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5月2日 Tuesday 星期二
New Album Mark of the Blade ASIA TOUR 2017 - BEIJING
嘉宾 Guest:德州一夜 A NIGHT IN TEXAS [澳洲技术死核 AUS]
金属乐进入新世纪后最重大的改变就是各类风格的高度融合与再造,而汲取了大量极端金属养分,将其简化,现代化,引领全新浪潮的 DEATHCORE 死核大军在遗传了老一辈黑死金属的快速残暴的音乐基因同时,更融合进了当下时髦和肆意放纵的街头文化,以SUICIDE SILENCE、WHITECHAPEL、ALL SHALL PERISH等乐队为首的一大拨新派极端金属乐队成为了今日金属少年们的心头最爱,十年来带动全球一大批融合死亡/黑暗金属乐派的乐队继续前行,推动今日极端金属的进一步发展。
作为当今最为著名,同时让整个金属世界狼烟四起的DEATHCORE死核军团,WHITECHAPEL(白教堂)乐队,来自美国田纳西州诺克斯维尔,2006创立之初就以超越新生代同辈乐队的强大力量,引领当地Deathcore势力崛起广受全世界瞩目。2007年被Candlelight Records签下后发行了首张专辑《The Somatic Defilement》,震撼了整个美国金属乐坛,随即博得金属大厂Metal Blade Records青睐收至帐下,陆续发表了打入摇滚排行榜的《This Is Exile》等四张专辑。其中2010年专辑《A New Era of Corruption》和2012年乐队同名专辑发行首周销量更是超过1万张,随着乐队的稳步成长,到了2014年第五张专辑《Our Endless War》面世之时,他们更是达到乐队职业生涯最高排行榜位置,跻身Billboard 200榜单前十。伴随着前五张专辑的一一问世,这几个土生土长的田纳西小伙子在今日竞争激烈的现代金属疆场上为自己争得了一块独一无二的领地。在参战过大量诸如WACKEN、MAYHEMFEST、WARPED TOUR及IMPERICON等全球顶尖知名音乐节及多次欧美巡演后,乐团声势如日中天,现已成为全世界金属圈家喻户晓的最新指标类乐团。
2016年,组队已逾十年的 WHITECHAPEL推出了最新专辑《Mark of the Blade》,这张专辑可以说是对乐队组建十年来的一个庆祝,他们在以往的暴力美学基础上更加拓宽了思路,用不同以往的抒情演唱和张弛有度的沉重节奏在不经意间流露出对人生的感悟和对他们死忠乐迷的爱戴。WHITECHAPEL将以此作为他们迈向成熟和对职业生涯更高层级跃进的脚步,伴随着即将开始的 2017年亚洲巡演的展开,请大家在现场接受他们的金属刀锋洗礼!
"The theme of 'Mark of the Blade' is a celebration of Whitechapel being together for ten years and the fans that support us no matter what," states vocalist Phil Bozeman, and after just one exposure to the record's 11 riveting tracks, a more fitting tribute is unimaginable. Pushing their sound forward with each successive release, the sextet have never allowed anyone outside of their ranks to dictate or influence the music they write. Mark of the Blade sees them remain true to their roots while making their most dramatic progression to date, the emphasis falling more on groove than blastbeat-driven death metal violence, as well as venturing into previously unexplored territory, both sonically and lyrically. "It's the most dynamic record we've done, in the sense that one song can be very aggressive while the next one will be softer and sentimental," guitarist Alex Wade asserts. "I think it's great that we have opened up our sound to just write and play whatever we think sounds good. If it's soft and has clean singing who cares as long as it's a good song? I would rather do that than be closed-minded and stick to only the 'extreme' side of metal."
