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TECHINA 巡演开启 全球顶尖新生代技术强团全面来
2017年2月18日 星期六 20:30 至 23:00
主办方: 愚公移山 更多活动

价格: ¥320

TECHINA 巡演开启 全球顶尖新生代技术强团全面来

价格: ¥320

TECHINA 巡演开启 全球顶尖新生代技术强团全面来
2017年2月18日 星期六 20:30 至 23:00
主办方: 愚公移山 更多活动

价格: ¥320

TECHINA 巡演开启 全球顶尖新生代技术强团全面来

2017年2月18日 星期六 20:30 至 23:00 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

价格: ¥320

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2017年2月18日 星期六 20:30 至 23:00



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浏览: 2,792

2月18日 Saturday 星期六

TECHINA 巡演开启 全球顶尖新生代技术强团全面来

近年来重型摇滚乐坛刮起一阵 [Djent] 旋风 ,这一发轫自瑞典前卫班霸 MESHUGGAH,成型于欧美各路网络吉他才俊之手,如今已是蔚然成风,遍地开花的新派前卫混血重型乐风,实乃是对近二十年来金属乐发展的最大解构与再造,开拓性的创作思路,复杂至极的Riff以及令人惊异的节拍编配,使用大量的特殊演奏技巧以及对完美音色的极致追求无不叫人叹为观止。2014年的情人节之夜,我们将这一风潮中最具代表性的领军乐团 PERIPHERY 首度引进中国,在上海为中国乐迷奉献了精彩演出。而在即将到来的2017年2月,我们将开启名为 TECHINA (tech china)的巡演,来自美国,加拿大,日本的四组艺人 PERIPHERY / ANIMALS AS LEADERS / NICK JOHNSTON / ABSTRACTS 将分别轮流在北京/上海/杭州登台,展示他们的超强技巧与超前意识!

来自美国华盛顿特区的PERIPHERY堪称当今美国Djent集团的领军力量,堪称新世纪的DREAM THEATER 梦剧院;融合张弛有度的现代金属节奏与复杂多变的前卫金属曲式,集合当今金属乐技术与意识之精华,将Djent以及金属乐本身的档次大幅提升。无论是冲劲十足复杂多变的同名处子专辑还是概念性十足技术完美的双张作品《Juggernaut》,PERIPHERY均显示出超人一等的音乐理念与技术把握,将设备与技巧、旋律与和声的相互交融推向更高境界。众所周知的是PERIPHERY乐队的每位成员都多才多艺,由今日已名满天下的美国印裔天才吉他手 Misha Mansoor在2005年组建于美国马里兰州。与传统乐队不同,乐手们都相识于几个著名的金属乐论坛,在发现彼此有着共同的音乐喜好与演奏创作冲动后走到了一起。成员个人计划更是跨足金属乐各个流派,甚至在爵士、fusion领域也有出色作品呈现,你可以在互联网上看到每次乐队录制新作品新歌曲的视频片段,甚至分类到每个司职乐器的演奏以及技术手法和设备使用的讲解,当然数量更多的是无数年轻乐迷和乐手翻弹模仿他们演奏的视频,毫无疑问,这些未来的大师级乐手将以PERIPHERY之名引领金属乐未来进化之路。PERIPHERY不光是以其超前的音乐理念和娴熟的技术手法,更是在精神与商业两个层面同步将现代重型音乐的边界进一步拓宽。

同样来自以开放态度著称的美国,ANIMALS AS LEADER则以另外一种姿态创立自己的独特地位。同是被归于Djent甚至Fusion领域,但与师出同门的PERIPHERY乐队不同的是,AAL的音乐立身于前卫金属之中,而没有现代派金属核的演唱。这样的背景使得他们的作品在Djent阵营中独一无二,同时也在前卫金属中令人耳目一新。作为一支纯器乐团体,他们在首张专辑中大肆实验Djent风格,成为当年最佳新晋金属乐团。随后为Avant-garde金属神团BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME担任巡演开场嘉宾,结束之后乐队发行了第二张专辑《Weightless》,取自Rama系列作品的专辑名配上两名吉他手以八弦吉他交织而成的复杂音网,乐队的表现超出了所有人的想象,而其中Fusion段落的出现则令到大家对其有更大的期待。果然,在第三张作品《The Joy of Motion》里,乐队开始抛开Djent的束缚,开始融入更多优美的爵士fusion段落,灵魂人物Tosin一直秉承着“希望以纯粹手指运动之乐趣展现音乐本真魅力”的原则,而这张专辑证明他已经达到了这个境界。而乐队的2016年最新专辑《The Madness of Many》则再次展现了Fusion与Djent碰撞的超强魅力,创作更加成熟,技术更是毋庸置疑。更加讲求韵味的音乐证明AAL已经从超强的技术派团体跃迁成为了真正的大师级实力派先锋乐团,在意淫后摇器乐演奏泛滥的今天,无意为想象力丰富的乐迷奏响了来自金属乐更加技术化更具张力的自由之音。

来自冰雪之国加拿大的新生代电吉他演奏家Nick Johnston,一颗吉他演奏乐坛急速蹿红的超新星,融合Richie Kotzen式的柔情演奏风格,Guthrie Govan式的超强技术,Nuno般的俊朗舞台形象,标志性的银灰色 SCHECTER 吉他。他自称他的演奏风格为Atomic rock(原子摇滚),旋律优美充满细节感,貌似传统但却充满新鲜感,与老一辈的速弹大师们风格截然不同。而曾经与当红前卫金属乐团 POLYPHIA 合作单曲 Champagne 也让他为广大新生代重型乐迷所熟知。

