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TOE 2016 巡演北京站

Price: ¥220

Friday, December 2, 2016 21:00 to 23:00
Organizer: 愚公移山 More Events

Price: ¥220

TOE 2016 巡演北京站

Friday, December 2, 2016 21:00 to 23:00 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

Price: ¥220

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Friday, December 2, 2016 21:00 to 23:00

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12月2日 Friday 星期五
TOE 2016 巡演北京站
TOE "HEAR YOU"2016 China tour

对于很多中国的乐迷来讲,TOE这个名字并不陌生。流畅的旋律,灵动多变的节奏,轻松的曲风,以及只属于他们的独特音色与音乐结构让全世界的乐迷为之着魔, 而他们极富感染力的现场表现更是让人折服。


TOE不仅多次参与日本最负盛名的Fuji Rock 音乐节,今年8月,TOE还作为主力阵容登上英国 ArcTanGent 音乐节的舞台 , 并展开了几乎场场售罄的8城欧洲巡演,成为继MONO 之后最具国际影响力的日本乐队。而他们在韩国、台湾、香港以及中国内地的演出也常常是一票难求,是为数不多的具备国际级水准的亚洲乐队之一。

近些年来,TOE不断尝试在作品中融入原声吉他、电钢琴以及颤音琴等全新音色,曲风更趋于细腻柔和,然而不变的仍是TOE 那招牌式的流畅而悦耳的旋律。2015年,TOE 推出了久违的全新专辑《Hear you》, 这也是继2009年《For Long Tomorrow》之后,时隔6年推出的第三张全长专辑。与以往作品相比,新专辑加入不少人声,甚至邀请到著名歌手Chara以及木村カエラ为专辑献声。
2014年,TOE曾经由NewNoise介绍来到中国巡演,两站门票全部提前售罄,他们现场的专注、忘我、全情投入的现场演出让观众惊叹。2016年12月,NewNoise年底最后一个重磅演出,TOE 将带着新专辑《Hear you》再次造访京沪2城,必将成为今年数摇迷的两大盛会。

New Noise is super excited to announce that Japanese instrumental band TOE will be hitting Shanghai / Mao Livehouse on Dec 1 and Beijing / Yugong Yishan on Dec 2. After selling out both their shows in China two years ago, Toe will return to present their new critically acclaimed album “Hear You”.  Composed of Kashikura Takashi on drums, Mino Takaaki on guitar, Yamane Satoshi on bass guitar, and Yamazaki Hirokazu on guitar, TOE is one of these bands that blows everybody away with their intense live shows, Expect an overwhelming post rock experience of beautiful harmonies performed by world class musicians.

The band is known for its melodic, clean guitar settings. Additionally, the compositions have repetition from typical rock motifs, but use very subtle changes in beat and rhythm to form a unique sound. The band has changed their sound over their musical tenure by incorporating vocals, acoustic guitars, Rhodes piano, and vibraphones in their most recent releases.The beauty of their majestic music is that it sounds as if mystical harmonies and raw emotion is being churned out at the same time. After selling out shows all over the world and playing festivals such as Fuji Rock, Arctangent, we can’t wait for TOE to set foot on Chinese soil again. Their explosive live performances have left fans across the globe spellbound.

晚9点 // 260元(现场)/ 220元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 260 (door) / 220 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)

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