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3月4日 Saturday 星期六
The fin. 2017 京沪双城巡演北京站
The fin. China Tour 2017
被评为2016年英国The Great Escape音乐节「最佳现场表演乐团」
受邀亮相SXSW、Fuji Rock、Rising Sun等舞台
融合80年代Brit-Pop/ Noise Pop/ Shoegaze/ Chillwave元素
时下风靡日本及欧美的复古潮团——The fin.
“一张令人痴迷的精美新作” – DIY
“他们独具梦幻色彩的旋律唤醒了感官新面向” —Fred Perry Subculture
“The fin.完美融合了迷幻氛围的合成器电音与悦听的流行旋律” - Clash
“美轮美奂”-Little Indie Blogs
The fin.来自日本神户的The fin.由Yuto Uchino、Ryosuke Odagaki、Takayasu Taguchi、Kaoru Nakazawa 四个平均年龄只有二十出头的大男孩组成。乐队从Soundcloud发迹并洋溢欧美。鲜明的电吉他旋律,略带雅痞的外型,标准并充满洋味的嚼字,慵懒的嗓音,迷幻的电气氛围甚至有CITIZENS! 的影子。很难想像这般洋气的咬字与旋律居然是出自四个平均年龄22岁的神户大男孩。
The fin. 曲风深受The Strokes、Washed Out、Beach Fossils 等乐团影响,2014年底发行首张正式专辑《Days With Uncertainty》,超龄的破格音乐表现,与其他日本乐团截然不同的风格特色,在日本掀起了讨论热潮。而收录在乐团《Glowing Red On The Shore》EP 中的《Faded Light》同时也被选作 BEAMS 最新 2015春夏形象短片配乐。
除了音乐本身的迷人旋律,The fin. 的MV 更是将歌词与旋律里充满奇美梦幻的复古风格淋漓尽致地视觉化,其中代表作《Night Time》《Through the Deep》《Till Dawn》则是由日本鬼才导演关根光才一手打造。
《Night Time》中邀请了日本ViVi 少女杂志的气质模特Emma 担纲演出,四个大男孩与EMMA 在如同梦境一般的荒屋废地追逐、奔跑、歌唱,象征着青春的狂放不羁;随着老式跑车在公路上畅驰,少女手中的泰迪熊绒毛也逐渐飞散在半空中,诗意的收尾多少暗指了青春的多愁与易逝。
EP 同名歌曲《Through the Deep》也令人十分惊艳,邀请了在电影《共犯》中大放异彩的台湾演员姚爱寗出任 MV 女主角。天真无邪的少女与荒野中的老人一同玩乐,在这个废弃的游乐园里,没有年龄差距、没有身份异同,有的只有两个童心长存的嬉戏者,也许多少和乌托邦理想有些关联。最后一幕在雪地中不再复苏的凄美,宛若岩井俊二《梦旅人》般的末日绝美光景。
The fin.美轮美奂的现场氛围吸引了无数乐迷前往。2015年乐队亚洲巡演台湾、香港、泰国场场售罄。凭借无国界的复古摇滚旋律,The fin.也迅速席卷了英美,透过主唱Uchino Yuto一口流利英语,以及道地的Indie Rock、Shoegaze、Chill Wave、Brit-Pop,加以日式的清新质感,再次鲜活了欧美随性的80年代摇滚魂。
New Noise is very excited to present a twocity tour for The fin., one of
the most exciting bands to emerge from Japan in the last few years. The band
sounds like a cross between M83 and Phoenix, citing chillwave acts Toro y Moi
and WashedOut as influences. These youngsters have been creating a growing
fanbaseselling out their shows all over Asia and the band’s growing renown on
westernshores has led to a surge of media interest and prime headline slots on
The Great Escape Festival and SXSW and making big waves in their homeland due
to their stylish Europhile blend of synth-pop, chill wave and dream pop.
The fin. have since forming in 2012,performed before thousands of
rapturous fans at major Japanese festivalsincluding Fuji Rock, Rising Sun and
Viva La Rock. Not content with such acclaim in one country alone, the band has
set their sights worldwide and embarked on amajor world wide tour. The fin.
will head to Shanghai and Beijing in support of their deliciously refined album
“Through the Deep” to demonstrate the depth,versatility and scope of this
terrific band.
晚9点 // 150元(现场)/ 120元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 150 (door) / 120 (presale | on a