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ANDRES GODOY & AGUSTIN AMIGO & 黄家伟 Never Give Up 永不放弃

Price: ¥180

Sunday, November 6, 2016 20:00 to 23:00
Organizer: 愚公移山 More Events

Price: ¥180

ANDRES GODOY & AGUSTIN AMIGO & 黄家伟 Never Give Up 永不放弃

Sunday, November 6, 2016 20:00 to 23:00 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

Price: ¥180

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Sunday, November 6, 2016 20:00 to 23:00

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116 星期日 Sunday


Never Give Up 永不放弃

Naga Guitars 音乐会系列 - Andres Godoy & Agustin Amigo & 黄家伟 – Never Give Up – 永不放弃!将再次在中国上演特殊的指弹吉他盛宴!永不放弃心中的梦想,不管那梦想是否是水中月镜中花,不管那梦想是否如幻境一般的渺茫!

11月6日,北京愚公移山! 2016北京指弹音乐会收官之作!

Andres Godoy

是一位不平凡的,来自于智力圣安东尼奥(San Antonio)的创作型吉他音乐家。10岁的时候,他的祖父祖母Manuel 与 María 给了他人生第一把吉他,他见到之后非常喜欢,并且努力练习,12岁的时候,Andres就已经成为当地小有名气的吉他手,一切……看起来都是那么幸福与阳光。然而,他14岁时却经历了一次人生的巨大转折,一场意外事故让他失去了整个右臂,并且下肢,肋骨,脊柱也多处骨折,导致下肢严重截瘫。人生是一条漫长的旅途。有平坦的大道,也有崎岖的小路;有灿烂的鲜花,也有密布的荆崎。在这旅途上每个人都会遭受挫折,生命的价值就是坚强的闯过挫折,冲出坎坷!你跌倒了,不要乞求别人把你扶起;你失去了,不要乞求别人替你找回。虽然经历了如此巨大的身体重创,但Andres从来没有放弃过追寻自己的梦想 —— 成为一名音乐家。

Andres 有着太多太多的故事,曾经的他被人觉得荒谬,甚至,别人觉得可笑。但这些都没有改变Andres内心的挚爱 —— 吉他,音乐,完美,和谐。意外事故之后,Andres 仍然用火样的热情、丰富的想象力、坚强的毅力、巧妙的创新还有执着的爱来继续实现自己的梦想,创造出用单手也能演奏吉他的神话,并且创造了属于自己的演奏风格 – Tatap。Tatap 是用左手敲击、扫弦、勾弦等技巧让吉他同时产生和声,节奏,还有旋律的一种吉他演奏技巧。Andres 所创造的Tatap,不仅是他在音乐上的贡献,同时也被认为是在心理学,社会学上的伟大贡献。然而对于Andres来说,Tatap不仅仅是一种吉他技巧,更是一种积极与创造性的生活方式,是一种提高与创新之路!俗话说:“世上无难事,只怕有心人”。恒心就是坚韧不拔的毅力,十足的自信坚持;百折不挠的精神;贞固不变的气质,排除纷繁复杂的耐性,从容淡定的睿智。Andres真正诠释了“一切皆有可能”,他突破重重困难,战胜了一切不可能。那段时间,所有人都认为Andres再也无法走路了,然而Andres用行动和事实告诉他们,他也可以削土豆,给自己的孩子换尿布,爬树,爬山,弹吉他……一切,都源于毅力,想象力,意志,还有爱。

2007年开始,Andres开始活跃在在世界各地的音乐节、演奏会、大学、电视、广播中……美国,加拿大,德国,意大利,比利时,法国,荷兰,中国……等世界各地都有他的足迹。并且出版了自己的吉他技巧书籍 —— 《Tatap: Technique for guitar with one hand》。Andres Godoy,这位不平凡的音乐家已经被载入智利的音乐史 - Balmaceda 1215, School of Rock, SCD.永不放弃,相信一切皆有可能!Andres 给所有人证明了,世上无难事,只怕有心人!

Agustin Amigo

喜欢吉他与环游世界的 Agustin Amigo 这次将再度踏上中国这片壮阔的土地. 来自西班牙的他目前旅居德国,一有空闲便四处游历,这样的过程让 Agustin Amigo 吸收各地不同的文化进而展现在他的吉他音乐里! 就跟他的名字西班牙字义 "朋友" 一样,他喜欢跟世界各地的人做朋友,他经常在当地演出后便为这个城市写一首曲子. Agustin Amigo 的录音全在自家设置的专业录音室中完成 , 他对吉他的狂热让人感动 !他的音乐丰富迷人 !也请您给 Agustin Amigo 最热烈热情的掌声鼓励 !


