphantly merged elements of Ukrainian and Polish culture through jazz, electronic and world music. By mixing folk, jazz and electronica they create their own unique language. Their full of humour concerts show that they make the music of such kind that makes both the listener and the performer happy. Full of warmth vocal lines sang often through voice processors, bold synthetic sounds, melodic acoustic bass and children’s toys used as instruments is Dagadana’s method to flood the listener with sounds that are never boring. Their latest 4th record „Meridian 68” collects traditional songs from many regions of Poland and Ukrainian. And there’s an exceptional piece recorded in Chinese in collaboration with a band they met in Beijing – North Lab.
The core of the new album is made of Polish and Ukrainian folk songs. Dagadana found their inspiration in many sources: amongst their families and friends, at ethnic music workshops, as well as on their friends’ and families’ bookshelves.
The Eastern influence is the result of an encounter with extraordinary musicians – Hassibagen (from Inner Mongolia) and Aiys Song from China – during Dagadana’s visit to Beijing.
DAGADANA are proud of their long-lasting cooperation with China since 2012. One of its fruits is the album „Meridian 68” which features performing guests from Beijing. The band has also performed on concert tours in Poland and China (e.g.: Shanghai World Music Festival, Polish Circles of Art Festival, Festiwal Wschód Kultury, Polish Radio Trójka).
Musicians from the North Lab band, who have been invited to join the project, present in their works the beauty of Chinese and Mongolian tradition blended with contemporary vibes. Those keen-to-experiment artists met with Polish-Ukrainian DAGADANA in 2013 in Beijing. Music was then for them the only mutually understandable language. A strong bond between the musicians, determination and support from the Polish Institute in Beijing, the Adam Mickiewicz Institute and the Department of Culture of the Poznań City Hall resulted in issuing of the „Meridian 68” album in Poland and common performances on concerts. The artists found their inspiration in various sources: their own families, books and during ethnic music workshops.
In the World Music Charts Europe, a prestigeous ranking of 150 best albums in 2016, prepared by the members of Worldmusic Workshop of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), DAGADANA’s album „Meridian 68” was ranked on the 48th place.
“Meridian 68” is to be released in China in 2017 and the band is planning to visit the country again for more concerts.
Daga Gregorowicz - vocal, electronica
Dana Vynnytska - vocal, keyboards
Mikołaj Pospieszalski - vocal, double bass, bass
Bartosz Mikołaj Nazaruk - drums
AIYS Song - cello
Hassibagen - voice, mathouqin
Kanding Qingge concert with guests
Koby ne moron live in Polish TV
Jestem sobzie starozina
Kolir szczastia live in Shanghai World Music
U poli bereza live in Shanghai
The clash between the jazzy, pop and classical elements with the deep folk material. Imaginative arrangements bring out the strong traditional melodies. Illustration of the adventurous music coming out of Eastern Europe.
Songlines, Peter Culshaw (UK)
It’s a hard one to describe or sum up, which, for me, is A Good Thing. By turns anthemic, liquid pianistic, violin-sweeping, soft-voiced, strident hard-voiced, rock – and that’s just the first track. Onward into scat- ting, heavenly choir, electronic swoops and warbles, systems patterns, chugging cello, jazz-rock, big brass shots, cheery whistling over growling khoomei, hefty rock, tense drone serenity, beaty poppiness, ending in a velvety melismatic a cappella rendering of a wesnianka, a spring song.
There’s never been a treatment of Polish traditional music like it.
fRoots Magazine, Andrew Cronshaw (UK)
The key to Dagadana’s success is originality, constant will to search and experiment and, most importantly, complete lack of pathos and a very light approach to folk music. There is no literariness here and the folk often lurks somewhere in the background. The artists play with equal ease on classical instruments and on toys. Madness? Only when necessary.
Muzyka Onet.pl, Andrzej Sroka (Poland)
A mixture of cameral club music with folk poetry and own texts - a truly intriguing thing.
Newsweek, Filip Łobodziński (Poland)
DAGADANA represents the new generation of musical fusion where jazz, world and other worldly styles become one naturally. Music beyond borders and classifications.
Radio Babylon, Ahmet Ulug (Turkey)
This a confident album full of beguiling, quirky tunes from the young Poles/Ukrainians, mixing a seeming endless amount of genres and influences into wonderfully accessible music.
WorldMusic.co.uk, Glyn Phillips (UK)
晚9点 // 100元(现场)/ 80元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 100 (door) / 80 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)