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德国民谣金属战士EQUILIBRIUM + SUIDAKRA京沪2017年联合巡演
Thursday, March 9, 2017 20:30 to 23:30
Organizer: 愚公移山 More Events

Price: ¥320

德国民谣金属战士EQUILIBRIUM + SUIDAKRA京沪2017年联合巡演

Price: ¥320

德国民谣金属战士EQUILIBRIUM + SUIDAKRA京沪2017年联合巡演
Thursday, March 9, 2017 20:30 to 23:30
Organizer: 愚公移山 More Events

Price: ¥320

德国民谣金属战士EQUILIBRIUM + SUIDAKRA京沪2017年联合巡演

Thursday, March 9, 2017 20:30 to 23:30 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

Price: ¥320

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Thursday, March 9, 2017 20:30 to 23:30

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39 Thursday 星期四

日耳曼民族史诗传奇 德意志双雄维京战神

德国民谣金属战士EQUILIBRIUM + SUIDAKRA京沪2017年联合巡演   

EQUILIBRIUM [Germany] + SUIDAKRA [Germany]


作为近年Nuclear Blast公司旗下炙手可热的维京/史诗金属头牌乐队,来自德国巴伐利亚州的EQUILIBRIUM以融合了民谣黑金属与史诗交响金属的独特曲风迅速复兴了曾经无比辉煌的北地维京王朝。从首张专辑《Turis Fratyr》开始,他们便以独特的民族传统调式为音乐基础,加入不同地区的民族特色旋律,配合日耳曼神话气息浓厚的德语歌词,将全球金属乐迷牢牢吸引,成为德意志最新一代金属乐队的代表之一。在乐队转签名厂Nuclear Blast公司后发行的第二张作品《Sagas》中,乐队强化了自己的民族特色,同时也高举德意志金属的钢铁旗帜,乐队以一己之力打破了德国金属以往固定不变的严肃模式,成为少数能够与北欧民谣史诗集团对抗的乐队。《Rekreatur》专辑则继续延伸着乐队自我的进化之路,不断寻求突破,虽经历人员变动但依然保证了音乐的高水准。2016年最新专辑《Armageddon》的推出显示出乐队更加成熟的音乐创作与更为多变的概念视角,传奇将会继续,而造物主与末日之战将不期而至。

同样来自德国的SUIDAKRA乐队则更有历史,他们早在1994年便成军于杜塞尔多夫,一共出版12张正式专辑,音乐曲风由典型欧式哥德堡之声旋律死亡金属配以凯尔特民谣旋律,从成立之初就颇具欧陆特色。乐队的转折来自于和业内著名厂牌Century Media签约,乐队始终坚持民谣式的旋律死亡金属,在暴力美学中重视异域特色的描绘,使用包括班卓琴、高地风笛在内的多种民族乐器,营造出混乱不失凄美的异世之声。SUIDAKRA在发行完第九张专辑后曾来到中国,作为当年德中同行活动以及金属战火乐队大赛决赛的嘉宾登上舞台。而如今乐队最新专辑《Realms of Odoric》已经面世,他们将与EQUILIBRIUM一同踏上中国这片古老的土地,用无与伦比的现代金属音乐与乐迷共同探索这个历史悠久国度的史诗之魂。


EQUILIBRIUM are back! Two years after their triumphal fourth album «Erdentempel» (which ranked 16th in German album charts), this epic metal outfit returns into spotlight with their new album «Armageddon». Guitarist, composer, keyboarder and lyricist René Berthiaume once more refined their style while working on the band's fifth album and added a seriousness that has not been heard by EQUILIBRIUM before - yet without changing the band's essence. EQUILIBRIUM's compositions are still characterized by intoxicating melodies and impressive bombast. But »Armageddon« is darker, more serious and it mirrors all the currently moving world affairs.

Fans don't have to be worried, because EQUILIBRIUM's new symbiosis of darker songs and lyrics on the one hand and playful, catchy elements on the other hand succeeds on the highest level. The oppressive prevailing mood thus is loosened up again and again by absorbing, playful guitars and keyboards without forfeiting any power. Singer Robert “Robse” Dahn adds his extreme versatile voice and ideally complements the band's newly gained diversity with his vocal performance. In addition there are screaming vocals from guitarist Dom R. Crey as well as clean vocals from René.

As on previous releases, genre borders are not playing any significant role on »Armageddon«, thus one experiment or the other might be a surprise even for long-time fans. EQUILIBRIUM's fifth album is not only because of their new seriousness the band's most impressive work so far - »Armageddon« is rich in content and inspiringly entertaining!

This time René himself took on the responsibility for the recordings, the mix and the production. Mastering was done by Maor Appelbaum at his mastering studio in Los Angeles. “Never chance a winning team” - this motto also applies to the extremely felicitous cover artwork which has been designed once more by Skadi Rosehurst.

EQUILIBRIUM were founded as a sextet in 2001 and was actually only meant to last for one single show. But the metal audience's inspiring feedback prevented the Southern Germans to disappear in the annals of history, and thus EQUILIBRIUM wrote their first chapters for the textbooks of metal history with their first demo in 2003 and the debut album »Turis Fratyr« in 2005. In 2008, their first album on Nuclear Blast Records, »Sagas«, and a great 30th rank in the German album charts followed, which was even exceeded by »Rekreatur« (rank 20) in 2010 and »Erdentempel« (rank 16) in 2014.

»Armageddon« is ready to continue EQUILIBRIUM's story and to add a new, formidable chapter to the band's discography with its massive sound, its excellent songs and a wealth of different moods. Be ready for an impressively thoughtful and enthralling album!


SuidAkrA is a Celtic Metal band from Germany founded in 1994. The name „SuidAkrA“ is founder Akadius Antonik's first name written backwards. Their lyrical and musical concept deals with the Celtic mythology and stands in close collaboration with the Belgian artist Kris Verwimp, the creative head for the lyrical concept and artwork.

After 22 years of bandhistory and 11 studio albums, SuidAkrA has become a flagship in the German metal scene. In more than 500 shows, the band constantly played tours around the globe. They played numerous European tours, 5 North American tours as well as in South America, China and India. After a festival in the Indian metropolis, Bangalore in 2012, Arkadius Antonik spent a week on the behalf of the German Goethe institute to support regional musical projects. With their 3rd Indian tour in 2014 SuidAkrA became the first Metal band ever that performed shows in 6 different cities in India. This was accompanied by a large public and media interest, such as the german station ZDF that broadcasted a Suidakra tour documentary in ther show called „Aspekte“.

SuidAkrA is signed by the label AFM Records since 2011. The band will release their 12th studioalbum called „Realms Of Odoric“ in May 2016. The album is based on an artwork / soundtrack project which was started by Kris Verwimp and Arkadius Antonik in May 2013.

Pm 8:30 // 600RMB (VIP) / 380RMB (door) / 320RMB (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)

晚8:30 // 600元(VIP)/ 380元(现场)/ 320元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)

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