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Price: ¥180

Sunday, December 18, 2016 21:30 to 23:00
Organizer: 愚公移山 More Events

Price: ¥180


Sunday, December 18, 2016 21:30 to 23:00 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

Price: ¥180

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Sunday, December 18, 2016 21:30 to 23:00

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野马现场呈现 YEMA Live Presents:




Snakehips,一支来自英国的新锐电音二人组,由 Oliver Lee 和 James Carter 两个成员组成,音乐风格以 R&B 和流行电子为主。2014 年 8 月,Snakehips 和英国歌手 Sinead Harnett 合作,发行了他们的首支单曲《Days With You》;2015 年 3 月,Snakehips 在索尼旗下发行了首张EP《Forever, Pt.II》。2015 年 10 月发布的单曲《All My Friends》为他们赢得了广泛的关注。这支单曲不仅由知名美国女歌手 Tinashe 倾情献唱,还得到了美国获奖无数的 Hip-hop 界大神 Chance The Rapper 的鼎力相助,仅发行一周,就强势冲上 UK 单曲榜前五。就在今年,他们与One Direction 单飞成员 Zayn 合作了一首全新单曲《Cruel》,取得了金唱片的成绩,也算是为他们的新专辑热身。

在 Snakehips 的音乐里,除了可以听到Trap、Typical Hiphop、R&B、Electronic,甚至是 Jazz 等多样的音乐风格,最常出现的就是那些让人控制不住自己的、仿佛置身夜店的脉冲Hit和密集鼓点。

这一次 Snakehips 之所以选择来到中国,很大一部分原因是因为他们奇妙的“邂逅”过程。2012 年夏天,Oliver Lee 和 James Carter 两人初次相遇在香港的一个小有名气的小酒馆,当时的他们都还在不同的项目中演出。演出结束后,二人巧合般地相遇,发现双方共同的音乐追求,随后相约在离开香港前一块儿合作。但没想到,两个人随后都很有“默契”地把这件事抛在了脑后,直到在回英国的航班上,才突然想起来这件事,并正式约定了要进行合作,这才有了 Snakehips 的诞生。而成员 Oliver 在进队前本是一个能轻松驾驭各种音乐风格、精通多种乐器的音乐大神;而 James 则早已是一个世界闻名、演出费高昂的萨克斯演奏家,可谓 Jazz 界一大标杆。但是出于两人共同的对新兴电子音乐制作技术的好奇,他们才一拍即合,成功组队。

Snakehips 这两个有才又有颜,还如此热爱亚洲的大男孩即将来到帝都演出,喜欢电子的你还在等什么呢?

Snakehips are a British R&B and Electronic music duo. The line-up consists of Oliver Lee and James Carter. Snakehips released their debut single, "Days with You" in August 2014, featuring vocals from British singer Sinead Harnett. They released their debut EP, Forever, Pt. II in March 2015. In October 2015, they released their best-known single "All My Friends". The song features vocals from notable American singer Tinashe and American Hip-hop recording artist Chance the Rapper. The song peaked at number 5 on the UK Singles Chart in only a week. In 2016, the duo team up with former One Direction member Zayn and produce a new single titled , it was a gold certified single, which is also a warm up for their brand new album.

You can enjoy diverse genres through their music, including Trap, Typical Hiphop, R&B Electronic, and even a few Jazz. The most attractive elements are the intensive pulse and beats, which makes you lose control of yourself and feel as if you’re exposed in the hottest nightclub.

The reason why Snakehips chose China, is that they actually met magically in Hong Kong, China. The pair crossed paths in Hong Kong in summer 2012, whilst working on separate projects at notable sake bar. They bonded over similar music tastes and agreed to meet again to discuss all things music before the trip was over. Both Carter and Lee forgot this engagement; as luck would have it however, the pair were to be rekindled on a flight traveling to London and agreed to work together in the studio. After success working in the studio, the two decided to call the project Snakehips. What’s more, before Snakehips was created, the member Oliver was a talented multi-instrument player who can easily handle a variety of music genres, while James was a world-famous Saxophone player. Out of the same curiosity of Electronic music tech, the two finally hit it off and therefore created such wonderful “Snakehips” music.

The fact that Snakehips loves Asian is definitely undeniable. Now, two gifted and pretty boys are landing Beijing. Come on, those who love Electronic music, why wait? Get a ticket and let’s dance!


晚9:30 // 240元(现场)/ 180元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)

Pm 9:30 // Rmb 240 (door) / 180 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)

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