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将鼓点与Beat完美融合,轻快奔腾的节奏。神秘且华丽的电气之声。充满浮漂浮感的合成效果音符优雅地弥漫开来。幻想般优美的吉他声。将听众引领至另一个维度的声音世界。这就是来自日本的音乐团体 miaou。2016年9月发行了最新作品《drops e.p.》之后,阔别3年之久,备受期待的中国巡演即将拉开帷幕!这必将成为聆听持续进化之声,体验后摇与电音融合交织所缔造出的梦幻声音世界的宝贵夜晚!
由toe的美浓隆章操刀制作的3张专辑(《Happiness》 2003年,《Make These Things Alright》 2005年,《All Around Us》 2008年)引起了广泛关注。
从2005年开始,乐队开展了一系列活动,诸如成立厂牌-Teto Records,策划国外乐队的日本巡演以及发行磁带等等。除了与许多国外乐队同台演出之外,也常常登上英国,爱尔兰,中国,台湾等国外舞台。他们独特的旋律与略带忧伤的声音,在国内外的器乐演奏界都获得了高度评价。
2011年发行了第4张专辑《The Day Will Come Before Long》。本作加入了Guest Vocal,展现了乐队新的音乐取向,并同时发行了由国内外艺人参与制作的Remix专辑《The Night Will Come Before Long》,以及在希腊的Sound In Silence厂牌下发行的《Bring The Lights EP》。此后,经历了成员各自的独立发展,于2016年秋季发行了最新专辑《drops e.p.》。
滨崎龙树 Tatsuki Hamasaki(Guitars,
Programming, Vocals...)
长谷川真弓 Mayumi Hasegawa(Bass,
Synthesizer, Rhodes, Glockenspiel...)
长谷川宏美 Hiromi Hasegawa(Drums)
Miaou are a band based in Tokyo, formed in 2001
by Tatsuki Hamasaki and sisters Hiromi & Mayumi Hasegawa out of a
university project and a shared love of Telefon Tel Aviv, Do Make Say think and
Boards of Canada. Drawing from those influences Miaou went on to merge more
electronic instruments and samples alongside their guitars, making music filled
with swelling synths, spiraling melodies and IDM beats. Instrumental electronic
dream-pop as seen from Tokyo.
Since the release of their debut album,
‘Happiness’, in 2003, the band continued making new songs and touring though
Japan with Art of Fighting, Epic45 and Tracer AMC. Armed with and ever
increasing mountain of synths, toy instruments and a fender rhodes, the band
released a second album, ‘Make These Things Alright’, and their ‘painted’ e.p.,
further blurring the lines between post-rock and electronica.
After their third album, ‘All Around Us’, came
out in 2008, the band toured across Japan, into Taiwan playing the Formoz
festival, as well as doing shows in Ireland and the UK. In between recording
the band have contributed to compilations in Japan and the USA, and completed
remixes for the likes of Sweden’s EF and Not Squares from the UK. Always
throwing themselves into music, always dreaming of things to come.
Recorded in Tokyo in the Spring of 2011, The Day
Will Come Before Long sees miaou push on into more electronic territory than
before – bigger synths, broken up samples and glitchy guitars. Mixed by
electronic extraordinaire Cornel Wilczek (Qua) in Australia and featuring some
achingly beautiful vocals from special guest singers in Ben Cooper (Electric
President/Radical Face) and Ben Holton (Epic45). Expect to hear swelling
synths, crashing guitars and electronic beats making up miaou’s sonic
2012 saw them tour their new album around Japan
with Radical Face after finishing shows in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well
as release a remix album, ‘The Night Will Come Before Long’, featuring new
takes on the album from the likes of Errors, Sun Glitters, aus, Not Squares and
Creeping out at the end of 2013 – a limited
edition ep, ‘bring the lights’, on Greek label Sound in Silence sold out a few
weeks after release.
晚8:30 // 330元(VIP现场)/ 280元(VIP预售)/ 180元(现场)/ 130元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 8:30 // Rmb 330 (VIP - door) / Rmb 280(VIP - presale)/ 180 (door) / 130 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)
在线购票 Tickets online: https://yoopay.cn/event/ygys20170317