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4月20日 Thursday 星期四
2017中国巡演北京站 CHINA TOUR 2017 - BEIJING
作为德国最具实力的摇滚乐队之一,与主唱同名的Tim Beam乐队,此次由主唱Tim Beam携全新阵容吉他手Micheal Goldsmith、贝斯Dominik Schweizer和鼓手Phillipp Bellinger组成的Tim Beam & The Shots of Love乐队,来到中国。
Tim Beam乐队曾在澳大利亚,波兰,丹麦,瑞士,法国巡演,受到各国摇滚音乐爱好者的狂热追捧。充满浓郁个人风格的编曲,融合硬摇滚与现代音乐的混合形式出现,乐队一定程度上受Guns N' Roses、Rolling Stones等经典摇滚乐队的影响。主唱Tim本人将多种元素巧妙的混合在一起,悦耳华丽的吉他演奏,营造出非常立体的旋律摇滚乐/Melo Rock。
TIM BEAM至今发行了七张专辑和多张EP,作为欧洲顶尖的主流摇滚乐队曾为很多电视电影节目创作原声带。他们多次与Uriah Heep、The Great Crusades、Beth Hart、John Waite、The cranes Spider Murphy Gang、Reamonn、Birth Control、Naked Raven、Xavier Naidoo等欧洲顶尖乐队合作演出。
——Thomas Steiner巴登州报。
——《Chili Freiburg》
主音吉他手Micheal Goldsmith,欧洲著名吉他手,美国世界著名蓝调乐队Bernhard Allison主吉他,巡演足迹遍及欧洲、美洲、亚洲和非洲。2010年着手于以Goldsmith为名的个人音乐创作项目。2013年出版个人独奏专辑《Shut up & Rock》及最新专辑《Fire》。2016年加入Tim Beam & The Shots of Love。
贝斯手Dominik Schweizer,自2012年加入Tim Beam乐队。早年毕业于摇滚音乐学院,主修吉他和贝斯专业,同时他也演奏架子鼓,2016年和歌曲作曲家Nicolas Sturm创作新专辑并在德国、奥地利和瑞士展开巡演。
鼓手Phillipp Bellinger,和Tim于九十年代在弗莱堡共同组建乐队The Dead Flowers,随后个人到柏林发展,在柏林开始个人音乐计划。在过去的几年至今,和著名歌星Dagobert已共同出版两张实验专辑,并策划欧美各国的多次巡演。2015年Bellinger回到Tim Beam & The Shots of Love,凭借其出色的音乐触觉及深厚的表演功力深得乐迷喜爱。
As one of the most mature Rock n' Roll bands from Germany, Tim Beam's band is now known as the Tim Beam & The Shots of Love with brand new line-up - Michael Goldsmith on the guitar, Dominik Schweizer on the bass and Phillipp Bellinger on the Drum, and of course Tim Beam himself - comes to China.
The band has toured in Australia, Poland, Denmark, Switzerland and France, and was internationally met with enthusiasm from the fans. It is known for compositions of remarkable unique styles and a combination of Hard Rock with modern music, and is influenced by classic acts such as Guns N' Roses and Rolling Stones. Tim beautifully mixes various elements and creates a multi-dimensional Melo Rock.
Tim Beam has so far released seven albums and many EPs, and with his topnotch mainstream rock band has been responsible for many TV/film soundtracks. Previously they collaborated with Uriah Heep, The Great Crusades, Beth Hart, John Waite, The cranes Spider Murphy Gang, Reamonn, Birth Control, Naked Raven, Xavier Naidoo.
Tim's lyrics are also critically acclaimed. This tall blonde singer makes sure audience are to be moved by his sincerity, passion and live performance wherever, whenever.
晚9点 // 100元(现场)/ 80元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 100 (door) / 80 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)