The process of innovation doesn’t sit still or sleep. Instead, it relies on constant motion. In 2015, Periphery landed two albums in the Top 20 of Billboard’s Top 200 chart as Juggernaut: Alpha and Juggernaut: Omega respectively bowed at #15 and #16 during the same week. Meanwhile, the intertwined conceptual epic garnered praise from Rolling Stone, Alternative Press, Outburn, and more. Only months after the release, the Washington, D.C. progressive metal disruptors—Misha Mansoor [guitars, programming], Jake Bowen [guitar, programming, backing vocals], Matt Halpern [drums], Spencer Sotelo [lead vocals], Mark Holcomb [guitars], and Adam “Nolly” Getgood [studio bass, guitars, programming]—collectively decided to start creating what would become their 2016 full-length, Periphery III: Select Difficulty [Sumerian Records].
Forward progression defines Periphery’s trajectory. Since the release of 2010’s self-titled debut, the band has covered magazines such as Guitar World, Revolver, Modern Drummer, Bass Player, and more. Boasting a relentless touring ethic, they’ve packed venues on bills with everyone from Deftones and Dream Theater to Between The Buried and Me. In addition to performing at festivals such as Rock on the Range, Chicago Open Air, Download, and more, the musicians lead their own summer camp: the “Periphery Summer Jam.”
Going into their latest offering, the boys would continue to embrace that evolutionary spirit. Expanding the sonic palette, Misha bought a Moog synthesizer and incorporated it into the framework of the album. He also drew from orchestral libraries to infuse a cinematic scope
Periphery III kickstarts on the chugging smash of the first single “The Price Is Wrong.” Driven by an artillery of neck-snapping guitars and a stunning groove, it immediately sets the record’s tone.
Once again, Misha and “Nolly” spearheaded production and engineering. Another change occurred following recording though, when “Nolly” announced he would remain a studio member based back home in the UK, but no longer tour in order to focus on his production work and family.
Charging full speed ahead, Periphery continue to make seismic impact with Periphery III: Select Difficulty.

Sometimes, a band’s music registers just as seismically on an emotional wavelength as it does on a sonic spectrum. Animals As leaders—Tosin Abasi [guitar], Javier Reyes [guitar], and Matt Garstka [drums]—reimagine, reinterpret, and refresh instrumental prog, experimental metal, modern jazz, alternative, and even world music to a point where the reaction becomes primal on their fourth full-length album, The Madness of Many [Sumerian Records].
That’s why Animals As Leaders have risen to celebrated heroes of their respective instruments since first emerging in 2007. Most recently, 2014’s The Joy of Motion bowed at #24 on the Billboard Top 200, moving 13,000 copies first-week. Along the way, the trio has earned acclaim from the likes of Consequence of Sound, Revolver, Ultimate Guitar, and Rolling Stone who extolled them, “as satisfying in their visceral kick as they are in dazzling displays of dexterity.” Tosin would grace the cover of Guitar World twice, while Matt covered Modern Drummer. Consistently delivering a captivating show, they’ve toured alongside Deftones, Between The Buried And Me, Periphery, and many others in addition to Tosin joining Joe Satriani at the G4 Experience and Steve Vai and Nuno Bettencourt for the Generation Axe Tour. Matt remains a sought-after talent, performing on Late Night With Seth Meyers and at drum clinics and festivals worldwide, and Javier’s solo project Mestis stands out as a fan favorite.
When it came time to begin working on new music in late 2015, the musicians possessed a clear vision for their next evolution.
The band opened up the writing process like never before since Matt joining in 2012. Ideas were flowing freely, and his contributions added another dimension to the group’s signature style.
Ultimately, The Madness of Many will impact listeners like only Animals As Leaders can.
Javier leaves off, “I just want to blow people’s minds and leave them speechless, so they want to share the record.”

Nick Johnston is a Canadian guitarist known for his catchy, melody-driven instrumental music. With his guitar, Nick has been able to carve out his own unique style within a crowded landscape of instrumental guitarists. Nick is a firm believer that “you are what you eat” and that by listening to many different styles, a songwriter can be exposed to different harmonies, rhythms, time signatures and tones. This eclectic inspiration is evident in his sound, which ranges from blues to prog, to jazz, to gypsy, spanning anything and everything in-between. Though his style is ever evolving, his music is consistently detailed and technical while managing to be instantly recognizable as Nick Johnston. 
Hailed as a modern guitar virtuoso, Nick remains incredibly modest, his success attributed primarily to a strong work ethic and genuine love for his instrument. This energy spans beyond his playing, translating into a sincere respect for the people working around him, be it the neighbour boy who first introduced him to guitar or the legendary musicians he’s developed relationships with throughout his career. 
These relationships make up the backbone of Nick Johnston’s music. His music has attracted guest solos from guitar icons Paul Gilbert and Guthrie Govan and has included rhythm sections featuring Marco Minnemann and Bryan Beller, of The Aristocrats. Additionally, Nick has been featured on records for other artists including guest guitar solos for prog-rock bands Periphery and Polyphia respectively. 

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