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1月2日 Monday 星期一
BREAKDOWN OF SANITY is coming in New Year’s Day!!!
嘉宾 Guest: LIFE
2007年冬季,风景优美的中欧小国瑞士,Oliver Stingel在退出他之前乐队那一刻起便着手创建一支新团,直到他碰见同样疯狂的音乐核类分子Carlo,于是疯狂的BREAKDOWN OF SANITY在小城伯恩诞生了。
最初二人在鼓机的辅助下迫不及待地实验着自己的音乐想法,很快,Oliver之前的队友、贝斯手César Gonin加入乐队,BOS的阵容初步形成。2008年,在密集的排练与二琴Sandro加入之后,他们正式开始巡演。第二年,乐队正式发行了首张专辑《The Last Sunset》,整张作品由乐队自行制作,超燃的编曲配以数以吨计的Breakdown,令一众乐迷大呼过瘾,BoS迈出了坚实的第一步。时隔两年,他们再次带来更加优秀的第二张专辑《Mirrors》,旋律变得更加优美,自主操控的制作使得乐曲风格更加自由,乐队在金属核的基础上增加了前卫元素,不俗的新鲜感使得这张专辑成为名副其实的突破之作。第三张专辑《Perception》则延续了乐队非常成功的音乐路线,虽然形式上无甚创新,但乐队以更加成熟的能力使得专辑的可听度更胜以往。凭借三张精彩作品,BoS逐渐成为金属核进化过程中的新一代旗帜。
2016年最新专辑《Coexistence》请到了来自 CRYSTAL LAKE的Ryo
Kinoshita重磅加盟,依旧精彩的编曲演奏、更加前卫的核式编排,BoS在保持原有特色的同时再次突破自身,使得新专辑的耐听度更胜一筹。成军十年,BoS以《Coexistence》的精彩证明了他们依然是当今的摩登金属DIY制作旗手,以卓越的才华注入无限自由的音乐框架之下,以无所畏惧的姿态打造出最新时代的音乐标志。BREAKDOWN OF SANITY将在新旧更替的元旦带来理智与音符的超级碰撞,甩至头断,就在BoS的现场,领略理智崩溃的金属教义!!!
Just as the way everything evolves, metal music
has become more and more like one art of fusion. Of all the new genres in the
past 2 dacades, Metalcore is the flag that every metal fan cannot ignore. After
more than 10 years’ revolution, we have found more and more legion behind its
The Swiss Metalcore-Group Breakdown of Sanity was
built in 2007, when guitarist Oliver Stingel began to write new songs after the
breakup of his former band Paranoia. Shouter Carlo, the guitar player of Nerph,
has soon come to the new camp and decided to be a part of it. With a programmed
drumkit, the two metalcore-maniacs shortly began to create their new music.
Oliver’s past bandmate Bass guitar player César Gonin was easy to wow for this
new project. The line-up remains incomplete until December 2007 when Thomas
Rindlisbacher became noticeable, at the time he was playing with the band
Mortal Hatred.
When Breakdown of Sanity was ready to hit the
road in 2008, they decided to look for a second guitarist, and shortly after Sandro
Keusen was found. In this form Breakdown of Sanity express some music, that is
clearly recognized as metalcore. Reams of influences is impressing the sound,
in which a self-made, new character in the music simply can’t be missed. Brute
riffs and knockdown breakdowns are cleverly changing with melodic parts, what
makes it possible for shouter Carlo to add some clean singing into the songs.
So the music becomes once more eclectic and sets a lot more emotions free. The
lyrics are including basically social critical and personal content. The name
of the band Breakdown of Sanity reflects on the one hand the unbelievable
aggression in the music, and on the other hand the dreary Zeitgeist in which we
are living today. By the way, the concept ’Breakdown’ is a small advice to the
content of their music, because breakdowns arent’ really missing in the
compositions of these Bernese guys...
February 2009, BoS published their first
self-produced LP
After 3 years, they come back with the latest
晚8:30 // 160元(现场)/ 120元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 8:30 // Rmb 160 (door) /
120 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)