1998 年的一曲 “风之国度” , 如春雷乍响般的惊醒土壤中沈睡经年渴望新鲜活水的音乐灵魂 ! 自此台湾指弹音乐正式萌芽,影响层面之广至今仍为人所乐道 . 创作人黄家伟为印度尼西亚华侨,少年时移民台湾,离乡背井及生活的艰难让他与自小为伴的吉他形影不离. 大学时民歌西餐厅盛行,喜欢吉他与拥有一副好歌喉的他便在餐厅驻唱半工半读维持生计. 因此吉他对黄家伟而言是个陪伴他渡过思乡之苦与支撑生活的好伙伴 ! 偶然间接触指弹吉他后便为此种音乐型态大为倾倒,自认对吉他再熟悉不过的他大感讶异,原来,对于这个老朋友的认识还太少太少, 而之后,就为了热爱的指弹吉他音乐坚定的走到今天了 ! 黄家伟的音乐是由不同文化孕育洗礼而来, 既有南岛的慵懒闲适,也有浓厚东方丝竹音韵,再加上乐观天性与优美的音色驾驭技巧所融合出属于他自己的音乐风格。

Andrés Godoy

Andrés Godoy was born in San Antonio, Chile. He is a one of a kind guitar player who only plays the guitar with his left hand.

At the age of 10, his grandparents gave him his first guitar. From there he had tutors whom he learned many different styles and techniques of popular and classical guitar.

At 14, Andrés had an accident in which he lost all of his right arm. But through the passion, imagination, perseverance, creativity and practice, Andrés invented a technique that enable him to play the guitar in one hand which what he called “Tatap”. He plays the percussion, strumming which he creates rhythmns, harmonies, songs and music with only his right hand.

Andrés has showcased the technique on several international tours (he recently returned from China), and in addition to a career spanning 40 years both as an ensemble and solo guitarist.


Andrés has published 5 Independent Disks:

1. We are not alone (1985)

2. Respite (1990)

3. Ten Pieces For a Hand (1994)

4. Species (orchestral work not published in 1996)

5. The Risa o of Send (Black Sheep 2007)

Music Production

From 1991 up to 2013, his parallel work develops a comprehensive Music Production. From his experience, Andrés guides and supported countless bands highlighting the Chilean music scene including hit records made at: Synergy, Worst of Chile, 2X, Polimetro, Cholomandinga, Los Bandoleros Teno, Subaltern, Tito Escárate, Kekoyoma, Chocloneta, Lilith, Killterry, Cabrera, Kimeros and more.

Agustin Amigo

Agustin Amigo is a passionate song maker and acoustic guitarist. Born in the Canary Islands, the Spanish guitarist moved at teenager age out of his parents’ house to Germany where he met Ulli Boegershausen. The German master encouraged him to play solo acoustic guitar and from that moment on Amigo started an astonishing journey of music creativity and own distinct style.

He has composed more than 100 songs and recorded 5 albums. The leading German acoustic guitar magazine “Akustik Gitarre” writes about Amigo: “Amigo has an own signature style with immaculate beautiful tone” and praises his music: “a really recommendable album with atmospheric instrumentals full of rich harmonies and remarkably pleasing sound".

Indeed, Amigo has a great clarity in the voicing of his music that makes it enjoyable to listen to, but also a tremendous quality of sound coming through his guitar and setup, as notes blend into certain notes and others fade creating a great flow and feel.

He has performed live in many European- and Asian concert halls, playing solo or sharing the stage with famous fingerstyle players like Jacques Stotzem, Masa Sumide, Huang Chia Wei or Sungha Jung.

Amigo proudly plays Naga Guitars and Elixir Strings.

List of records: 2010- "Words I Couldn´t Say"/ 2011- "If Only You Knew"/ 2012- "Turtle in the Sun"/ 2014- "Singapore"/ 2015- “The Power of Love”

Huang Chia Wei

In Fingerstyle music world, Huang Chia Wei’s name, is indispensable; He is dedicated to guitar music education and promotion, He is a pioneer Taiwan Fingerstyle guitarist.

His music combined Chinese traditional music and western guitar techniques. Creating a gentle, romantic, relaxed melodies.

His original song “Realm of Wind” has become No.1 hit in Taiwan Fingerstyle music, almost every Fingerstyle player has coved this song, meanwhile, his arrangement “Loving You” also get more than 1,500,000 views in Youku.

Not only a guitarist, he is also a promoter in Fingerstyle music, He started to promote Fingerstyle music in Taiwan since 1995, during these years, Chia Wei has invited many world-class Fingerstyle guitarists to Asia, such as: Tommy Emmanuel, Pierre Bensusan, Masaaki Kishibe, Sungha Jung and so forth.

晚8点 // 380元(VIP)/ 220元(现场)/ 180元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)

Pm 8 // Rmb 380(VIP)/ 220 (door) / 180 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis) /

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