With five genre-redefining albums to their name, the Knoxville, Tennessee natives have carved themselves a unique niche in contemporary metal, and in doing so have spoken to legions of fans. Making their presence known with 2007's The Somatic Defilement, their profile has steadily grown, and 2014's Our Endless War saw them crack the top 10 on the Billboard Top 200 for the first time. Their reputation for maintaining their integrity is well-earned, and going into their sixth full-length this commitment is stronger than ever. "I honestly don't think that we ever have to prove anything to anyone, we do this because we enjoy it, and if people want to listen and support us, that's just a bonus," says Bozeman. "With this record we knew what we didn't want to do. We wanted to get away from the faster stuff, because we're burned out on that 260bpm blastbeat thing. We've done that. Ultimately none of us agree with genre pigeon-holing, and we're not afraid to write what we want to write, no matter what anyone else thinks." While the band had clear ideas for elements they wanted to explore, they did not allow this to dictate the record, which developed more naturally, focusing on what was best for the individual songs, refusing to accept anything less than the absolute best they could possibly do. "Nothing was set in concrete when we started writing, and we did not force anything," Wade states. "For example, the idea of including some clean singing was brought up before any songs were written, but it was never really like 'okay, we're doing this' until the songs that we planned to have that on were complete and Phil could say 'so I'm clean singing on these, right?'. At that moment it felt exciting that we were exploring musical territory that we hadn't before, and that we were confident in doing so." In realizing the album, the band - rounded out by guitarists Ben Savage and Zach Householder, bassist Gabe Crisp and drummer Ben Harclerode - reunited with producer Mark Lewis (The Black Dahlia Murder, Cannibal Corpse). "When it comes to recording we have the 'if it's not broke, don't fix it' mentality, and he really does find ways to make us sound better with each record. From 'Whitechapel' (2012) to 'Our Endless War', there really was a large step forward in terms of the production and tones, and I feel that is also the case with the progression from 'Our Endless War' to 'Mark of the Blade'. This is the biggest we have ever sounded on a record, and it's great to see his growth as a producer matched with our growth as musicians."
Kicking off with "The Void", which taps into a Slayer-style aggressive thrash vibe that is perfectly suited to the band's three-guitar attack, the songs that follow all leave a distinct impression, and by the time the rich, dark melodies of the epic "Decennium" bring things to a close, it's impossible to deny the emotional weight brought to bear. However, equally inescapable is the fact that the majority of said emotion is profoundly positive, leaving a lasting sense of hope and community, and it is this that inspired the album's title. "It always blows our minds when we see fans get our Tennessee saw-blade symbol tattooed on them, and we are grateful to those diehard fans who show such dedication to what we do," states Wade. "When we were thinking of possible titles, Phil suggested 'Mark Of The Blade', and the theme being the fans and how they would bear the mark for us. I feel it also stands for the figurative 'mark' that we attempt to leave with this record." While this theme is strong, Bozeman typically tackles a broad range of issues, always laying himself bare and speaking from the heart. "It was time to show that we are human and also want to be happy, and that metal doesn't have to be 'blah, blah, blah I hate the world' all the time. 'The Void' is about our music being a black hole that people can escape into, which can alleviate their problems, while the title track is about me taking a chance and committing to the band rather than staying home in a dead end job, at the same time helping me to move on from the past and look toward a better future." On "Elitist Ones" Bozeman vents his frustrations at metal fans who believe their taste superior to that of others, as well as learning to move past hate, and he also touches on far more emotionally fragile territory, with "Bring Me Home". "My father passed when I was ten years old, and it's me reflecting on those first ten years of my life. It's a very depressing and sad song but it's also a part of me grieving in a way I never did, because I was too young to comprehend what was even going on." However, it is aforementioned closer "Decennium" that most fully embodies the love that they have for their fans, and determinedly finishes things on an optimistic note. "That song is really going to give people hope and a positive attitude instead of being pissed off at the world all the time. Don't get me wrong, the world definitely pisses me off and people piss me off, but in life there's always positive things to look forward to, and people would rather be happy than sad, more often than not."
With Mark of the Blade under their collective belt, the band is truly stepping into a new and exciting phase of their career. Having redefined who they are and what they are capable of, their place in the modern metal landscape has only solidified - and while they remain typically confident they are equally humble. "This record plainly states 'this is who we are'," Wade asserts. "We know we have fans that depend on us just as we depend on them, and this record displays that deep connection. In the end, that's what it's all about."
晚8:30 // 280元(现场)/ 200元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 8:30 // Rmb 280 (door) / 200 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)
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