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12月3日 Saturday 星期六
KOVLO于2003年在瑞士卢加诺组建,他们的音乐时动时静,不但有内敛神秘的阴郁氛围,也有混杂了躁动不安的暴力美学,并且深受Mogwai、GSYBE!、Shellac、Isis、Explosion in the Sky、Sigur Ros等乐队的深厚影响。在连续发了三张唱片《A new position for
the second degree burnt》(2005)、《I'm so
happy on this boat》(2008)和《Hey Mom,
where's Timbuktu?》(2011)之后,KOVLO开始向更加深邃的器乐摇滚、后摇滚以及氛围音乐里探索。期间,他们的巡演足迹遍布欧洲各地,也被公认为瑞士最好的后摇乐队。
2012年,乐队为瑞士独立电影《Tutti Giu - Everybody sometimes falls》(中文片名:疼痛青春)创作了电影原声,2013年,随着该影片的公映并在欧洲获得了很多电影节奖项之后,KOVLO也于2013年2月正式发表了这张原声大碟。功夫不负有心人,获得了很多知名厂牌青睐的KOVLO,最终签约在后摇名厂Fluffery旗下,并开始潜心录制新专辑。
The instrumental sound of KOVLO moves between
quiet, intimate and mysterious soundscapes, blending it with hypnotic, furious
and violent noise explosions in the best tradition of bands such as Mogwai,
GSYBE!, Shellac, Isis, Explosion in the Sky, Sigur Ros.
With the release of their first three records,
"A new position for the second degree burnt" (2005), "I'm so
happy on this boat" (2008) and "Hey Mom, where's Timbuktu?"
(2011), KOVLO has become one of the most interesting and important Swiss
post-rock and instrumental rock bands achieving thus international audience and
positive critics.
As it happens with most post-rock bands, the live
experience is essential to discover and enjoy the music of KOVLO. During their
live perfomances, the band is able to express at their best the tension and
power of their music with its psychedelic and hypnotic sounds. During their
European tours they played in various countries, including Germany,
Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Czech Republic to name a few.
In 2012 the band composed the original soundtrack
for Swiss movie "Tutti Giù - Everybody sometimes falls", wich was
selected at different film festivals (Locarno, Montreal, Kaunas, Mons and Hof).
The original soundtrack was then released as their latest album so far in
February 2013.
After a line-up change in 2014, with the
introduction of their latest drummer and keyboards, the band decided to embrace
a new project. They are currently working on fresh sounds and compositions that
will follow up soon.
晚9点 // 120元(现场)/ 90元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 120 (door) / 90 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)